HK Thread

>blocks your path

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Corree! Correeeee~!

objectively unfair boss

Wish there was a dream version of this fight.

Is it? I killed these faggots first try.

Lame game

Sometimes I think I'm lost in this game but then I find some cool shit. Still don't have a double jump but I assume one exists.

It does

you get double jump at late-game, but it unlocks a lot of shit.

(Minor spoilers for directions)
There's a place near the bottom of the world you should go check out. You can get to it either through a door in City of Tears, a forgotten path at the bottom of Deepnest, and I forget, but there might be a path to it through the Kingdom's Edge.

>100% chance you already had a shit ton of upgrades

It really bugs the shit out of me that none of the bosses have health bars. I know you can sorta tell how low their hp is by paying attention to their change in behavior, but I still can't think of a reason for them to not have health bars.

dank, last thing I picked up was a tram pass.

Then fastest route is definitely Deepnest, since that's a couple rooms north from it.

Knowing how much health is left will allow you to spam and dump magic near the end in desperation. But without knowing, you have to play skillfully all the way through.

There's no reason to allow the health bar to be visible, except to sate your OCD.

It's only hard if you fight them early in the game like I did.

my GOTY 2017


Oh damn. I had the double jump before I ever explored deepnest, as I avoided that place like wildfire, thinking it was the end game area.

Not really, I just did the down slash a lot.

>But without knowing, you have to play skillfully all the way through
I've fought almost all of the bosses. None of them require you to "play skillfully". As long as you have the charm that allows you to heal quicker, you can basically mash buttons like a tard and still beat them.

Question how do I get my geo from the bank bitch or did I get fucked?

1. Most people don't use that charm.
2. If what you say is true, then you have even less need for the health bar.
3. If you're not even bothering to learn the boss patterns, then you have no right to ask to see the healthbar.

>still no switch version

been waiting since I first beat the game so I can play it again

Half the time I try to downslash these fuckers, the
game says "lol what's collision physics" and even though I hit and damage them, I still fall right into them. Never had this problem with any other enemy.

(and btw i've beaten them 3 times)

>using easy mode charm

1. You have a source for this claim? You're saying most players don't equip one of the best bossfighting charms in the game?
2. The game is very vague about how much damage your nail and spells do, and AFAIK the game doesn't tell you how much hp bosses have, which means boss fights can drag on for a long fucking time
3. I literally said that you can notice changes in boss behavior to determine how close they are to death. I just don't understand why this otherwise good game doesn't have what 99% of games with bosses have.

If you use any charms at all or have ever upgraded your nail, then you're playing the game on easy mode

She's in the City of Tears, but you need a simple key to access her location. The entrance is near the big red guys.

>If you use any charms at all or have ever upgraded your nail, then you're playing the game on easy mode

I think you mean slow and boring mode

Why would you willingly slow the game down like that?

Playing against these faggots with lvl2 nail on a shitty notebook with keyboard was worse than white palace, i had to bruteforce my way with magic, also i can't git gud against radiance

>Why would you willingly slow the game down like that?

Because it makes an otherwise easy game more challenging?

I saw this somewhere else but still is worth saying
>metroidvania tier list
>no metroid
>no castlevania
Whoever did that image was, and is, a massive faggot

How does that even make sense?

Radiance is one of the easier fights though.

>1. You have a source for this claim? You're saying most players don't equip one of the best bossfighting charms in the game?
I watch the game a lot on twitch. And it's pretty interesting how different each player's charm set ends up being as they play. Though more players reply on one of the nail extending charms than I like. I think that charm is a bit of a crutch and useless. But that's neither here nor there. Point is, from my experience, most people don't bother with quick focus.

>2. The game is very vague about how much damage your nail and spells do, and AFAIK the game doesn't tell you how much hp bosses have, which means boss fights can drag on for a long fucking time
Because the game doesn't want you to know. If the boss drags on for a long time, then you either need to wait until you have a better nail, or endure for the length of the fight. But if you knew for certain how much your weapon was doing, then the player would have more incentive to back out of longer fights. With the ambiguity, there's a greater chance that the player will endure.

