*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

*rolls away*

>yes geralt, its me. for you see i am a witcher two, assassin of kings
fucking really??

*spams aard at you midrolll*

*drinks vodka*
friendly remember that letho literally did nothing wrong

"Why do you HOUND ME!?"

i wonder how many casuals stopped playing the game because of him


Real talk how do you beat this fucker in anything above easy?

Short of spamming potions before the fight

>Cast Quen
>Get hit immediately by something because of the god awful animations
>Cast Yrden
>He doesn't get stunned 3 out of 4 times
>Cast Aard
>Can only get two hits in, pray he doesn't blast you back with his own Aard
>He launches Igni
>Spams Quen like there's no tomorrow
>If rolling there's a 50/50 chance the shitty hitbox will detect a hit on you and you'll bleed to death


Letho's quest in W3 was pretty good, I hadn't played any of the previous games games so when the ambassador was talking to me at the start I just pressed random options, glad I ended up letting him live.

i can't really remember how i did it, it's been a while. my last playthrough was on dark mode, i think i mostly avoided his attacks and there was one good moment to hit him with aard, he'd just stagger and i'd be able to hit him like twice.

I didn't fight letho, Geralt had no reason for wanting to kill another witcher. I am going to replay the game and side with Iorverth instead (like I should have) and kill letho.

but you had no choice but to fight him on the first encounter you retarded elf-lover

DESU I came close. But I bit the bullet and it took me at least 2 days of attempts before I finally did it

I spammed bombs and dodge-rolled

i regret the alchemy build

That's what you get for playing soldier boy!

Why is he so perfect?

>Siding with the squirrels after going through W1


iorveth isnt half as retarded as yaevinn
roche gives him a good run for his money though

don't be stupid user.
the real way to play the game is roche's path, then a second playthrough on iorverth's.
iorveth's path adds a lot to the story, particularily with saskia and stuff, but it really should be played in second for maximum effect.

Right or wrong doesn't even matter by the end of TW2. If you didn't kill him you're a fag among fags.

What are you gonna do? Cut off my balls?

Yeah, Letho was sent to mess shit up in the North and you got caught up in it, but that's all.
On a personal side, Letho's a bro.
Let's recapitulate in chronological order.

>Geralt is hunting the Wild Hunt who kidnapped Yennefer
>He finds Letho and the other kingslayers, all witchers, and saves their lives
>In return, Letho goes with Geralt to find the Wild Hunt because he knows where they leave our world
>They get to the place and Letho fights the fucking Wild Hunt at Geralt's side
>Geralt switches place with Yennefer in the Wild Hunt
>Letho takes care for months of a crazy, bitchtastic and amnesic Yennefer
>They hide in Nilfgaard
>Eventually, they get caught and split up
>Letho agrees to help the Empire with a promise that they will reform his witcher school because he wants to form new, young witchers
>Letho goes North and messes shit up
>He has the occasion to kill Geralt but he leaves him alive
>He kindaps Triss to get away but does not kill her
>If Geralt does not deliver Triss from the Nilfgaardian camp in act 3, Letho fights his way through their camp and frees Triss
>At the end of it all, Letho waits for and speaks to Geralt because he wants to make things clear between them
>Has no intention to fight
>Offers vodka
>Explains everything to Geralt about Yennefer, the Wild Hunt, so many things.

If you killed him you're a bad person and I probably wouldn't enjoy your company.

was obviously meant for

I just got to the part where you choose to do Roche's plan. How far am I into the game lads? I read it was shorter than TW1 and I've already clocked in 12 hours

>Cast quen after you recovered some bars of stamina
>Drop Yrden when you think his quen is gonna drop
>Bait him into it
>Hit him from behind
>You dont even have to drop him to 0% health to pass

>If you killed him you're a bad person and I probably wouldn't enjoy your company.
If you didn't kill him I know for a fact I wouldn't enjoy yours fag. No matter his motives he killed the one king who was willing to help you along and framed you on top of it. I understood why Letho did what he did but that doesn't change the fact that I'm going to fight him to the death over it.

Book Geralt died with his paperback series. Letho was trying to honor a ghost by fucking up the current guys life and livelihood. He's not walking away from this confrontation. It's a damn shame Letho was a fucking idiot about everything but scheming because it didn't have to be this way. I put him in the same category as Armstrong.

What the.. i dont even remember fighting him AT ALL and I played on the hardest difficulty. i assume i killed him with quen spam

Am I supposed to feel the slightest sympathy for Olgierd?

Geralt doesn't really give a fuck about Foltest though.
He was basically kept as an hostage on his bodyguard duty anyway.
He just wanted to clear his name because he thought he had been framed, then got caught in politics as usual.
You can be sure that if Geralt had had his memories, he probably wouldn't have gone after Letho at all.

