So which games do you have more than a single copy of? I always read about people double or triple dipping...

So which games do you have more than a single copy of? I always read about people double or triple dipping, but I wonder how common it actually is.

Even as a budget gamer, I often feel tempted to buy another version of a game I already own on another platform.

I bought vanilla Simcity 4 and the Rush Hour expansion pack on release. I bought Deluxe Edition for myself (which is just both together on one CD instead of two) and gave the original CDs to a friend. I ended up getting it one more time on GoG a year or two ago. I don't really have a justification for that one, other than it was like $2 or something ridiculous and having a DRM free installer felt like it would be handy some day.

Do you like that game actually?

For me it's normally it's normally a game i really like that has multiple additions. For example i have the original and substance/subsistence versions on MGS 2/3 as well as the "copies" of both on the HD collection before i sold it.

I actually own every release of Kirby's Adventure, and only 3 of them were intentional.

The only game I have few copies of is Resident Evil 4


>a few
How many exactly?

Really just Dragon Age Inquisition.
>bought for 360 before they discontinued support for it
>bought through Origin before potato died
>finally said fuck it and got the GOY edition for Xbone

Resident Evil 4, Bayonetta, Mario Kart 8. I bought a second copy of MGS4 because I found a copy at a Gamestop with the European cover art

I've only done it with two, Devil May Cry series and Dark Souls series, multiple times really. They are my favourites and I always find myself replaying the games accross the year every year.
Have Dark Souls 1 on 360/PC, DaS2 on 360/PS4/PC. DaS3 on PS4. (Haven't bought PC version yet cause I didn't want to deal with hackers. Also no Demon Souls cause no PS3)
For DMC I've got the original PS2 releases of the trilogy, 360 HD collection, DMC4 on 360/PC and SE on PS4 and PC. Currently planing on buying the PC HD collection this march, hoping for some good mods for 1 and 2 (will also buy the ps4 version down the line).

Dragons Dogma. Bought the original release on 360, but couldn't really get into it.

Half a year later, Dark Arisen gets announced. I was pissed at first, but when I read about the changes to ferrystones and portcrystals I was ecstatic. I really hated how they handled fast travel in vanilla. So I clocked over 250 hours into DA on 360.

Then I bought it on PC last year, but I was pretty burned out on DD after having played it so much years ago, plus my friends weren't renting my pawn because they never played. Haven't touched it since. But yeah, I bought Dragons Dogma 3 times.

I also own Star Wars: Force Unleashed on both PC and 360. PC version was like 10 bucks on sale last year and I wanted to relive some nostalgia.

I intentionally bought the NES version, GBA version, and 3D classics version. Got the Wii VC version for free somehow. Got the WiiU VC when it was 40 cents because why not? Also got it through the NES mini and Kirby's Dream Collection.

Why buy Mario Kart 8 more than once? Did it get released on more than one Nintendo console?

Why did you even buy that shit the first time?

Just elder scrolls games.
I played Morrowind and Oblivion on consoles first but purchased another copy when I got my first gaming pc.

Only bought one copy of skyrim tho.

I own Sonic Adventure 2 on PS3, GC, and PC and I've owned over 4 copies of Melee at some point (two of them were gifts and one of them never worked at all). I'm sure there's others that I'm forgetting.

pic related, it's the fourth time I've bought this game and probably not the last.

oh and Dragon's Dogma. Bought the original and got dark arisen for free via psn+ and then bought dark arisen again when it came out for PC.

I have both versions of Megaman X Command Mission. I stopped playing the one I intentionally bought because of the encounter rate bug and got the second version in a bundle of used games. Haven't finished either.

>encounter rate bug
enlighten me

I own an embarrassing amount of different RE4 versions

Xbox 360

Deluxe version on Switch.

Even the NES mini version? I'm impressed.

I suppose those were all digital copies for PC, right?

Why do you like Adventure 2 so much?

