When's the last time you dusted off your PC?

When's the last time you dusted off your PC?

I use dust filters on my fans so like once a year?

Once a month, just finished cleaning the inside of my case earlier this even actually

A couple of months ago in the lead-up to summer. All good bruv.

Every 3 days all my electronics are dusted.

every few months

I have filters/water cooling, just pull the filters out and wipe them down.

Sunday. Wasn't that dusty but I was worried some idiot had accidentally gotten something in it while cleaning the other room.

I dust weekly, and refrigerate the cpu weekly.

user, please tell me you dont hire Molly maid to do your cleaning for you, don't be lazy, guy.

Probably about once a year. Mostly just dusty filters though

3 months ago
I dust it out every 5 or 6 months

No it was someone in the house getting rid of the christmas tree

October with canned air, and before every summer some really deep cleaning and also applying new thermal paste.

>applying new thermal paste
How often should one do this?

Keeping mine on my desk instead of under means cleaning it way less often.

Oh, fair enough. Fucking pine needles everywhere.

whenever you get a new cpu

I have used the same case for 7 years and merely switched out parts as necessary, I have never once cleaned my computer.

It sounds like a beast when it runs, CPU fan literally gets caught up with dust and whirrs at me, but I have ideals, I will never, ever clean it.

I don't have dust in my room so about two times a year

>I don't have dust in my room

Or change your cooler

3 years, thanks for reminding me.

What's so funny? I had to replace a few things in November and there was literally no dust to clean in the case. The last time I cleaned it was about May and ever since then almost no dust got into the case and my side panel is open. Just dust of the fans and you are good to go

"Ideals" not cleaning isn't an ideal user, it's just laziness. Stop lying to yourself and others.

>tfw still using the 212 evo

What is the best way to dust your PC? I should do it because i've had mine for like a year now but i don't want to damage anything or knock anything loose inside.

Look my man, I don't vacuum, I don't wash my dishes, I don't dust, and I certainly don't, and won't ever start, cleaning my computer.

I live as the cavemen did.

>had been using a stock cooler on my 2600k for over 5 years until a few months ago

just built it in late november, so never

Yeah, that's pure laziness, and actually probably a severe mental health issue.

Get help my man.

I use paint brushes and a normal cleaning cloth. Just use the brushes for the fans and push all the shit to the bottom of the case. Use cloth to clean brushes and bottom

Forget mental health (which is also the case), your physical health from all that black mold and shit growing in your garbage that's been festering for years is probably fucked. Enjoy your reduced life span.

I put my garbage where it belongs, out the window.


a couple weeks ago when I installed a new SSD

compressed air, just hold the fans with a finger so they don't spin when blown

Regardless, if you don't clean otherwise your surroundings are filled with filth, everytime you eat in your filthy ass house you are consuming mold and filth directly. Everytime you breah you are breathing in dust, mold, germs, bacteria, and only God knows what else, directly into your system. If your yard is filled with filth, it can and will have the same effect as your house being filthy.

I feel sorry for your neighbors, and I honestly hope you get help soon. The only way you could do this and act like everything is okay is a severe mental health disorder. Please user, think about it, and get help soon.

the last time i cleaned was like a few weeks ago when I installed a 212LED cooler replacing my stock intel cooler

>tfw idle temps drop like 10+ degrees and it won't go over mid 50s under game load

yesterday, actually. put in a new HDD and gave it a nice cleaning

>laptop would hit 95c under load
>one of the fans started dying
>go to replace fans
>both are coated in dust and there is hair blocking both vents
>clean out the vents and install fans
>never go over 70c

Feels truly amazing

>Last month
>Thermal cutouts in the middle of winter despite regular air duster clearouts
>Crack open my case and check my CPU properly for the first time since building three years ago
>A tiny smidgen of stock paste put on by the manufacturer.
>Clean that shit off, paste that shit up
>Dust out the heatsink with a paintbrush and finish with the air duster

>Drop 30 FUCKIN' DEGREES at load.

Definitely worth doing. I was silly not to check before.

>70°C laptop

Every summer pretty much, or when I've bought something new to it. Not that much dust after a year, most of it falls on the sides of the case.

that is still pretty high for a lappy you probably should apply new thermal paste on the cpu if you can

Never. I have like 5 intakes behind air filters, and 1 bare exhaust. No dust after 3 months with my current case.

Plan is to shake out the filters every couple of months though.

A few weeks ago, but admittedly I do it far too rarely.
I quite literally wait for my pc to start overheating between dustings.

Like 2 years ago. Whenever I play AAA shit it gets real hot and the computer is generally slower. I'll do it eventually