Dissidia NT

Why does everyone hate this game?

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Lightning is a miracle of the universe.

>Square Enix

3v3 in a game based around dashing towards your enemy and timing dodges and blocks against a single opponent is fucking stupid and they should've realized this in minute one

Well Gundam VS has been going for over a decade and is exactly that, there's certainly a crowd for this kind of chaotic game

they removed a lot of features and turn the game into a gundam versus clone

Would've been a good game on the Switch.

I really don't like that they fell for the team-based meme, preferred the gameplay of the first two games. Having larger matches is fine but don't make it the absolute focus and don't nerf the character movesets into the ground. Also fuck paid online, where's the PC release that doesn't have that bullshit?

>removed a lot of features
Dissidia didn't have many features to start with, how barebones did they go?

>Why does everyone hate this game?
look and learn fagits. this is how you make a successful OP, reverse psychology. now post best boys

1 hp attack only.
No ex burst
No brave>hp links
No abilities
No equipment
No assist

DBFZ is coming out just a couple weeks after it and I know it would just collect dust on my shelf right after.
I like how it looks though and i would main lightning

Jesus christ

Is the equipment that big of a deal? And from what I've seen people say assists were broken and annoying to deal with.

The UI is a massive cluster fuck and they didn't add the characters people wanted. Instead they just added characters from more games rather than from existing iconic games, which is exactly what everyone wanted to see.

Christ that's the whole game

>less content than the prior game
>yet another shitty arena fighter

Those thighs > those armpits

>Sneaks up and scares Squall
>"Aras" him

You ARE maining best girl, right?

What characters did people want?

Characters like Tifa, Yuna, Gaius van Baelsar, Balthier and generally more reps from each game.

More reps from each of the games. Balthier and Tifa like mentioned are financial crowd pleasers.

Some games like XIII, XIV and XV don't even have rival characters despite having protagonists. It's an uneven roster.

They could have used Caius Ballad, Zenos yae Galvus and Ardyn Izunia and had righteous cause to use them, instead we get a gimped cast.

How about the characters in the last fucking game? What the fuck?

A few people hate it because they have no actual clue about how it's changed and assume it means it's worse while complaining about it being a team game despite it being what the series was working towards and it working very well with the already established mechanics. I'm sure there's a few like that in here so here I go.
Next to no features were removed. It has less RPG mechanics but more meaningful choices made. Only a single gameplay mechanic is out, meanwhile everything else is either the same, tweaked or replaced with something of equal measure.
1 HP attack for each team member out of a total of 4, and many have HP attacks with much more dynamic effects and versions, with some characters having a second available to use.
Ex Bursts and Ex Modes are replaced by the movelists, Ex Skills and Summons.
Brave > HP links still exist through combos, mainly through wall rushes.
All the abilities that actually mattered are given to you, for example you have both dash types available now. You also choose two additional Ex Skills from the ones you've learned that consist of spells, debuffs and buffs which is far bigger than "higher crit chance if you hit from behind". Summon choice also gives unique stat buffs before and after summoning.
Assists are gone because nigga wtf you think 3v3 means? It's literally a non busted version of it.

Let me see:
>3x3 battles
>shitty character roster
>likely bad story

I don't even have to talk about the gameplay mechanics to be disappointed and not interested in it.

>They could have used Caius Ballad, Zenos yae Galvus and Ardyn Izunia and had righteous cause to use them, instead we get a gimped cast.
It's even worse that these characters aren't in the game, while arguably more shallow villains from the NES games made it in.

They changed the UI. Everyone and their mother wanted Ramza, and they had to get the guys from the first in before branching out, since that's what people actually want and have been asking for. The only new characters from "more games" are Y'shtola, Noctis, Ramza and Ace.

Game became kill one character and then you win, despite being 3 on 3.

Like WTF? Why bother having 3 characters on a team if you only need to kill one?

It's a shame. This game could've finally been an evo main game if it stayed true to it's roots. Now it's a shitty gundam VS clone, and those games are garbo.

Oh look its damage control-kun. How much is square paying you?

