What enemies have the scariest sound effects?
What enemies have the scariest sound effects?
Let's all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes!
the fucking rats on stalker have no bussiness being as loud as they are
>sounds like a flute up someones ass farting
Hunter from L4D
Gets me at a corner everytime...
I can still hear the endless buzzing.
Nightmare fuel.
hunter in left 4 dead spooks me cuz i know it will kill me in a second
ReDeads from Ocarina of Time
you are all small time
when the crimson head first wake sup, its pretty scared
*slurpee drinking sounds*
All the zombies in Half Life 2
Especially the fast one
Silent Hill 4 not
Holy shit! why is the background so fucking ugly? Mobile port or something?
I think the flying birbsects in that game were strangely creepy. They're like crows that fly with mosquito wings. Nobody likes the sound that mosquitos make.
Looks like the original PC port. One of the worst ports ever made. The game was downgraded to PS2 and then directly ported from that to PC. It didn't even have mouse aiming.
Some real PC-master race quality, amirite?
Stop making me wish Konami was dead.
How is Konami not dead?
Don't they got a game coming out?
This motherfucker gave me so many nightmares, still the scariest sounds to me.
barons of hell in DOOM were pretty scary at the time
witches in l4d are scary
OP said scary, not cringey.
watching that character actually having to do a full turn just reminds me of how i can't play re games
The scariest thing here are those textures.
Everytime I see this I want to shove my dick into it's mouth.
>One of the worst ports ever made.
When people complain about bad ports i think they usually just mean lazy ports that don't take advantage of the pc but this was one of the few examples i can think of where it was objectively worse than the console version, can't believe of bought that piece of shit.
make me scr eam everytim e
Do you remember that scene in JP when the raptor hits it's claw on the ground while it's thinking?
Well, these niggers are that 24/7 and it's terrifying.
Pachinko makes more money than MGS and Silent Hill combined, sadly
When I was a kid pic related was way more scary.
Still, this one creeps me out the most: