Estimated delivery: Jan 26th

>estimated delivery: Jan 26th
>actual delivery: Jan 9th
it's here boys. But I can't even play Monster Hunter on it yet lol

post more bitch.

I'm guessing it has a digital download code? Hell I might get to play it a day or two early thanks to ordering a physical copy from best buy

It has a digital download code for the game and a rathalos theme, but it only works on japan based psn accounts so I'm still trying to decide what to do with it

Too bad the performance is complete shit on ps4 and pro (most likely X1 as well, but not sure about x1x).

The game releases when the pc version does. My PS4pro had frame pacing issues, dropped frames, and under 30fps average. I will go back to 3u or P3rd on ps3 if I want a fullscreen HD MH.

Post more photos asshole. That console looks bitchin.

it plays MHW and it looks good which is why I got it

make a japan based PSN account as the primary and then use your normal account for everything else.

Played it on my friend's og ps4 and my pro for hours. Not a single issue with frames. Where the fuck did you have issues?

ok ok one sec

That's what I was leaning towards, I'm just trying to make sure I won't miss out on anything

here's the controller

You get access to your game and DLC, but you can't use Japanese themes on your regular account.

I turned it so you can see the detail
When I have space on my desk I'll have it displayed better

the settings screen for primary ps4 info says that "anyone who uses this ps4 can apply themes you purchase from the playstation store"

...but you can?


is there a game?

t. blind consolecuck

You probably think Bloodborne is smooth as well.

did bloodborne ever get a ps4 pro update?


>those skeletal arms

also The other Monster Hunter thread is getting close to bump limit so MonHun thread I guess

im jealous op
whats your main/secondary

Fuck, they changed that then. I went through the effort of creating a Japanese account for some themes a while ago but they wouldn't work on my English account. Well then I guess you are all set.

Insect glaive and Greatsword, though lance was feeling pretty good in the beta

No, I wanted to rip my eyes out at times when playing BB. Also I'm an idiort with a great PC. I just didn't have any frame issues with MHW so far. With your rude attack though, I'm doubting your claims now. You probably just want as many people to join you on PC as possible, so you lie about what the game is like on PC.

it runs fine on pro

I hope you didn't spend a lot on it. That's all I'm gonna say.

Pick one and only one

nice. i didnt really give insect glaive much thought when it was introduced because im a huge SNS fag. Heard it was pretty broken in its introduction game though. im probably also going to buy a pro specifically for world, and it wont be the first time. I bought a wiiu specifically for mh3u and didnt regret it at all.
I'd really like the special console but i think i might have missed out? Or could I still order it somewhere? Would the game be playable in english?

>it runs fine on pro
Its ok to admit that Sony isn't perfect, user.

Take off your fucking shoes and fix these cables my dude.

Pretty cool OP. I'm finding myself unable to do anything because I'm paralysed by waiting for World.

>30 FPS
>even the beta ran above 30
Well... thanks for confirming you don't know shit about the PS4 version.

>literally has the game and the console

Don't fall for his trolling, user. The pro runs fine at 25-30 fps. That's all you need






>I'm paralysed by waiting for World
Why don't you play some good games to develop taste before you sink your teeth into a turd?

45 isn't impressive either. Failed to hit 60, which is all that matters.

Nintendo fans? No these are PC users, you know, people that can actually play games at 60fps and above. Don't lump us with 20fps tablet users.

>Too bad the performance is complete shit on ps4 and pro
Where did this meme start? It doesn't look bad at all and why would anyone expect constant 60 fps in a MH game of all things?

i say nintendo because PC will get the game eventually. there wont be a switch port AT ALL

I know this feel. I started going back to the gym to get rid of all this angst

Framerate mode on Pro is upwards of 60 fps. Don't tell user to ignore a troll while trolling yourself.

The rathalos edition is pretty expensive to import, but you could still get one. Game should be playable in english theoretically.

>framerate mode
How many games utilize that?

i hope you are having fun op

yeah i did some looking. looks too expensive for my budget. I'll live. I really want that controller though.

I got that shit too.

>framerate mode
I thought is was the x1x that had that

>The game releases when the PC version does
100% this. When will console peasants ever learn ? They at a suboptimal, fixed technical specifications experience that's only relevant for a couple of years and the real game exists in an infinitely upgradable format that lasts decades

I'm not going to lie. This looks like shit. Its hard to see the dragon without good lighting.

>pc players hating that their game gets to be beta tested for 8 whole months or more, ensuring the best bug-free and streamlined experience for the pc
I honestly don't get why PC players are this upset.

>waiting 9+ months to play
Have fun having everything ruined on you

You sound like a jealous little faggot

I am having fun!

you should be able to buy just the controller

Jealous of what? wasting 800 bucks to buy a dragon that you can barely see? Nah.

No clue. We are taking about MHW though.

It's the only mode I've been playing it in...

>We are taking about MHW though
Are we though? Looks to me we're shitposting in a thread that started out as MHW.

I would actually buy that theme, it looks so rad

800 buck in the trash.

Noice my man. Make sure to keep it dust free

Then you are doing a piss poor job at reading posts? Almost all posts reference MHW.

NOICE. Now you have +10 skill for getting this. Money worth it.

good shit bruhs. I would be a little jelly if not finals. greatness is here mother fuckers

here's a rare angela white for your troubles