I just beat Sif now. So where do I go now?
I just beat Sif now. So where do I go now?
watch 4kids
That depends. Have you been to blighttown yet? If not, there's a door by the red dragon that takes you down to the lower burg. Keep going down, and you'll find some new places.
To school
back to GameFAQs faggot
ghost town.
read the items you most recently got when you don't know where to go.
nigger factory
Game's kinda non-linear in some places
If you haven't rung the bells of awakening you need to go do that (blighttown can be accessed through the sewers under the burg), if you're past getting the lordvessel you can use the ring sif dropped to fight the boss in new londo
You could go to New Londo anyways but you probably won't live long if you go early without a plan
go back
Sen’s and Anor
you have to go back
Undead Burg lol
lol nice one
What did you do apart from beating sif? All i can get from this is that you ringed 2 bells and got through anor londo.
I only rang one bell
You cound ring only one bell and get to anorlondo. The door to fun fortress opens after ringing 2 bells. One after gargoyles and second after quelaag
man i wrote this big-ass post for you
you need to go to the lower undead burg
yeah I didn't beat quelaag. I guess lower burg is where I need to go
I made a typo. You couldn't ring only one bell and get to anorlondo. Gate to Sen's Fortress opens only after 2 bells are rang.
Theoretically New Londo but you can fight Sif anywhere from second boss to third-to-last boss so who really knows
Oh my god, i realized i'm a retard. I mistook Sif for Seath. Kill me please. Just get to lower undead burg.Get through catacombs, kill gaping dragon, get through blighttown and kill quelaag.
The uninstall wizard
awesome thanks