>3. I literally said that you can notice changes in boss behavior to determine how close they are to death.
Yes, but you are literally not satisfied with what they show you. Which is why you're complaining in the first place. So it sounds to me that you find some necessity in seeing a healthbar. If you DON'T need the healthbar, then why bother questioning?

It took me like 3 tries to beat the first version. That fucking ridiculous shockwave

>tfw it was around this point the game just started stuttering every minute and the frame rate chugged, game was smooth until then
>still somehow managed to beat these fucks, later discovering you can kill one permanently via a secret path

That was some fresh hell. Haven't gone back since just because the frame rate keeps doing that.

Not when you lose fps everytime something shines

Could you imagine playing super metroid with health bars?

Why would you even want to?

>If you DON'T need the healthbar, then why bother questioning?
Because the only games I can think of off the top of my head that have bosses without health bars are Mario and Zelda games.

HK is a solid metroidvania with an amazing aesthetic, but between this and bullshit with the maps, I just don't understand the why.

Because HK is not a hard game. It's a punishing game, but not a hard one. So the idea that using one charm in particular means playing the game on "easy mode" is ridiculous to me.

If other games jumped off a cliff, should Hollow Knight do the same?

What's your gripe with maps, autist-kun?

>only games I can think of off the top of my head that have bosses without health bars are Mario and Zelda games.

>Metroidvania type game

Do I really need to break down what two games up that name?

Just google a mod for health bars, fag

If 90% of games jumped off a cliff, there's probably a good reason to do so.

I don't think I've ever played a metroidvania where the bosses didn't have hp bars.

>there's probably a good reason to do so.
Tell me what that reason is. I'm all ears.

>I don't think I've ever played a metroidvania where the bosses didn't have hp bars.
Metroid and Castlevania don't have health bars.

Has the Hornet DLC come out yet?

Maybe there's a grizzly bear on the cliff, and your chances of survival are better if you jump?

>Metroid and Castlevania don't have health bars.
I haven't played either in over a decade, but I find your claim that SotN didn't have boss hp bars incredibly dubious.

>Castlevania don't have health bars.

>Maybe there's a grizzly bear on the cliff, and your chances of survival are better if you jump?
I meant the games, not the analogy. What's the reason for the game to include healthbars?

>I haven't played either in over a decade, but I find your claim that SotN didn't have boss hp bars incredibly dubious.
Pic related. Middle of a boss. No health bar.

Same video. Later boss. No Healthbar

Meant for

Have a (you)

There is still one more DLC to add to the game before they release the Hornet and Zote playable characters.

this chart is completely wrong

>Cloth dies while fighting the Traitor Lord because I didn't know I could save her
>accidentally dream nail her ghost
Well, this playthrough is over now

>Lu Mulana

FUCK La Mulana. The combat difficulty was perfect. The music was amazing. The graphics were great. The plot was cool.

But holy shit, the puzzles killed any sense of fun. They made no fucking sense.

After 10 hours of getting nowhere, I used a guide and completed the game.

I do not believe that anyone completed La Mulana without a guide.

>start playing Momodora
>receive a healing item
>don't realize it replenishes when you rest... I thought it was consumable and you later find more
>I never use it, out of fear that I would really need it later (like Elixers in Squaresoft RPGs)
>get literally 2/3 of the way though the game. the difficulty is extreme, but I'm enjoying the challenge
>realize that I haven't found any other healing items, then learn that it DOES replenish
>it now seems way too easy
>instantly lose interest in the game
>stop playing

True story. Why the fuck didn't they tell you the healing item isn't one-use??

This boss is really easy to beat if you:
>Got the shadow dash.
>Got the shadow dash charm upgrade.
>Got the quicknail charm.
>Got the extra blue hearts charm.
>+3 nail upgrade.
>Use the chandelier to kill one of the knights.

Literally just wait for him to swing his sword and dash through him, he'll keep swinging and you can demolish him from behind (kek).
You can easily kill him before the second enemy even spawns.