Apparently Japan really likes games like this for some reason. I'll be playing in 1v1 mode only.

>implying anyone wants XIII shitters or MMO trash

>new Kamen Rider game finally comes out
>it's a fucking piece of shit arena fighter

No Vita version. Also it looks like a massive clusterfuck gameplaywise. I much prefered the first two games for portability and the smooth, yet kinda deep gameplay. NT killed both of it in favor for "muh graphics" and "more characters at once = better game" shit.

Assists were fucking terribly implemented in Duodecim. You can make an argument for missing Equipment solely based on their bonus effects, but anyone seriously defending assists as they were in that game is crazy. Yeah, they could have (at least tried to) fix it in a new game, but they went with a different format instead.
EX Revenge wasn't exactly a good mechanic either.

You can't kill a character only incapacitate them for a while.

Been maining her since 1.0. Best cat, best dissidia, best ff girl.

>post info when someone posts things that are entirely wrong
>d-d-damage control
I'd love to actually talk about and agree with the real problems the game has (like where the fuck is Quickmove) but it makes it difficult when Sup Forums's as retarded as you're proving it to be and keep crying about the wrong things.
Ex Revenge wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't Ex Guard, god damn was that a bad idea.

FFXIV has the best girls in the series.

Sadly, it also has Lyse.

What's Quickmove?

Truuuue, but it also has Cutiegiri Cutewalker.

>told myself I'd get the original dissidia if either vivi/auron/locke were playable
>still waiting

In the old Dissidia games you could press Triangle next to walls, certain gaps and rails to do context sensitive movement like run on the walls, leap over gaps and grind along the rails. It was a ton of fun and added a lot of interactivity to the stages, but was almost entirely obsolete due to how strong and simple airdashing was. Because in this game dashing is slower and more limited, it would fit perfectly but it's nowhere to be seen, save for the wallrunning which is tied to your dash gauge and only lets you run up the walls instead of along them. Severely missed opportunity, especially since it highlights another of the smaller issues with the game, that being the stages, while beautiful, being a little too vanilla.

Nothing i posted was wrong twat. They stripped and dumbed down multiple features from the psp games just to make room for shitty 3v3 gameplay no one asked for to cash in on the gundam vs trend. This will alienate nearly all of the fans of the psp games except fags like you who enjoy eating shit. Congrats you fucking turd. Enjoy your shit game.

>be FF V fag
>Bartz uses everyone else's attacks and weapons like the Revolver Sword or the Buster Sword, has only 2 actual FF V themed attacks and they are an EX Attack and EX Burst
>only uses the Brave Sword for a few seconds

At least Duedecim gave us based Girugamesh with a proper moveset.

Are you really that mad because he likes the game?

I don't, I'm fucking excited for it

The way he combined different attacks to make new ones was cool as fuck though, really nice take on the Mimic style character. You'll be glad to hear that he's different in this one though. He has attacks based off of several jobs, using each attack enough lets him master that job making the attack stronger and giving him a permanent buff based on the job. His unique Ex Skill lets him master jobs faster and transfer those buffs to his team for a short time.

Yes im fucking mad. Cant you tell you fucking retard?

calm down lol

I'd have expected Auron as one of the first DLCs but everyone keeps begging for the old characters back so it'll probably be Yuna first. I want more new people showing up. Like Locke.

I hope that the next expansion is hers.

How would Auron's moveset be different from someone like Cloud?

Hopefully we can take Y'shtola out on a date too.

Ardyn is Noctis's counterpart

I want to pet the cat

Locke was in a JP Dissidia event

She's my wife though?

Fuck off Reggie

Yeah the villain roster is pretty bad so far, they went up to like what, Jecht?

Melee debuffer Vanguard focused on stat breaks. They're a bit more prevalent now in the game while still being a niche left that he can fill.
Explain what you mean right now, I've been wanting Locke to be playable since the first game was even announced.

i pre-ordered it yesterday

Reminder that Exdeath is best boy

>yet kinda deep gameplay

My fucking sides

That won't stop me from filling her womb up with my seed.

i want to grab lightning’s arm violently and raise it, diving first into her smooth armpits just kidding haha

>no zenos or gaius
>no prishe, laguna or gilgamesh
im just gonna wait for triodecim, sorry

Triodecim won't happen because NT is way more popular than the PSP games.


i didnt mean a direct sequel to duodecim. i just meant i was gonna wait for the "definitive" or "goty" version of NT with all the eventual DLC characters bundled.