GTA V(i regret it)
Catherine (pc, x360)
Gta sa (x360, ps2, pc)
Fallout new vegas (pc, x360)

I have Overwatch and D44m on PC and PS4

Alien: Isolation , DMC4on PS4/3, and PC

Dragons Dogma on PS3/PC

SoTC, Kinetica, DMC1-3 on PS2/3

Gianna Sisters on PS3/4

The Darkness 2 on PC/360

Basically, yeah. When I end up liking a game, I'm prone to buying future iterations of it on better platforms/hardware with a longer shelf life. I mean who doesn't own at least 3 versions of RE4?

MGSV: steam, ps4, xbone
Dark Souls: steam, xb360
Dark Souls 2: steam, xb360
Dark Souls 3: steam, ps4
Street Fighter 4: steam, xb360

This was years and years ago so I'm probably misremembering details, but I remember getting really frustrated with something or other and deciding to look up information online. At that point, I read that the encounter rate logic was somehow tied to the framerate, and since the GC version ran at 60fps and the PS2 version ran at 30fps the GC version had way more random battles. Absolutely sucked all my motivation away.

>Why do you like Adventure 2 so much?
Nostalgia mostly, with a healthy dose of autism. I suppose it helps that I have a lot of friends who get really hyped about the chao garden shit so every so often we end up playing through it and trading chao and making them fight and shit. This last time we did it though it had been like 5-6 years so being older it was a lot easier to figure shit out like making an all S-Rank chao lol. Made it a rather quick playthrough once they realized they had basically no chance at winning any races or karate without doing the same.

I can understand upgrading from console to PC, but what possessed you to buy MGSV for both consoles?

I can't wait for RE4 to come to the Switch. I've been waiting for a portable version of it for so long, and I really thought 3DS/Vita was where it was going to happen.

>played wii edition first
>wanted to experience it in its original form so I bought the gamecube version
>bought the ps2 version for a friends bday
>lost wii and gc in a fire
>last buy was PC edition

i bought Metal Gear Rising physical and then later digitally because my disk broke. I had REmake on the Wii and now on the PS4, same with RE4 except it was PS2, and RE3 on gamecube and then PS3. There’s probably more I can’t think of

I have every single version of Cave Story and Cave Story+ barring the DSi release.

>mechanics that shouldn't be locked to framerate are
reminds of fucking dark souls 2 and its fps related weapon durability glitch. if you ran at 60fps your weapons all broke 2x faster than people playing the 30fps console versions (or running on toasters I guess)

>Alan Wake
360 + Steam
360 + Steam
>Dead Island
Untouched physical disc for PC + Steam
>Dungeon Siege 3
360 + Steam
>Shadowrun trilogy
GoG + Steam
GoG + Steam

If I could go back I wouldn't even play Dead Island and wouldn't have bought DS3 on 360. Only bought Alan Wake on Steam because it was practically free and because I like Remedy.
The only double dips I did because I was a huge fan where Terraria and Shadowrun and maybe Bayonetta.

They could re-release RE4 again in 5 years and i’d Still buy it

I'm totally going to double dip on Bayonetta 1&2 when it comes out next month.

Bayonetta on Wii U and PC, Switch when it comes out
OoT on N64, GCN, AND 3DS
Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii and Wii U
Bastion on 360 and PC

I imagine the Switch will have me double dipping on games in the future

Technically FFX on PS2, since i loaned a copy to a friend and she still hasn't returned it. But also the PS3 version.
Mirror's Edge on PS3/PC. Stalker retail and on Steam, along with Spellforce, DoW, and quite a few others.
Guess you could count MGS4, since i bought the collection as well.

the third copy was like 20bucks by the time i got it
i get to start another file and go full lethal

5 copies of MGS3
4 copies of SimCity 4
3 copies of the Sims 3
I used to own 7 copies of Star Wars Battlefront 2

I own Nights Into Dreams on Saturn and PS2, as well as digitally on PS3 and Steam and have gifted like thirty to forty copies of it on the latter

Used to have more copies of the Saturn version from various regions but I sold them off since they were just wastes of space and I'm not a collectorfag anyway.

