Is it justifiable to not play a game due to its art style...

Is it justifiable to not play a game due to its art style? I’m not going to touch the persona games because of its anime artstyle.

No, it's retarded unless the artstyle literally makes hour eyes hurt then you're just being a fag
Plenty of other reasons to avoid persona though

If you don't like it you don't like it, so don't play it. What's retarded is seeking validation for your shitty opinions on an anonymous video game board.

>Is it justifiable to not play a game due to its art style?
No. I'd have missed a lot of good games that are ugly as sin if I thought that way.

Is this a...
Could it be a reference to...

eh, a turn off is a turn off. a game's visual presentation plays into the overall experience so obviously if you don't like a game's art/graphics you won't enjoy it as much.

Holy shit I hate this insipid meme, but I admit I never would have noticed that otherwise, nice catch

I'm in the same boat. Persona looks fun but the visual style is repulsive.

Personally I wouldn't play any game with this kind of art style

Thank god no such game exists.

What are some good games with shitty graphics/artstyle

Don't jinx it

ye I don't read danganronpa because it looks like some kid drew them


Nigga the reason it's a meme is because it almost always is, in fact, a motherfuckin JoJo reference
That shit is referenced to an absurd degree in Japan

Aw beans

And persona doesn't want you touching them. Also, the hell you doing on Sup Forums if you don't like anime?

Anime is for tv shows not games and Sup Forums isn’t just for anime you faggot doesn’t matter how it started.


Are these trannies, or supposed to be what "real women" look like according to a hambeast?

keep it subtle

How did they get away with this?

A nazi cyborg soldier with a goddamn machine gun for a navel is effectively the opposite of "subtle".

What's there to get away with?
They're evil robo-nazis you kill with a magic sword