What does Sup Forums think of Metal Gear Solid?
What does Sup Forums think of Metal Gear Solid?
One of the only examples of videogames as high art.
It's a solid game (lol)
personally i think it's the best game ever made.
>that opening
>that atmosphere
>that noise, what was it?
2 was too pretentious and almost the whole game was 'that part'.
woah is this from the MGS3 run yesterday?
what happened?
I'm a big fan
>not clearly the worst
it's timeless
It's my favorite game along with 2 and 3.
t. brainlet
2 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 3 in terms of full games.
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 in terms of story/themes.
Metal Gear..?
Metal Gear Solid?
solid like metal lmao
Sup Forums hates all video games
it’s pretty good
he got through it in the end 9 minutes over estimate but he choked a few times and had to restore a saved game at one point
I understand that people who play mgs for the stealth gameplay might put 4 lower because while it's good there's not much of it. I liked MGS' story and character side more so it was good for me.
2nd floor basement...
>above anything
good game but had a few problems with backtracking and unless you wanted to give up a lot of your time searching, sometimes a guide was needed on when to backtrack when you get a new card
1 - 3 is a perfect trilogy
4, PW and V are the equivalent of zombie simpsons
that's sad. he did great with MGS2 last year.
imo that's further proof that MGS2 is a better designed game.
It aged pretty poorly gameplay wise, graphics wise it also aged but it's hold up by the artstyle, music is good, pretty mediocre stealth game but as a cinematic action game it was pretty good for when it came out. 7/10
3 > 2 = 1 > 5 > 4 > PW
yeah he said that mgs3 is actually a really hard game to master compared to 1 and 2 and that it took him a long time playing it to finally enjoy speedrunning it
Shitty movie game on par with the likes of uncharted etc. People complain about sony's shitfest of cinematic experiences while this garbage is okay.
The story in 4 was a nonsensical clusterfuck, and not in the good, intentional way that 2 was. As far as stealth gameplay, 5 is a masterpiece as long as you set limitations for yourself (or play in subsistence mode)
>He says as he posts Sony's weebshit version of Ace Attorney
You could say that about 4 and maybe even twin snakes but not MGS1
The gameplay and graphics are God tier for a ps1 game. Mgs1 is a timeless masterpiece.
Best game in a series of good games.
First and best of the series
It made perfect sense. 4 was a deconstruction and examination of the series, in multiple facets. It was designed that way.
I thought two was a deconstruction and examination of the series. Isn't 5 also a deconstruction and examination of the series?
>for a PS1 game
That really doesn't mean anything, and even that's wrong. The game is clunky, the AI is pretty bad, tiny cones of vision and the shooting is subpar. The later half that's full action with boss fights is way better than the beginning.
you could argue it’s a deconstruction of the characters solid and liquid snake but definitely not the series as a whole. And not a very good deconstruction at that, it’s something done better in 2 in every way, considering it’s badically a secret reboot of MGS1
Reminder that mgs4 is pure kino:
technically every game can be considered a deconstruction of the series. MGS1 could be considered a deconstruction of Metal Gear 2
MG2 isn't a deconstruction tho
It's a full 3D game with 3rd person and 1st person mechanics, a shitload of TECHNOLOGY, full voice acting, and a cinematic take on games before the industry got a hard on for it.
All running on a machine with 3MB or ram between system and Vram.
Fuck you if you don't think that's impressive as shit for 1998.
>Isn't 5 also a deconstruction and examination of the series?
No, that was just a dumpster fire.
Ah, finally, a man of taste
MGS1 >MGS3 > MGSV > MGS2 > GB > MG2 > MGS4 > PW > MG1 > MGPO
2>1>ground zeroes>3>pw>4>5
5 had the potential to be the best yet, best controls in the series, but fucked it up with open world that was lifeless with sparse enemy patrols and the dumb weapon and item development macro shit that PW had. if it got rid of weapon levels, developing shit, and was just a series of gz style missions, it would be #1. its online was killed by dumb leveling shit and being a little too disorganized.
2 had some of the most excellent controls, good patterns, vr missions were top fucking notch.
4 was held back by lame boss battles where you just magdump into them, great controls however, too slow paced. mgo was awesome.
pw introduced the development mechanics and MH crap that is just a plague, otherwise good controls, fun co op.
that’s true, although it is an improvement on MG in every way. MG is interesting but it’s not very fun and can be really stupid and annoying
Kojima is a hack
I mean, it the PS1 hardware was pushed to it limits, I'm not saying it wasn't, what I'm saying it's that the limited hardware shows. It's artstyle holds up, the graphics don't. And even then games like Silent Hill look way better and it came out months later, let alone PC releases. Impressive, just not enough to make it stand the test of time, specially with that gameplay.
Anyone who says Ground Zeroes is better than TPP is legit retarded. Camp Omega was terribly designed but you idiots eat it up because it was your first taste of open MGS gameplay and you have fond memories of the MGSV hype train.
How do the graphics not hold up tho.
>Silent Hill look way better
Fuck no it doesn't.
If the game did all that at like 50% instead of 100% it would be so much better. Being genre defying doesn't automatically make something good. 4 is a slow and annoying game as it is currently.
