What would you want from a new Star Fox game?

What would you want from a new Star Fox game?

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Krystal tits


Never going to happen but
>Side game where you can create your own merc team, all customizable
>do merc things like those land mission from Assault or fight in a skirmish in a war
>Online team up with other merc corp for team mission
>or classic VS match, but with your characters you created
Alternately, I already have her as my slutty follower in New Vegas, so not much.

It's unsalvageable. The most we can hope for is Zero 2 is what DKC2 was to DK.

remove shig

No crazy controls
SF64 structure
No dumb hidden medals or flags
Actual James closure (Command already tired that out)
Reboot/continue to reboot to Andross' return as recurring villain with full body (has a Star Wars villain flair about him)
OPTIONAL Krystal (non Mary Sue)/Kat/Faye/Miyu team

Ability to play co-op without having to quit out of every level and restart it in co-op.

Assault but 2-3x as long with some new elements and revamped ground combat for the new gen


As long as its not another case like this.

To be fair, Assault was a new element in the fact that your enemy isn't Andross anymore, but space locusts. Most of the other Main Nintendo line up end up being the same mastermind behind the plot, directly or indirectly.

Thats why I liked it so much. I enjoyed the advancement, the multiplayer and most of all collecting flags and replaying stuff

>enemy isn't Andross anymore

The greatest Haram to Miyamoto. Pikmin is like the only one of his series where every game has a different final boss (Probably because they're just random animals you kill)

a multiplayer mode with extreme levels of customization

So Assault?

Shame you couldn't be Leon or Panther.


I would want it to feature no furries. This game and disney bullshit is responsible of feeding into mental disorders of many lonely fags that should better have been spend on providing proper help.

I would love for their to be an Assault sequel, there were some good ideas that could be improved on

A crossover with the film "Event Horizon"

Mercenary animals doing mercenary things. As long as it controls well and doesnt involve andross it's already amazing to me.

I unironically give money to Chasen and hope he makes good progress with all his work.

>that Fay

No female characters. Assault-like missions, just bigger and with more challenging enemies. No stupid levels where you control weird ships and solve puzzles, just action. And more Falco dialogue.

>no female characters

What, are you gay?

Star Fox is about three bros and a slightly gay bird salving the universe, there's no room for meddling women in here. They just ruin all the atmosphere.

>No female characters

I agre-

>More Falco

Oh you're one of those

fair enough. I'd take it over the nothing nintendo is putting out. The Star Fox universe is fucking cool and there isn't enough good sci-fy in the world today...

Part of why Star Fox is cool because it's mysterious and unexplored. When you start to explain shit and world-build, it just becomes less interesting.