Let's have a cool, calm, collected, and on topic thread about Nia form Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Let's have a cool, calm, collected, and on topic thread about Nia form Xenoblade Chronicles 2
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Shitty, oversexualised character, just like all the other female characters in the game.
t. western game designer
But she's not?
You had one job
Honestly as someone who never played the game, she looks like the only interesting character within it despite the few clips I can find on her.
Nia is a slut how tries to make move on a married man while his wife is kidnapped
And user manages to slide right into first post position with a prime shitpost
>oversexualised character
You haven't even played the game, have you?
Compared to the other blades Nia is the purest and she's not even my waifu
I kinda want to watch this because of her. I don't have a PS4.
What the fuck does your post even mean?
Someone post the vocaroo
You fucking moron it's on the Switcheroo
What did he mean by this? Does this chick actually use that British slang word to describe her vagina?
She's a woman so that makes her sexualized. Imo all characters and blades should be Chads on a quest to save the world. Just like Xenoblade 1 with my boys Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, and Riki
It's on switch, not PS4.
I feel the same. There's also 2-3 games I want on the PS4 but I can't justify spending more on a console than games. Shouldn't be that hard to squeeze out a switch emulator.
user shes the least sexualized of them all. The only thing sexy is her blade form and its not like she suddenly turns into a slut.
>those curves for someone who doesn't even look 14
Fuck you. Unrealistic body type.
>Does this chick actually use that British slang word to describe her vagina?
Is a bit weird, innit
Yes, she begs Rex to fuck her now shaven gormotti cunt but Rex is too addicted to prime blade pussy
here we go again
Nia brings the bantz. I love her!
>her now shaven gormotti cunt
I have yet to see proof of this
Best girl
Did she stroke out when she read this line?
We don't bully Nia yur, user.
Well I do
>no webm of that cute dance she does while doing a blade combo
Get on it, guys
to be fair literally everyone in the game has a "unrealistic" body.
Do forget the snow bunny that was on the frontpage for weeks after reveal
Nia doesn't actually shave her minge she has an unwashed jungle down there
Literally made to be shot in the face.
Thank god for that
What would it smell like?
Y'know what they say about big feet
>mfw beating Ophion for the first time
>All I get is his Data Terminal
Well what the fuck am I supposed to do with this? Also, am I supposed to drag him inland to get some other loot from him or does he not actually drop anything else?
>Make HP potions the main healing mechanic
>Also make a shit ton of fights with flying enemies on ledges where the potions just fall off
>Trying to move them on land just means you're taking damage for free because you have to put your weapons away
Flying enemies are just pure fucking cancer in this game
>50 mile aggro range
>Unrealistic body type
Rex is wearing a divers suit that's why his feet look like that because those are weighted shoes to keep him from floating
Nia is just literal Perfection
These threads breathe life into me. I just can't get enough of shitposting about this dumb cat
If I learned anything this game punishes you for not killing bonus bosses and clearing sidequests so you dont have to worry about aggro for days. If done right I'd imagine the inn exp makes clearing the game a joke.
HP Potions are shit once you get late enough in game for your main healing mechanic to be Crit-Heals.
>about this dumb cat
A shit
You shave your minge yet?
To add to the HP pot thing I gave every party member +%potion healing accessories. It made the world of difference in more underlvled clutch boss fights.
Tell m what's sexy about this dumb book.
She doesn't have a mum
>you will never be an Ardanian dicking down a Gormotti girl
No core crystal or ether lines, Im not sure if people are dumb or just trying not to spoil.
I'll be honest, I thought her big reveal was that she was going to be a boy after the hot spring scene
She shouldn't have ether lines in her driver form cause no ether line ears, but she SHOULD have a core crystal.
HP pots aren't anywhere close to main healing. Learn to use Lure. Get more deeds to decrease your aggro range and just generally get better at combat so you aren't taking forever to kill shit.
