Start match

>start match
>"user dinners ready!"

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no mommy-made dinner waiting for me
She's not dead or anything, just doesn't cook and neither do I.

Move out then, ungrateful shit.

>"Turn that game off son"
>A cutscene is playing and you can't save
>Parents come in and console off
>I get mad because lost progress
>Get sent to bed on empty stomach
>Hold grudge against parents 30 years later
>Put them in nursing home instead of looking after them myself

>tfw your cunt mom never prepared dinner

Don't listen to this user. Moving out is a total meme. I have a swank ass apartment but I spent the holidays at home and remembered how fucking awesome it is to lie in bed shitposting while mom brings you a slice of pie and an iced tea

>dinner isn't actually ready yet
>have to sit around 10 more minutes before it's actually ready

Things that never happened for $1000, Alex.

If you actually had a "swank ass apartment" and lived on your own you'd hate returning home. Seeing the family is good, but everyone who has actually lived on their own knows that within 20 minutes the nagging starts and you remember why you moved out in the first place. After you've lived on your own you can never be comfortable in your parents' house again.

>within 20 minutes the nagging starts
Must suck to have shit parents then.

>parents prepare a plate for you and cover it with foil to keep it hot until your game ends and you can come eat

that's all parents, underage. if you ever spent one night alone you'd know living under the roof of the best parents is still worse than living under your own roof

>dad/mom tells me and bro to go to start wrapping up game and get in bed
>turn off lights and tv but leave console on
>they check one more time to see if we're in bed
>wait till parents are in their bedroom
>get out of bed and keep playing

did this so many times. especially when we got a new game. we had to play with the volume almost at mute though


>frogposter is underagefag who still needs to forfeit to "din dins is ready"
colour me fucking surprised

I just visited my parents for the holidays
Both mom and dad we're fucking awesome I could've stayed some while longer

The closest to nagging I got was "make sure you eat healthy" from my dad


>about to finish great match
>kicked off team and everyone hates you
>no more friends only tendies

Lol, sorry your parents suck ass.

It must suck to not like your parents.

I'd rather live with my parents than on my own because they actually love me

You are missing something.
Mommy made cooking is the shit.

>within 20 minutes the nagging starts
Must suck to be raised so poorly that you needed to be nagged all the time at home and still need to be nagged when you return home.

>tfw live thousands of miles away from parents

My mom and I get along pretty well, so moving back wouldn't be a problem. That being said living in your own house and making your own rules is more fun.

>mom bends over to turn off my game
is this you, OP?

I know that feel. Lived in Japan for a year. Feels bad man. Skype calls were a pain in the ass to arrange. Fucking time difference

the fucking worst

speak for yourself buddy

>Lived in Japan for a year
That's even worse than having your parents hate you.