Because everything is blocky and low res as fuck? Even the animations are really primitive just like every single PS1 game. Again, the artstyle makes it look good today, but it doesn't hold up graphically, I don't think any PS1/64 games does, really.
I think it does, both are some of the best looking PS1 games, so I guess we can agree to disagree.
Silent Hill puts fog 10 feet in front of your face to hide the fact that they couldn't find a way to render anything beyond that.
Metal Gear has pretty expansive areas considering the hardware.
2 has that perfect gameplay
still play it now and then, can beat it in a couple hours on hard
Just play twin snakes then
Tpp could have done with some ground zero style bases/missions heck even the story was better in GZ but calling a VR Missions teir game (in terms of content) better than anything doesn't really make sense.
love it
Twin Snakes it's pretty dumb though, a fix to the simplistic level design, no dumb animations and it would be better for sure.
it was better designed than any location in tpp. some of the movement and combat mechanics were removed between gz and tpp, for example, you used to be able to execute a throw in the middle of a five hit punch combo, or stop punching midway through and run. not the biggest deal, but i dont like when they remove options from the player.
this is why I prefer Twin Snakes to MGS1
the FPS view changes everything, for the better
Then you'd just be complaining that they altered the level design.
There's nothing wrong with the twin snakes, it's just as campy as any mgs game has been.
The most significant change, which I oddly almost never see anyone complain, about is that they incorporated a lot of the mechanics from MGS2 into it that make the game an absolute breeze to get through.
Just play MGS1 original when you feel like story
then play TS skip cutscenes and just enjoy the superior gameplay
>The most significant change, which I oddly almost never see anyone complain, about is that they incorporated a lot of the mechanics from MGS2 into it that make the game an absolute breeze to get through.
People complain about this all the time. It doesn't bother me though, mgs1 was already an easy game
Yeah. Its my favorite series with one being my favorite game.
I play them once a year and salute during the credits.
But im just a big fan. I basically grew up on it.
"The Best Has Yet to Come" examplifies why MGS is a piece of art and the greatest video game of all time.
The resonance and echos of the song: you can just see the importance and divinity of Snake infiltrating Shadow Moses.
It's better than Peace Walker.
Its better than 5
Didn't play 5 but this is my order as well.
It's definitely more complete than 5. Then again, 5 is Peace Walker 2.
>The resonance and echos of the song:
The soundtrack choices are always expertly done.
That doesn't make any sense at all, MGS3 is the most easy MGS.
You can literally camo+pistol+binoculars through the whole game, the AI is really poor compared to MGS2, the first person leaning mechanic is broken. In MGS2 guards could see you if used L2/R2 to learn around a corner in first person, in MGS3 they don't. This make ridiculously easy to get head shots while lying on the ground and leaning up, or being behind an object and leaning right or left.
The AI in MGS3 seem to work together much less aside from the Ocelot unit, they are much worse at checking at evasion and caution phases, they move slower and much more predictably than MGS2 guards, making it even more easy to get head shots.
How? Why? MGS3's AI, controls and engine were lifted directly from MGS2. If it's too easy just amp up the difficulty.
Also, 3 has the benefit of having much more gameplay and better bosses.
It's kojimang fucking around. He's not trying to make some postmodern bullshit, it's what happens when a nip tries to make a Tom Clancy-esque military thriller. They go way overboard and end up becoming anime.
And it's the best game in the series.
Peace Walker is MGS5. The V in MGSV is literally a V.
>MGS3's AI, controls and engine were lifted directly from MGS2
No, play both games and you will see that MGS3 has a dumbed down gameplay compared to MGS2. Maybe thats why people prefer MGS3 over MGS2, it has easy and simple controls that doesn't fuck you up and a cliche story that is taken from a 007 movie with the bonus of the main protagonist having to kill his own mentor, and Kojima did that in the first MG too.
>3 has the benefit of having much more gameplay and better bosses
It doesn't have more gameplay if you consider all the VR Missions and Snake tales(and god dammit, they're good), and bosses are shallow in both games, they are almost equals at being shallow freaks.
>mfw tries to defend MGSV
GZ was okay but PP was dogshit.
he was doing european extreme so he couldn't be seen
mgs3 isn't as linear as mgs1 and mgs2 in terms of positioning of guards and it makes 3 more punishing if you miss one thing
1, 5, GZ.
5 = 1 > GZ
>Want to play
Twin Snakes, Snake Eater
Other than that I'm all snaked out. Revengance might be cool but I'm not sure about Raiden's character.
That explain a bit, but the AI in MGS2 is really better(and annoying) than MGS3 AI.
It has not aged well at all. Another game pic related hasn't aged as well either but I still consider it better. MGS would have been so much better if more people were allowed to curb Kojima's autism for movies.
My favourite video games series of all time.
I've literally played any of them but MGS 1 looks super fun.
haven't played any of them*
This desu
PS4 Legacy Collection when?
Hey I liked 4 too man, these other fags don’t understand. Probably only played it recently.
MGS4 was mind blowing when it was first released just as 3, 2, and 1 was. I love the entire series. Been disappointed a couple times but this is the only series that I can unashamedly call myself a fanboy for. I’m guilty of giving MGS the benefit of the doubt every time. And if Kojima could somehow shit out another game I’d be preordering and lining up for it. There. I said it.