The only thing that sucks about flying enemies is all your fucking loot spills over the edge. Good thing most of what drops from flying enemies isn't shit you need anyway.
Even before that they hinted that she's flesheater
You probably missed it
>Thinking Mythra would stay that calm if she found out she was naked next to a naked boy
You have viewed too much trap porn and are apparently completely oblivious to how much Mythra would have BEATEN THE SHIT OUT OF HER if she had a penis.
Would you pull on her ears?
>Fight flying UM, looking for cores or chips
>Try to aggro it away from the cliff it likes hanging off
>It switches aggro back to Tora and he chases it back to the cliff, where it goes back to hanging off the cliff
>Aggroing it again to lead it back is near impossible because the moment you stop attacking, you lose aggro to Tora
>Repeat ad nauseum
I thought she'd be kinda adult about it
Her ether lines are on her upper thighs/legs user the bodysuit is there to cover it up. Also her ears dont have ether "lines" her clothes/decorations do. I guess its just an inconstancy with her in game model and art. Like the fact that she still has the miqote esq facepaint even on her in game model but not in her art.
>I thought she'd be kinda adult about it
You don't show Mythra your circumcised and get to live
inconsistencies between art and ingame models are fairly common here though. Look at Electra, she's a fairly normal oni thunder loli, but ingame she has a tail her art doesn't have.
That's why you use Lure and then run the fuck away. Tora will take aggro if you have Flash mods on Poppi, so you don't have to worry about getting 3 shot. I have yet to have a boss not follow me until it isn't over a chasm.
She looks like a moth
>Her ether lines are on her upper thighs/legs
They're called minge lines
That's what I normally do. Tora just seems to push the damn thing back to the cliff, even if it's immune/resistant to knockback. I dunno how to explain it but it tends to happen to me fairly frequently.
>You haven't even played the game, have you?
maybe this user had and he knows her bladeform
Assuming this isnt bait its a lewd shrine maiden outfit. Im actually more surprised she doesnt use a katana, its literally a scimitar that just looks like one.
She has no minge in blade form
Well, things aren't immune to just being pushed around and most of Tora's move, push him forward. Try to get behind it with the whole group before engaging next time, so you are pushing it towards a wall instead. Doesn't help with the fuckers that love to reposition though, like Machine-gun Julio. Fuck that guy.
She looks nothing like a miko, I wasn't baiting
You look at me with a straight face and tell me that minge ain't shaved
>Currently grinding Tiger Tiger
Just fucking kill me
Its literally a miko esq one piece with high leggings and miko sleeves. The red japanese string and bells make it obvious user. I know the designs a bit all over the place though.
I'm not gonna look at you with a gay one
>beat all superbosses
>still missing 5 rare Blades
This game is really lame sometimes.
>Die to Azure Reginald a dozen times because of his bullshit healing and Zeke deciding to swim for half the fight
>Finally beat him
>Every piece of loot rolls right into Uraya's stomach water
The first thing I thought when she proofed into blade form is OMFG those are fluffy ears, so yeah.
I prefer her as a moth
I like moths
Just use Morag
enjoy the autism simulator with relentless ardun/reeking douglas
>oversexualised character
Finally an user that knows whats up.
all the other girls let their flabs hang out casually
At least with Nia, you wonder with your imagination what kind of body that cute face is attached to for awhile.
Moths you say?
What about morag?
That minge is hiding in her bush
This girl walks by and gives you this look.
What do?
Does Nia have an innie or an outtie?
No way a perfect girl like her has roast beef, right?
Nah, I'm putting the game down. 95 or so hours is enough for me and I don't need KOS-MOS.
Might revisit it if the DLC is any good.
You've lost your mind. Minge syndrome has hit him too hard. We need an antidote
There are two pieces of land you can drag him to, but he's still way to big and shit goes everywhere. I just give up on it since it isn't anything good from the one time I did manage to get it onto land and people weren't spazzing out into the water. Game throws loot at you constantly anyway. Only people with loot autism have a problem with it.