they kicked me out the other thread
Shanghai EXE
You were hijacking it, after 3 successful threads i think we can survive by our own already, but you made this thread at a time when most of america is asleep! I don't think it will survive.
So is this game new or something? google says its been out for years, why is it special?
It just got an official english translation for the EOPs.
Got a recent update and an official english translation
The official English translation is relatively new.
Why is Miss Shanghai so much cuter than Alice Sup Forums?
What's up with the emotion window in this game anyway, it seems to change a lot more
Felt so good bullying this shitty cunt
I noticed you can get Shanghai to smile after a double deletion or a counter I think, makes you heal a bit when you use a chip
When you double kill, Shanghai gets smug, your next kill will heal you for the damage the chip you used has.
It's a thing from the later games. The guide talks about it in the system page.
Post evil Shanghai.
filters? what/how?
Just started playing. Is there a way to make the game full screen? All the usual shortcuts don't work for me.
Is this game fun?
run KeyConfig.exe?
Whoops, didn't realize there was a tab for changing those settings. I just changed the controls really quick and then exited right out. Thanks, user.
i liked it
I want Miss Shanghai to step on me!
You don't need a thread up always, you know. That's how you run a topic into the ground and run out of things to discuss.
>jack in to alice's computer the first time
>her homepage is full of beta orbiters
for those of you that are battlenetwork veterans but touhou noobs, don't lose sight of Alice's mom , shinki, she may be hiding something.
Shanghai bully them into becoming her minions, but is not a bad job.
I played like maybe a half an hour of Megaman.exe back in the day.
What exactly is different about this game from the original? Everything looks like a spriteswap.
Nothing is different, that is the idea. The whole point of this game is being a megaman battlenetwork game with touhou characters.
If you mean gameplay changes is pretty much the same but with combined mechanics from Battle Network and Starforce.
It's a fangame so it's essentially just like any other game in the series
There are some important differences but since you've played so little you probably won't notice
For battlenetwork veterans, is the most close thing they will get to a new battlenetwork.
For touhou fans is another good crossover game like touhoumon, touhouvania and super touhou wars.
For someone like you, i guess is just another game you can try.
other than difficulty there is no substantial difference between this and regular battle network
unless theres more tiers added into the full release to make lower chips obsolete, being able to grind illegal and tier 3 chips in the demo and transfer the save will probably break the main game difficulty wise.
It's a windows game, not just a romhack?
Absolutely disgusting
This isn't pokemon, romhacking for BN is very limited
it doesn't even exist outside of BN6
Romhacking BN would be worse since there's so much shit going on screen here and all those entire new mechanics that aren't in the games.
reminder that there are dark chips PA
Skip to minute 17:43
>Inb4 need account
I tried to use that nicovideo watch but it gives an error.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong here. I'm in the act right after you get the Dark Chip, about to jack into some School Security
How fucked am I, and should I grind out other chips?
I got Poison Fighter as my style right now.
Did you forgot to update your folder or something?
>Power+10 as Regular Chip
Uh yeah, I say dump the L and R chips. There's only one Knife replacement since we can't get Hakurouken and Roukanken (or at least I haven't gotten them yet), the SilverKnife, and it's kind of a hard drop.
>Poison as your main element
That's really, really not going to end well in this next dungeon.
Have you fought Carrie yet?
>board request needs me to find something hidden
>just mash A like a madman while walking all over the place
Being a brainlet is suffering
Oh yeah in case you didn't do it earlier, empty your Folder2. There are plenty of good chips you get from it for free including the TripleRod, but you can't use any of them in your Folder1 if they're in the other folder.
Only 6MB to set. I'm gonna have to go through the older areas and see if I can raise that quickly. Zenny's been a bitch to get.
Got to the n1 prelims in hard mode. How do I beat those damn junks after the railgun things?
So is this a full game? not a work in progress shit?
No and no.
avenida avenida
I haven't gone to School yet.. so I'm relatively safe at the moment to grind out stuff. Suggestions?
