Just finished this game today

Just finished this game today.

Is it any good?

I don't know you tell me OP? How about you think for yourself instead of needing opinion validated by a mongolian throat singing forum.


tales is shit (feces)

You're the one who finished the game and I'M the one supposed to know if it's any good?

Of course not. It's a tales of game so is mediocre at best.


Why you asking me? You finished it. My opinion, gameplay was OK. Story was good. 8/10. Finished it roughly a year ago and I still feel bad for Velvet.

I haven't played it, its ok.

I've never played it. It's shit.

I haven't played it yet op, but I thought it was a 4/10 at best.

if you finished it it probably didn't suck enough for you to drop it midway so i would guess it was bretty good

I loved it and it's my favorite jrpg despite its HUGE, UNFORGIVABLE flaws.
>OST is mostly shit
>Gameplay outside of battles is absolute trash tier
>Cancer DLCs (pirate them if you're on pc)

>Best JRPG cast by far
>Good story

The combat system is good imo but a lot of people here on Sup Forums will say otherwise.

this game should be played in Japanese/subs only.

You tell us, faggot.

>beats game
Go fuck off

It's fucking shite, just like everything BamCo has shat out since Graces F, sans Xillia 2.

>muh sub
Nah, dub is good, phi being the only sore spot.
and the monster loli but she's not main cast so I don't count her.

The dub is trash, I'm sorry but you're either deluded or baiting. I will not engage in an argument with anyone about that anymore though, pointless.

graces f is far worse than berseria though??

The combat system in graces is better than in most tales of but the game overall isn't great.

Never played a videogame before in my life, also blind deaf and mute

8/10 though, OST's pretty average and gameplay is alright. dub voices are pretty good too

is it worth it for Velvet? She is cute

yes, you enjoyed it OP. Perhaps one of your top 5 RPGs, though mainly because you felt it added up to more than the sum of its parts.

You thought Eizen was cool but Velvet was a bland character.


>abhorrent dungeon "design"
>horrible overworld "exploration"
>battles are assigning a weakness to a button and mashing the fuck out of it, occasionally pressing R2 and rarely pressing L2. The cookie cutter combo system in other Tales arn't phenomenal but they're still a lot more fun.
>story ruined by OC donut steal powers from laphicet
>certain character stories arn't even complete like Eizen's, gotta play Zesteria for that and I heard that's even worse than Berseria so it's not happening
>big twist can be seen coming from the fucking start of the game
>the actual other twist laphicet being artorias's unborn son being surprising is wasted because it's never expanded on
>music is generic and forgettable
>disgusting amount of pop in despite playing it on the PS4 and it being a PS3 game
>teleport bottles completely useless since the game arbitrarily blocks their use 80% of the time, enjoy mindless backtracking/padding
>oh I mentioned padding didn't I? A good portion of the game is padding
>despite the padding, a lot of the game feels unfinished or rushed like the oscar/whatever his sister's name was
>dull, lifeless cities with nothing to offer other than general shops and some dumb minigames

bought it on Steam for 20 bucks and I can't even be compelled to start the game.

Velvet looks hot, but to be honest, I'd rather just fap to lewd pictures online. I don't like female protagonists. Self-insert shounen protagonists like Sorey should be the way to go.

Yes, my point was that all Tales games since Graces, with the exception of Xillia 2, have been shit. Learn how to read.

>better than in most tales
o i am laffing

Yeah, the C.C. system, created for aerial combos work great in a game where you can't jump or do any sort of aerial combos. Barring that, of course a game that restricts player freedom in its overrated combat is better than in others where you can combo with much more freedom, like in Vesperia, Destiny DC, or Xillia 2. Fucking newfags and PCbros, you'll eat all the shit on your plate with a fucking smile.