Oh don't mind me. Just being the best JRPG ever made within the past 10 years.
Oh don't mind me. Just being the best JRPG ever made within the past 10 years
Thats a sad state for jrpgs.
I'm curious why Sup Forums hates it suddenly
jrpgs we're never good to begin with tbqh
*blocks your path*
You've never played many JRPGs tbqh
Wow you got that mad over me calling your game shit in the other thread so you made this one to spite me? nice bro you got me again
Just imagine how SMT V is going to be like with Persona5's budget
can that even be considered JRPG?
You made me cream myself.
But I will pick up a switch for SMTV alone.
is it a Japanese Role Playing Game? I would hate for you to be the type of person to confuse JRPG with "turn-based RPG with anime"
Just because you can level up doesnt mean its a rpg reddo
technically yeah. it's Japanese and it's an RPG
Sure doesn't. The developer classification of their own game sure does though.
>the best JRPG ever made
It's the same thing as being the smartest of all retards
As far as I'm concerned japanese rpgs aren't necessarily jrpgs
It was pretty mediocre.
Try playing Radiant Historia or Strange Journey, Personababby.
excuse me
The term JRPG was not invented just because the games came from Japan. We don't have J-platformers. Or J-beat 'em ups. It was invented because Japan was producing a very specific type of RPG that was very different to what the west was producing. This type of RPG was most accurately described as "turn-based RPG with anime".
What does then?
>The term JRPG was not invented just because
Just because Japan released a higher proportion of RPGs and almost single handedly dominated the RPG market on consoles. Which is why Brave Fencer Musashi is a JRPG even though it's not a turn-based game. Sit down junior.
>jrpgs aren't jrpgs
Play a real sheen megaymi tensai, at least we got more persona doujinshis!
>Which is why Brave Fencer Musashi is a JRPG even though it's not a turn-based game.
That's years later, when the JRPG genre started to get a little innovation. The Witcher 3 is nothing like Neverwinter Nights and yet they are still both called RPG too. They are named from the legacy.
Honestly, how fucking stupid does someone have to be to actually believe the only meaning behind JRPG is "It's just because they are from Japan." All those game genres that exist and we singled out only RPG and decided to put a J on the front when the country of origin is Japan for no real reason? You're a fucking idiot.
This isn't Rance 7.
What is the appeal of Persona games? I haven't played any, but from the looks of it a big focus is the social system, with any actual gameplay taking a backseat.
The only positive about this piece of shit is that now Atlus has HD assets to use in real videogames, instead of in a glorified VN.
Friendship simulator for losers. Every 10 hours you get to play a little bit of dumbed down SMT.
Okay so according to this logic, jrpgs can originate from America?
>jrpgs can originate from America
Yes. Anachronox and Septerra Core are largely considered to be JRPG and would probably be universally acknowledged as such except for the people like yourself who get very upset at the notion that a JRPG style game could come from anywhere but Japan.
>little bit
Hey. Still sick and I have to be up pretty early tomorrow. But I wanted to check in because, y'know
'night, kawakami.
Monster Hunter and Ys say hello
persona peaked with 3 Portable
I was going to say TWEWY was better, but then I realized it is more than ten years old now. And now I feel old.
Is it really THAT good? I thought P3 and 4 were good, but not top 9 JRPGs good.
The combat ain't fun and it's full of padding so no. It was 8/10 at best.
*blocks your path*
I'm starting to believe they have a fundamental flaw ingrained into them in the form of repetitive trash mobs. I used to enjoy JRPGs but now I got less time and value newer experiences more.
I was starting to get sick of them after I finished Xenoblade 1 and Persona 5 just put the nail in the coffin. It's too bad too, I really wanna experience Xeno2's story and music but can't justify the hours put into all that repetitive content.
but user, persona 5 is the SECOND BEST jrpg of the past 10 years.
>not posting the zodiac age version
It's literally the same gameplay as any other SMT game but with an actual decent story. SMT games are all brain dead once you get demons with physical and magic reflecting skills so you might as well play the series with actual interesting characters with more depth than "SATAN TALKED TO ME SO I'M EVIL AND YOU HAVE TO KILL ME LATER, BYE"
That came out more than ten years ago. Also it's awful and only good for a non-Final Fantasy fan.
*blocks ur path with better story, characters, music, themes, social links, atmosphere, and dungeons*
is it really that good?
>cheesy power of friendship garbage
NIt's just that the bar is set fairly low with P5.
Not that good, but it is enjoyable. Goes on for about 20 to even 30 hours longer than it should though.
It absolutely is...dude. You know the one time the Vita peaked in sales in America/Europe/Japan? When Persona 4 Golden released in June/November 2012. The game was a definition of a killer app and it remains as the Vita's best game today. 5 is a bloated mess that is to verbose for its own good. An example would be like, during a social link event for 4 and 5. Say you're hanging out with someone, and then another character comes in relevant to whoever it is you are with. So Adachi's rank 2 event, an old lady walks by thinking it's her son since they have the same name. The old lady starts talking about stuff she saw on a show about detectives. In 4 it just outright says that and then skips ahead to her exit. In 5, you would actually spend another 10 minutes reading insane nonsense that just goes on way to long and kills the point of it being a little hang out event to learn more about a character. 5 is filled with things like this in every corner and its also the slowest starting game by far. In 3 you start at around 4/20, 4 at 4/15. 5 at 5/8. That is insane, literally 20 hours or so before the game finally opens up, only to slam you frequently with more strings of cutscenes and forced sleepings.
5 was a fucking disaster, it was crazy how they went so backwards from 4.
>5 was a diaster
then why is it the best selling persona game and best selling game in altus game library
Because 4 was insanely good and they spent years making spinoffs of it because of how successful and brilliant it was, at the cost of making the main cast retarded. 5 was hyped up to sky high levels because it just rode the wave that 4 created. If it was opposite way around (4 is 5 and 5 is 4), everyone would say 4 is better and more personal.
Role playing. It's in the name.
>JoJo part 4 ripoff
>better story, characters, music, themes, social links, atmosphere, and dungeons
persona was never good
wow dis raely make me thunk...
I prefer "turn-based RPG with anime" as a description for JRPG because it's a much more helpful description than "RPG made in Japan".
If i look for a list of "Best JRPGs" or something i don't want to find bloodborne in it.
>easy af even normalfag who never liked jRPGs could finish
>best jRPG
maximum kek my casulfag friend, maximum kek.
i highly doubt SMT V has P5's budget, after all, Persona os practically their flagship franchise in the west.
You can only say that now that this is just out of reach for a decade.