I am still petting her though?


They said they want to get up to 50 characters by the end and in Arcade they released a character every month. That would be a long wait.

I hated the idea of this game a lot when it was announced and seeing it played but actually playing it I enjoy it a lot. After you get out of low Silver you start playing against more squads I think the skill set you need to succeed in this game starts to shine a lot.

I think some things are weird and don't make sense like Guard knocking YOU away and fucking your positioning entirely for successfully blocking is really strange. Wall run only going up, Summons pausing the match for an animation(which I'm about 90% certain people exit faster than others based on latency), Not being able to select character after matchmaking in a game with very distinct character archetypes is odd. Dodge not having any kind of iframes?? Not too sure on this one but it's definitely not as strong as in Dissidia. I feel like Dodge should protect you from HP attacks better while Guard protects you from bravery but dodge just kind of loses to a lot of HP attacks.

there's other shit I can probably think of later but tl;dr the game is fun but feels flawed as a console game. The matching is super wack and you get linked up to johnny donuts on wifi all the damn time.

then i might jump on earlier if they introduce someone i really really want

going to main /ourguy/

It was deeper than now.

I loved playing the beta, man man, switching targets feel weird at times.

I now have a reason to buy this game.

Alisae is best boy (female)

Yeah it's a learning curve for sure. You have to glance at the mini-map to know numbers of targets and then recognize which number you're on. After that L2 R2 isn't so bad but sometimes, at least for me, my brain tells me that L2 will target whoever is left of me and R2 will target whoever is right and that's just now how it works. Feels like a big PLAY MORE thing.

inb4 Literally Wu brags that everyone is trans.

Why does she look so weird?

Well shit, I don't know what that means or who it might end up being but if it turns out to confirm Locke as one of the first characters I'd be glad he finally made it in. Him having amnesia would be ironic.

she blind nigga

It's the ears, but the model is much better quality than XIV's too.

Here, enjoy the cutscene.

Thats literally an option for changing lock on,
R2 for right character
L2 for left
Both for closest

With the other choice just going up and down the numbered list.

>Not being able to select a character after matchmaking in a game with very distinct character archetypes is odd.
The archetypes don't really matter much I think it's just to give you a general idea of how the character plays if you and your team play well you will do good with any composition I believe.

Shantotto is objectively the best girl


Fuck. That's like the whole game.

Holy shit this changes everything. Doing this in NA beta immediately. I didn't touch any controls in the JP beta, which was also my first one so I missed out.

Heavy Speed Shoot are a light RPS because of how attack priority works and yeah it doesn't matter super heavily but it would be nice.

DId i miss the NA beta again or has it even started yet?

They seriously brought back the evil puppet versions again? Why?


Pretty sure the Na/Eu beta starts in Januaryy 12?

>Locke is added to the roster
>The only one without amnesia
>Insists all this crazy shit went down with Kefka, World of Ruin, crazy yeti, little boy that shoots missiles out of his dick etc
>No one believes him/cares because as far as they know they're just entities that exist to battle for all time

Guard knocking you back is a good thing for you really, since it puts you out of the danger zone and lets you approach or escape as you want. Some people actually cut their block strings short to avoid it and continue pressure. Summons are meant to be the big fancy Ex Burst style thing of the game so they get a little time to shine, but it lets everyone be synced up. The character types aren't all that strict and it's not meant to be a heavily defined counterpick system so much as a team building suggestion system. Dodges not having iframes takes a bit of getting used to especially with learning positioning since you have to dodge away rather than through but they're still effective with timing, though having both of those is harder. I think they just wanted to make sure dodge wasn't as strong or easily spammable as it's been before. Some situations you just need to stay out of or get help.

I've never touched a Final Fantasy game but I've jerked off to this chick many a times