I didn't really like Momodora

Easiest boss in the game.

>I do not believe that anyone completed La Mulana without a guide.
I watched someone do it on stream. But yeah, if you ask around, almost everyone will admit to consulting a guide for this or that. Some more than others.

>tried to fight the boss with base nail
>can't even get to the second phase
>come back with 2 nail upgrades

This fight is all skill.
Most fights in this game are like 70% skill and 30% luck.
If you can't beat this then you're just bad.

Dung Defender and Soul Master were easier

Except for Watcher Knight which is 99% luck.

I beat them with the base nail, bitch.
Then I entered Deepnest and left immediately because AAAHHHHH

If you know how the fight works you can skill your way out of it.
Like every single boss fight out there.

Dung Defender was a lot funner though, and you can't dodge all his attacks all the time.
I was able to dodge everything while fighting Mantis Lords.

>you can't dodge all his attacks all the time

>If you know how any boss works you can work you way out of it
>you can't dodge all his attacks all the time
Way to contradict yourself in the same post.

Also it was easy to avoid every single one of Dung Defender's attacks.

>Dust: An Elysian Tale even being on the list
This is utter trash

Where is Ori and the Blind Forrest
Outside of the story that game is fucking great


>he fell for the Switch meme

Team Cherry already confirmed it.

Tbh one of my favorite fights of the entire game. Got it on the 3rd shot without taking any damage. You just get into the zone and really get into the rhythm. God what a refreshing game.

>quirrel showing up for the uumuu fight
truly my nigga

Been playing my Switch more than either my Xbone or PS4 combined.

Get fucked faggot.

Good lad

mmmmm... Melemouu~

>rabi ribi

You did nothing wrong. Dream nailing just sends them back to the dream world. If you talk to her ghost she tells you how grateful she is for the experience and then vanishes like you were to dream nail her. Also it was better for her to die since she proved to be a good warrior and died honorably in battle.

So I'm a shitter and am at some deep nest after the 3 kings in the mantis village. I only have a train pass thing, walljumps and dash, no nail upgrades. Can anyone point a direction or general idea to head to? This place is pretty tough.

Fucking hell this chart is terrible.

not the one you are answering to, but I love to see eenmy healthbar too, in perspective your character should notice how much damage he has inflcited on an enemy if you want a lore answer and as a gameplay mechanic, valdis story has enemy healthbars and those fights had to be perfect executed to win or get one shot ( on harder dificulties, were still hard on normal tho)

Pssst, hey kid, looks like you're doing well in your Trial of Fools run. You wouldn't mind if I cut in would you?

There's a room with a long drop that you can climb out of to reach the Fungal Wastes. Just go to the center-ish of the area and go up for a while.

what a shit chart

What's the deal with Tiso, was he really a pussy? Thought i would get to fight him in the Colosseum. Felt bad when i found his corpse.


I thought it was a nice betrayal of your expectations. Dude talks mad shit and then you dont even fight him, he just dies like a bitch while you were busy cleaning house.

Thought he was hot shit when he wasn't.

He talked shit
He got hit

He was created by one of the kickstarter backers. Team Cherry was gonna make make him a boss for one of the trials, but they thought it would be unfair to the other backers. I still wanna see what his shield supposedly does though.

I've seen it, and went up there briefly, I'll continue on my way, thanks user

>Bug fags always getting btfo by a fucking cup

The lore doesn't suggest that your character knows the exact physical state of enemies.

I can't say I know how Valdis Story works, because I never played it. But I do know how Hollow Knight works. I can tell you that knowing the health bar would give the player incentive to play more sloppily around the time the enemies tire, because they'll be able to calculate when they come. And also in the end, because they know when that's coming too.

>why didn't you save me, user?

>shoots a fucking triple spread
>has way too much health
>acts like a fucking pussy and flies up where you can't reach em
Fuck these guys

What other games have the same feeling of venturing into the unknown and scale that HK has? Already played all Souls games, Metroid Prime, Super, and Zero Mission, La Mulana, and Castlevania SotN and AoS. Just something exploration focused that you can get lost in.