It's only partially completed in terms of story, the dev is further along than the demo is but there's no more public demos until the story's done. The gameplay is there but if you're waiting on a full version you'll be waiting for a while.
You have to kill the Junks first because their bombs have a 3x3 explosion radius that focuses on you, so you'll die if you don't. Use anything, I used GroundWaves.
but the folder they force you to use doesn't have ground wave
How alice can go aroind in rollers while wearong a SKIRT?
by wearing spats
>Completely forgot about that shitty fucking folder they lock you into
FireArm hits twice on stationary enemies, Railguns are fast and do a lot of damage. Whatever you do you have to kill him, it's too much of a pain in the ass otherwise. For the love of god though don't use VenomShot around the Ligers.
Honestly, you'll have a lot of trouble using Swords in that dungeon. I remember using Hakkeros but I think I had the 2nd version by then. What all do you even have in your bag you aren't using, because it sounds like you don't have many chips to choose from.
So what's the fucking point in playing this, are people autistic.
maybe for fun? you're the only autist here user
>i have fun playing unfinished games
It's fun
And the saves are transferable so i dont see whats so bad about playing it now
yeah, AND?
>what is early access
You have never enjoyed playing a demo stupid fuck?
I've had a lot of fun fighting the SP Navis (except for Yorihime goddamn she's a cunt) and it's actually challenging at times unlike Battle Network. Not that those games are bad, but there's very little challenge in them.
Romhack is for plebs.
hello, i am here to ruin your game, impure scum.
Moonbitches truly were a mistake
*blocks your path*
Use step shadow and counter-bully the hell outta yorihime.
This always get a giggle out of me but why do people say astronauts could beat up lunarians?
No sagume, she is cute.
It was a psychological victory, lunarians went "REEEEEEE! How these savages can reach our hometown?!", The humiliation they felt was insane.
Is free.
can someone give me an idea of a decent folder for bosses, struggling to beat the sp cannon and oni.
Also would S ranking knockoff yai and mayl be possible with xtra folder, I'm too retarded to build proper flders so I always just use premade ones.
Is this what perfection looks like?
Cooy this guy
>Shanghai brought BN threads back to life
>suddenly it's hijacking to talk about it in a BN thread
Great. This is going to be like Metroid threads with Classic vs Prime, isn't it? Can't have anything good on Sup Forums.
How about you talk about BN then?
People were even talking about the anime some threads ago.
Are there any more good touhou fan games?
i've been wanting to get into the series for a while now, but the Regular games are hard as all hell for me
Touhoumon World Link.
I unironically believe it is the best pokemon game.
Dynamarisa 3D is pretty fun if you're into Earth Defense Force games. It's pretty much a straight ripoff of them.
Is there any way to cut down on the encounter rate other than using Firewalls?
isn't puppetmon better
I liked Super Marisa Land. Its pretty basic but well done and comfy
Walk instead of run.
This. It's a pretty simple concept, but instead they just seem to bitch and moan.
Touhou Soccer
Thanks, ill go check them out
is there anything i need to know about the characters before going in?
Like, who is the Fan favorite?
And when is this Pretty boy appearing in one of those games? i really liked his design
just play the main games you fucking shitter. it's not like anyone was born naturally good at bullet hells.
>This meme again
The fans are fickle, but they like Reimu, the main character of the series.
I liked MegaMari
>is there anything i need to know about the characters before going in?
There's only one thing
Wriggle is not a boy!
Koumajou Densetsu
>it's like castlevania but with more girls and bullets everywhere
>full voice acting
>english translation available by default
>the second one is even better
Ah fuck, it's a trap isnt it?
Which elements are good against which
That's not how you spell Marisa
Wriggle is flat out a girl
Holy shit the BN thread is going down in flames now
Adding to this question, what are the status effects again?
I was a bit worried about this too. I was going to go back to my completed save and grind for Navi chips, build insane folders, etc., but I kind of feel like it will ruin the full game for me once it comes out.