What's your honest opinion on Resident Evil 6?

What's your honest opinion on Resident Evil 6?
I was thinking about playing it.

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Not as good as any other mainline game in the series but if you have a friend to play with it's fun enough. The times it goes on sale for like $10 is more than worth it.

it’s goofy and fun as hell

10/10 controls
mercenaries is good
campaign is pretty bad other than ptsd chris
enemy ai and level design are also bad

It's a trainwreck of bad level design, awful pacing and identity crises but it's does admittedly have good controls. Honestly, I think it's less shit than RE5 at the very least. If you must buy it, approach with caution and do so at a steep, steep discount.

Its alright for what it is; a goofy action romp.

Mercenaries is fun. You could avoid the story campaign and just go straight to that.

Unless you download a save or something you have to play the campaign to unlock mercs characters.

It's a fucking mess but still pretty damn fun to play, especially Mercs mode.

To put it simply: if 6's controls were applied to 4, it'd be the best single-player action game to date.

The best action RE, though not as polished to a shine as RE4.
The name is the worst thing about it.

I think you're mixing something up. You get Mercenaries characters by scoring higher in Mercenaries.

4 is basically flawless, 6’s controls in 4 would make no sense given the way enemies act.

I'd like to add that it isn't a Resident Evil game. Its like what Metal Gear Rising is to Metal Gear Solid. A different gameplay style using familiar RE characters.

I also thought it would be a cool idea to have a spiritual sequel in the form of a Dino Crisis reboot. I wanna dropkick a raptor in the face.

I guess. I can't recall

dante and (not-nero)'s wack co-op trickster campaign

mercenaries and onslaught mode are great, the rest is meh
shame they'll never use this gameplay style again, this could easily be used for another ip and make a great tps

>I think you're mixing something up. You get Mercenaries characters by scoring higher in Mercenaries.
I was mixed up, it's not all of them, just Ada who you also need to unlock Carla.

i really liked it actually , please dont hurt me.

Terrible story. Decently fun gameplay. 7/10

Sherry is shit. Capcom needs to stop cramming an endless stream of throw away female characters into the franchise.

Sherry was in RE2 at least, Leon and Adas partners are literally who tier

garbo tastes user

It's a great action game once you learn how to play it (it never really forces you to learn the intricacies of the mechanics, it can be played start to finish as a pretty bland TPS) with silly tacked on perks and a batshit retarded story which will either make you smile or roll your eyes.

Sherry is waifufaggotry shit. Same as Rebecca, Claire, Sheva, Helena and probably a few more I'm forgetting. Vapid characters with nothing to contribute to the series but fapbait. There was about as much reason to bring Sherry back as there is to bring back Billy or Steve.

The only two characters in the franchise worth a damn is Chris and Leon and Ada is Leon's baggage so she has to be in there too. Everything else has been dead weight.

It's literally as affordable as dirt now, so it's more than worth picking it up. Have a friend play with you to squeeze as much fun as you can. It's a good action game.

This. It's a very competent action shooter that people acted pretentious as shit about because RE5 wasn't as good as 4 and they got pissy about the series as a whole.

Put your favorite music on blast and play mercs for a good time.


>Its like what Metal Gear Rising is to Metal Gear Solid
People like MGR at least