>...and framed you on top of it
You didnt payed attention did you?
It was geralt fault for being foltest bodyguard instead of working as a witcher, you know >Meddling with politics
>Expecting good results

Depends on where you are in the story.
At the end, yes, a little bit, but he's a fucking from the start and the more you learn about what he did, the more you despise him.

I'm near the end. At the third task I assumed there was going to be some tragic backstory reveal, but so far it appears he was just kinda a shit head from the start and drove his wife off by being a cunt and killing her dad

>wasting time with signs
dodge don't roll.

Yeah he is.
He was just a bandit hungry for power, caused the death of his brother and wife.
But at some point you'll have to realise that the real evil in all this was Gaunter.
Olgierd just got fucked over and over really hard by Gaunter. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it, but yeah.
Gaunter is one of the rare characters, if not the only one, that is really like just fucking evil for being evil.

>You can be sure that if Geralt had had his memories, he probably wouldn't have gone after Letho at all.
There's the key dipshit, Game Geralt isn't book Geralt. Book Geralt is dead.

>You didnt payed attention did you?
>It was geralt fault for being foltest bodyguard instead of working as a witcher, you know

Learn how to greentext then get back at me pleb.

Seriously though, how can you say that when Letho was working as a kingslayer beforehand, which is how this whole scenario ended up starting? At least Geralt had excuses, Letho was just playing the honorable criminal shtick. (And for all his pissing and moaning even book Geralt got mixed up in politics all the damn time.)

>Gaunter is one of the rare characters, if not the only one, that is really like just fucking evil for being evil.
Because he's essentially supposed to be the devil, or a greater demon



good now i can't tell if you're shitposting or if you're just really that retarded and oblivious to the characters, their personalities and their past.

if you have aspergers it's ok though, didn't want to bully

Im pretty sure dodge doesnt work in W2
>Letho was just playing the honorable criminal shtick.
Idk what is honorable, he just got this offer (which probably couldnt refuse) for which he could end up getting his school back. Plus, he obviously doesnt care who is in charge, as opossed to geralt that even when he says he doesnt care, all the people he knows get affected by it


Geralts past is literally wiped clean in TW1.

>Idk what is honorable, he just got this offer (which probably couldnt refuse) for which he could end up getting his school back. Plus, he obviously doesnt care who is in charge, as opossed to geralt that even when he says he doesnt care, all the people he knows get affected by it
He went through all the bullshit with Yen which got him caught up in the first place because Geralt let him live. That shtick is why he helps Triss too. I'm not saying its a bad thing in and of itself, but he ruined a random guards life for a ghost.

Does he show up at the beginning if you don't have hearts of stone installed?

Yes, he was there since release, before they even announced the expansions.
It was pretty foreboding, he even just disappears, I thought it was just some npc bug before HoS.

>Geralts past is literally wiped clean in TW1.
it's not wiped, it's just temporarily gone.
his personnality and beliefs are the same.
after what Letho tells him (which he remembers at the same time), Geralt just wouldn't kill him.

I really need to finish this game

>it's not wiped, it's just temporarily gone.
>his personnality and beliefs are the same.
>after what Letho tells him (which he remembers at the same time), Geralt just wouldn't kill him.

Do you not understand the reasoning behind wiping Geralts memory? It's to give the player agency, but that works its way into the story. Him having his memory wiped isn't something that happens by chance. It's explicitly done so Game Geralt doesn't have to be tied down by Book Geralt. They are not the same character.

i bet you think the same applies with witcher 3

I did every side mission in the game and played on the second highest difficulty.
Been a while since but I think the entire thing took me around 20 hours.
And are you talking about Roche's plan of attack? Third act I believe or something. I can't remember.

It does dipshit, because character growth exists. Whether you like that or not isn't on me, it's on you.


But why does he remebers so much about the events in the books? He remembers all his friends and the people he met before
It's very obvious in Blood and Wine

No shit he got his memory back before TW3, but that's not who he has to be. He lived for half a decade or so as someone else. You think a little memory return is enough to negate what he has seen as real for that whole time?

Nah, right after the first Leto fight

I looked it up and apparently I'm only about to finish act 1

>He lived for half a decade or so as someone else
nigga there's a month that passes between w1 and w2 and 6 months between w2 and w3.
where did you get that 5 years from?
the five years between the books and the beginning of w1, he's fucking his raven locked lover on a magic island or chasing the wild hunt or riding with them.
he loses his memory when he escapes the wild hunt, right at the beginning of w1.

>half a decade
He loses his memory in 1270, TW3 takes places in 1272
Two years. Two years vs almost a century of living as book Geralt.

>almost a century of living
Half a century. He was only like 65 or so. And it's still 2 realities fighting each other. You don't just forget about the time you've spent as another person.

>You don't just forget about the time you've spent as another person.
Exactly? That's proving my point not yours

The fuck? He was living as a separate person when his memories came back. He'd have to fight his current self to become book Geralt again.