Resistance 2 becoming a generic CoD clone apparently wasn't Insomniac being a bunch of incompetent fuckwits chasing...

Resistance 2 becoming a generic CoD clone apparently wasn't Insomniac being a bunch of incompetent fuckwits chasing money, but it was all those pesky forum goers demanding they do it
>"One of the hardest lessons we learned [at Insomniac] was the shift between Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2," Schneider said. "We were relatively inexperienced when it came to interacting with our community at that point in time. Social media and community were still in their relatively early days, and we over-indexed on how much we listened to our fanbase versus trusting ourselves."

Buncha cunts

I actually liked Resistance 2. Wish it came back

This. The only Resistance I enjoyed. The two weapon limit sucked but otherwise it was fine.

You're a rare breed. The game was so bad that it killed the series. Sales for 3 were terrible and they gave up on it completely shortly after.

did the first game really sold all that well?

>Less creative weapons than the other 2 main games
>Getting rid of health packs for fully regenerating health
>Terribly designed 1 hit kill invisible enemies
>Bad 'bosses'
>Visual quality inconsistency out the ass
>but otherwise it was fine.


So some stupid fucks on a fansite made them change to Only Two Weapons at a time instead of a full weapon wheel and Removing Health for Red Screen bullshit?

That wasn't Resistance 2's fault. Fans knew that 3 was going to be shit in comparison which it was.

That's at least what Insomniac would want you to believe
>3 was going to be shit in comparison which it was.
You get the fuck outta here with your shit opinions

The Co-op made it worth it. the fact that 3 didnt have one basically killed the series since the mode was extremely popular

Uh, what? There was hardly any marketing for 3 and the marketing that was there wasn't very exciting. 2 hardly killed the series and had a really cool ending that never got expanded on. 3 killed the series if anything.

Only ones who hate 2 are the ones who never tried the multiplayer and Co-op mode

2 was gr8, multiplayer was top tier, weapons were fun(auger) it was 3s game to lose since 2 set the bar so high

The first game was a massive success, yeah. Resistance 2 as OP said threw out everything about R1 that made it interesting (the focus on an alternate WWII setting but with aliens) and turned it into CoD with aliens, with the setting barely even feeling like WWII anymore. They also killed off the main character at the end as well, which was a bizarre decision that paid off pretty poorly for them in the long run.

It absolutely was R2's fault. They wrote themselves into a corner with the ending of R2 so the story was shot, which was why R3 ended up being unrelated to 1 and 2 so that right there lost anyone interested in the story. R2 lost anyone interested in the gameplay because they got rid of the whole Ratchet and Clank as an FPS setup. After R2, no one cared about the series anymore, which is why R3 sold so poorly.

>bland story with shit ending
>co-op is campaign only, no badass hard missions from R2
>multiplayer down to 16 players from 60
uh huh sweaty... sure

>Less creative weapons than the other 2 main games
Didn't really think so. Pretty much on par with Resistance 1, in my opinion.
>Getting rid of health packs for fully regenerating health
Yeah, this sucked.
>Terribly designed 1 hit kill invisible enemies
Didn't bother me, as they were really easy.
>Bad 'bosses'
The other games didn't have any great bosses either.
>Visual quality inconsistency out the ass
Probably, but hey, it's only graphics.

Co-op was the only good part of 2. The campaign was shit and the competitive multiplayer was a clusterfuck and not nearly as fun to play as the first game's fuck loadouts. It also still confuses me ot this day how Insomniac couldn't get the Stalkers in co-op working properly for months after release


>2 had 4 times more people playing
>had the most sales in the series
>Co-op lasted years until the shutdown
>Multiplayer was so good other games tried to mimic it

>>multiplayer down to 16 players from 60
>Multiplayer quality is determined by player count
I thought we left this mentality last gen?

>bland story with shit ending
So, like the other two games?
>co-op is campaign only, no badass hard missions from R2
Campaign co-op is superior, fuck you.
>multiplayer down to 16 players from 60
Quality > Quantity

The only parts of Resistence 2 I liked was going into the infected Town full of tall thin Chimera and the start of Chicago.

You forgot Invincible Sea Enemies that are Instant Death.

>Multiplayer was so good other games tried to mimic it
What? I loved the MP but tell me 5 games that tried to mimic how R2's multiplayer was cause I dont know any at all. Remember, Modern Warfare was taking the world by storm already so must games were starting to copy its success.

>Killing off the main hero
I was brave of them to do but it backfired on them horribly. Who wants to play as Cappeli?

The whole ending felt like a Bad End, like you did something wrong in the campaign and got that

Yeah but the actual campaign was good unlike 2. Hell the weapons got even better in terms of creativity, they brought back campaign co-op, and they went full-on health pack goodness for the health system (though the partial regen was my favorite system out of them all)

MAG was one of them.

Better a CoD clone than a shitty HL2 clone

>Getting out of the Underground Facility and being treated to this
Mechanically it sucked but I liked how it injected some color into the game after the muted colors in Res1

MAG was closer to games like Joint Assault without the heavy emphasis on realism. Resistance was closer to a chaotic Battlefield game on infantry-only focused maps but without the destruction.

At least it was a style of shooter that hadn't been done to death by that point in the generation

Never forget

2 sold like half of what the first one did, not thats i did not enjoy the game
He was nothing like he was in the 2nd game either, something about the gunplay didn't feel right in the third one compared to the first 2
I loved the first part of the ambush in the forest. Colorful and the lighting was great and the smoke was great

I liked all 3 Resistance games, I wish they were ported to PC so I can play them with keyboard and mouse.

>something about the gunplay didn't feel right in the third one compared to the first 2
It was because it ran at 30 fps, while the first two were at 60 fps.

Insomniac is retarded for listening to their whining

I'll never not be mad about Insomniac dropping 60fps as their standard. Really hope someone might put in the effort for a 60fps mod for Resistance 3 when it actually becomes playable

>tfw mained medic
That beam gun was fun

>when it actually becomes playable

And by that I mean playable on RPCS3

Funny enough Fuse happened well after Resistance 2 showed them the supposed error of their ways that they're using to pin the blame on fans for Resistance 2, meaning Fuse is entirely their fault

I remember people liking the first trailer and critized or ignored the game when it came out as a generic grey third person shooter

God that was such a shitshow. Even worse when you hear about them focus testing the game early on on 12 year olds and listening to them saying it's not mature enough