ITT: Games that get don't deserve the amount of shit-talking that they get

ITT: Games that get don't deserve the amount of shit-talking that they get

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>Donkey Kong Country
>Can't play as DK

I agree, I think it did a lot of neat things and sorta set the stage for Rare's N64 games.

Country bro

Played DKC and DKC2 for the first time just a few months ago on the snes mini. Both brilliant. Played 15 minutes of DKC3 and couldn't go on.

Shit music, and nobody wants to play as Dixie and her down syndrome cousin.

If DKC3 did this it would be the go-to thing to shit on the game about but since it's DKC2 everyone has agreed to ignore how terrible this bonus room is

DKC and DKC2 are better, but you should push on. The game has better music later and overall, is a good game. Has a bit of a rocky start, but in the end is more DKC.

Believe me when i say that while the hipsters that swear by it are annoying, they arent completely off the mark.

>first 4 worlds are great and fun
>suddenly k2 and razor ridge
>game is suddenly fucking garbage

It's not even dead, there is still an active but not-so-vocal community. It's always a fun time too, ranked matches can get really intense especially against really good players. The ARMS customization also lends itself to seeing diverse playstyles online and the characters themselves also significantly change up the way you play.

If I'm gonna be upfront, I kinda like ARMS more than Splatoon, but maybe that's because team-based shooters aren't my thing

>that bonus room
I never had a problem with it.

To be fair, DKC3 is supposed to be Dixie's game, and Donkey Kong would just wind up overshadowing her.
There are arrows clearly pointing something out, and you should stop and notice the cannonball moving oddly slowly in the direction the bananas are pointing in.

No, it does.

>spend 20 seconds backtracking as the spider to open a bonus room

people already complain about 3 being full of gimmicks, this would be king gimmick

>following an enemy projectile to open a bonus room
>king gimmick
Have you ever seen a gimmick before


If you're gonna criticize anything about Web Woods, make it the 1-frame Hero Coin on the end-level target that forces you to restart the longest level in the game if you miss it.

Are you for real? 20secs is nothing. Why is this such a glaring issue for you? That isnt even the definition of gimmick. Right now youre coming off as extremely buttmad.

>lacks the ability of inference
>couldn't figure out what the banana arrows meant
>had to look up the location of the bonus room
>get butthurt about how dumb you are
>hurr it's a gimmick

And yet if Web Woods was a DKC3 level it would proof that they were running out of ideas

How do you figure?

At least we have the confirmation that youre yet another butthurt DKC3fag. Get over it man, people will always like 1 and 2 more because they are flat out superior.

DKC3 is better than 2 in every single way besides world themes.

>DK coins aren't just generic collectibles and are way more unique
>non-linear world map with many secrets
>have to actually find the secret world
>secret world is better
>better level design all around
>every single level has something unique in it
>bonuses are better and more varied

Kiddy Kong is just DK with an extra ability, I don't understand why people say he is a negative. DKC2 has Diddy and Dixie, and desu Diddy just felt like a shittier Dixie because he couldn't fly. They actually had to put in barrels that only he could use to make him useful.


Diddy can climb faster. Leave it to DKC3 fags to be wrong about everything.

Diddy is faster at everything, but that doesn't matter unless you're speedrunning. Literally no one used Diddy when they had Dixie as a kid, and it they did it was only to save Dixie for the hard parts.


>literally no one
You cant prove this.

Look DKC3kun, i like the game but give it a rest. 2 is better.

I guess if you like worse level design, sure, but for me level design is king in a platformer so 3 is the best.

The level design isnt better, though.

It is. Just narrow it down and compare the swimming levels. Every single swimming level in DKC2 is just a bunch of barrels and boxes randomly thrown around to create a maze.

DKC3 has a new mechanic in every single swimming level, and most of them mix land platforming and swimming together in unique ways. DKC2 has one where you have to cool the water down, but that doesn't change shit. It just makes you have to go faster.

Where my terrorist hunt bros at?

Best part about this was grabbing a buddy and modifying the config to spawn every terrorist at once.

He's right
The levels themselves might not be better but their design is fucking amazing, every single one is unique and has a nice flow to it
DKC 2 and 3 are really similar to the Super Mario Galaxy games in how tightly structured and comprehensive their levels are
Like and subscribe plz

>new mechanic
You mean gimmick that is never seen again. DKC1 and 2 are guilty of this but 3 does it to an extreme. A new gimmick every level doesnt necessarily make the level design better my dude.

2 has better flow and is much more replayable. I swear i feel like you guys are just hipsters.

>he’s playable in only the first game of the trilogy
>gets kidnapped by k.rool TWICE

False advertising and Donkey needs to get his shit together.

I dont even think theyre bad levels. Im just responding to yet another butthurt DKC3 fan who is upset that 2 is viewed as superior.

Hipsterism is a disease.

I'm not sure that's true, Diddy overshadowed Donkey in DKC1. You basically always want to be Diddy in that game since he's faster.

They could've just made it Dixie & Donkey rescue Diddy. Then we'd get all three 3-char combos, rather than introducing a new character. I don't mind Kiddie too much though

>reusing an idea introduced in DKC2 would be considered running out of ideas in DKC3 but not in DKC2

Uh no shit?

World themes is literally the only area where DKC3 is better than 2. Every world in 2 is a pirate world.

There are plenty of situations where diddys speed is more useful. Dixie’s ponytail is often a crutch.

A throwaway gimmick for each level doesn’t mean it’s better. 3 takes it to the extreme.

And every world in 3 is canada whats your point?

Obviously 1 has em all beat. South american temples, caves, industrial america, mount everest, the congo, etc.

Nah there are lots of enemies in 1 that only DK can defeat. I find myself being DK more

It was DKC2 but set in canada with a shitty DK replacement.

it honestly could have been much worse.