I distictively remember someone here on Sup Forums posting his four region copies of NiGHTS. It was USA, EU, Jap and Brazil regions. Was that you?

>gifted 30 to 40 copies of NiGHTS
I own this badass copy myself but I don't even like it THAT much, I just wanted the controller. I've heard of people being obsessed with this game before, too.

Nah I never got around to getting a Brazilian copy even though I eyed them for a while. And to be fair most if not all those gifted copies were during sales where it was like two bucks.

>and have gifted like thirty to forty copies
I did that with Serious Sam: The First Encounter back when you could still buy the old versions on Steam, since it went down to 50 cents during sales IIRC.

normally anything that went on a humble bundle. Did a clean out of my duplicates 2 years ago and gave them all on here to anons. Never again since none of them even said thankyou or told me when they claimed them

I bought Hot shots invitational for vita on a PSN sale and later I found it very cheap on a retail store so now I paid twice for the game, the physical version is still sealed. I was tempted to buy the PS3 version on another sale but stopped because I didn't want to grind again.

I have Sayonara Umihara Kawase on both 3DS and Steam and I think that's it.

Ive bought dragons dogma so many times and the chances of a sequel have never been lower

Thanks Capcom.

Yeah. I still have fun with it, even unmodded. I wonder how active the modding scene is these days. NAM still got an update in 2017 September.

Apparently Cities Skylines is good, but I haven't jumped on that bandwagon. Otherwise, Simcity 4 is still the best city builder.

into buying another copy

I bought like 5 copies of Bad Rats and sent them to my friends too. Not nearly close to 40 but still, good times

Fallout 3. I’ve bought like 8 or 9 copies abd given them away to friends or family members. It’s my favorites game.

>all these anons ITT who bought Dragons Dogma more than once

i feel your pain

maybe about 80% of the pc games i've owned that were on discs
bought them again digitally because who the fuck uses discs

Nice choice man! I personally prefer Fallout 4, I think you should play it and tell all your friends about it

>one night where I'm bored as fuck
>download the project diva f demo on PS3 since my weeb friend from high school always gushed about miku
>oh fuck this is actually pretty fun
>wind up buying the game on PSN the next day
>later on pick up a physical copy since I always prefer physical versions of games (only got it digitally originally since I wanted that game ASAP and knew I'd never find a copy where I live)
>and then get it again when the vita version got brought over stateside

Easily put over 100 hours into that game across both versions and without a doubt it was my GOTY that year. Never really played much F2nd or got into the series otherwise though. think it was just an odd "right place right time" thing.

Just off the top of my head Bayonetta, Dragon's Dogma, Fatal Frame 1 & 2, Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3, Dino Crisis, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim I have all bought multiple times. Pretty sure there's a lot more than that but I couldn't be bothered checking.

There's plenty of stuff I bought on console and later bought on PC but I'm not counting those.

Cuphead and The Witcher 3

Gotta support the humble indie developers

>Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim
Go away Todd.

I saw the TES anthology for cheap and thought it would be a novel thing to have even though I already own 3 of the 5 games. I probably wouldn't have bought it had I known then that all the physical copies of the games in the anthology are missing shit.

The Witcher 3. The Morally Grey Edition.

I also bought multiple copies of Cuphead.

Resident Evil 4 (GCN, Wii, PS4)
Zone of the Enders series (PS2 and PS3)
Devil May Cry 3 (PS2 and PS3)
Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 (both releases on PS2 as well as the PS3 collection)
Shadow of the Colossus (two copies on PS2, PS3)
Final Fantasy VII (PS1, PS3, and Steam)

Oh, and DMC4 (PS3, original Steam, and SE on PS4)

I own DMC4 on PS3, I bought the SE for PS4 in my bro's console, and then bought it again on my own because I was a dumbass and didn't buy it with my account.

I own all 3 MGS games I got from a bundle pack, and then got the HD collection; same with the DMC games actually.

I bought Dead Rising and even borrowed a 360 just to play it; a few weeks later its remaster was announced and I bought it in a heartbeat.

I have 3 copies of Warcraft 3, both RoC and TFT