Games with actual good writing/story?

Games with actual good writing/story?

how about you imagine one before making a shit thread, fuckhole.


Pic unrelated

Read a fucking book if you want good writing.

Gameplay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal shit>>>writing/story


>muh irrelevant dirty french thief


>be a clueless thirteen year old
>obsess over 'good storytelling' in games
>revere Final Fantasy games as some of the pinnacle of storytelling in games
>grow up
>start reading books
>start watching movies
>realize that game stories are usually just derivative of the same generic tropes that infest every popcorn movie and popular mass-market appeal book
>stop giving a fuck about 'storytelling' in games, start only giving a shit about fun gameplay
>enjoy games considerably more

you really thought final fantasy had a good story?

>disney killed 30+ years of lore for brap

video games
video + games
no story allowed

I was a kid, it was the best storytelling I'd been exposed to up until that point.

I wish I could sabotage your headphones so one side is always louder than the other.
That's how much I hate you for posting that

I won't pretend that games in general set a high bar for storytelling, but there are a lot of things that they can do as an interactive medium that keep me more emotionally invested than I am with most movies these days.

what is that? what the fuck is this?

This is fanfiction, right?

welcome to the future

>uses the """"""""""""""word""""""""""""" trope
you're still pretty fucking far gone

Star Wars: Join The Resistance: Escape from Vodran
it's canon

Agreed, but for me now it's games that have a more subtle approach that give me the most emotional impact. Games like INSIDE, Shadow of the Colossus, and Journey have given me a stronger reaction than writing-heavy games that try to strong arm me into giving a shit.

Don't get me wrong I still love vidya, I just can't stand the crap writing any more.

From Latin tropus, from Ancient Greek τρόπος (trópos, “a manner, style, turn, way; a trope or figure of speech; a mode in music; a mode or mood in logic”), related to τροπή (tropḗ, “solstice; trope; turn”) and τρέπειν (trépein, “to turn”). The verb is derived from the noun.
yeah, I'd say it's a word you fucking brainlet retard.

>canon brapposting

oh my fuck how do star warsfags live with themselves

>posts picture for ants
>filename is 520x293bb.jpg
This is bait isn't it?

Sev didn't die for this

jesus christ you really are an autistic fucker aren't you

And just remember The Black Fleet Crisis isn't cannon, but this is.

Anything with boring polotics, or logistics, or characters, or space battles, or anything that has consistency with the universe, or anything that's relatively enjoyable is not.

Soul Sacrifice Delta.
It's on the vita though.

But braps
Braps are canon

>Actually reading
hahaha look at this faggot

>gets blown the fuck out
>y-you're autistic

It's called The Brap Fleet Crisis now.


That's fair. There are a lot of generic safe-marketing tropes to shovel through in the mainstream market. But every once in a while a creative idea pops up.

And as I get older, and have already played so many variations of the same genres, it's hard for me to get especially invested in a new game unless it does something interesting with the context, setting, writing, or unique gameplay mechanics.

A new game could be a perfectly competent FPS, but if there's nothing new to take away from it than odds are that it will all just all blend together with the countless others just like it.

How long have you been with gaming? JRPGs, escpially Final Fantasy, have been praised constantly since the SNES days for their 'stoy'. It's the first thing people talked about when advocating for the genre.

Did you get into gaming this generation or something?

Still love me some FF9.

>As if this isn't an accurate depiction that evokes appropriate imagery of the situation

t. a nigger trying to appear read

well, so does the fart fanfic

You know I've seen black women reading books and I always wondered what they were reading but then I just read, "De'nesha Diamond is the award-winning, bestselling author of more than forty novels. The Duchess of Street Lit, she is the coauthor of the national bestselling novels Desperate Hoodwives, Shameless Hoodwives, and The Hood Life." so now we know what they read.

Oh sure. I see negresses reading that shit on the train all the time.

I mean it's hard to get mad at pulp novels, they're guilty pleasure wish fulfillment on the same level of quality as most anime.

but u r

so does that mean MGS V is a GOAT game