What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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They got rid of junglist.

I stopped watching this show about 4 years ago, did it get cancelled because the quality dropped or was nobody interested anymore?

The ABC is literally a coalition mouthpiece now

Fingered Hex in a nightclub.

He looks like soyboy

>tfw im 25 and my hair STILL isn't balding
its just not fair


I think this was the first guy

>Get rid of the fat nerd to bring in an attractive "GMMMRRRRR" girl

This was so hilariously blatant.


fuck off greenscuck


I fingered that chick in a Sydney nightclub once.

I've heard Hex does indeed like getting fingered in Sydney night clubs.

shouldve been first post

no that was me

where you been the past 20 years?

Used to play wow with hex since we shared a house in West Sydney, she's actually pretty normal. Had to distance my self from her after fingering her in a Sydney night club but only after 34 guys shoved their mouse clickers in her before me

head of the abc new president wasn't going to renew it. Can't imagine it didn't make money as they were "selling out" to conventions and had booked out "see good game" live events

i like the new girl better than hex

This a joke, or is it based on some truth

Assassinated by Michelle Guthrie because the Coalition is a puppet of Murdoch

>because the Coalition is a puppet of Murdoch
Are you pretending
1) the show was good
2) ABC and SBS were not and are still heavily left leaning?

>Can't imagine it didn't make money
It was a waste of tax payers money.

I used to like SBS when they had shitloads of European cinema and occasionally stuff from Asia. Used to stroke myself to French titties at midnight

Now it's just gay LGBT tranny shit like "Documentary about my transitioning son: episode 5"

I remember watching old anime movies on SBS. Don't know if they still do that because I have no reason to watch TV.

She literally got the job from fucking some dude.

The channel 31 show is better

Spawn Point is alright.

Someone post the webm with Hex and the dude staring at each other using that device and only he registers some attraction.

Just Sup Forums being Sup Forums

She does look pretty rad

I learned her name was Stephanie when she was in Melbourne and the camera man kept saying Stephanie get the hair out of your face at a con

>still didn't have digital tv at home so only had abc1
>staying up till midnight to watch rerun of this weeks ep of GG on abc1

Those were simpler times.

1) I fingered Hex in a Sydney nightclub.

2) They were industry shills on a public broadcaster.

3) This: youtu.be/-ZF2vkmbG34?t=4m37s

>Went to a mates party in Brisbane
>He had this wall out the back that the landlord would allow him to graffiti
>During the course of the night, some chick keeps spraying 'mario' icons and such on the wall
>End up getting real drunk and spray painting swastikas over each of the mario icons
>On the way out (almost immediately after the swastikas) I see hex standing in the kitchen
>Actually chat a bit, shes seeing someone
>Remember what I did and book it
>Hear from someone that she does in fact know it was me
I let hex see my autism. I haven't touched alcohol since.

Jesus Bajo, you're a monster!

Sbs viceland is pretty good mate

Came here to say this

Based user. There was something oddly comfy about watching it at that time.

I fingered Hex in a Sydney nightclub once

Can you tell more of the back story?

I hexed finger in a Sydney nightclub once

Bajo was autistic
Have you guys seen his stream on twitch?

I fingered Bajo in a nightclub in Sydney once.

Is he the retard that refused to look at tiddies?

I Bajo'ed a Sydney in finger. Twice.

Maybe, he's the guy that goes through the whole song and dance whenever he gets a sub/donation with multiple faces and zooms


That gamergate story is a perfect example of why everyone hates all the media spin.


Seriously. When are they going to grow up. Not that I'm defending all the retarded troll comments, but at least try to do some legitimate research on the topic and present both sides.

How long ago did this happen?

Is that a joke? It's like the epitome of dumb millennial shit virtue signalling shit. I was curious and changed turned on the channel one day and it was some current news discussion show, first article was about the first Muslim female comedian, then they showed the hosts and one of them is Marc Fennel.

I could not stop myself from laughing.

I don't think anyone knows anymore. It's just a myth now. I think it actually originated on some ABC forums years back.

Maybe if you watch the dumb millennial shit. It's got good docos and shows like abandoned. And they show shitty old movies late at night.

RIP Peanuts

Remember watching late night SBS for a chance to see some boobies?

I just feel bad giving them any views. I did watch Aliens on their once though.

Wait, that picture behind her. It's the awkward numale open mouth photo.

I feel sorry for hex, she's not bad, just junglist and bajo had waaaaay better chemistry.

You and me both. Jerking it to late night SBS expanded my mind to European women, turtle necks and straight fringes.

He's right though, gamergate did hate women, nothing he's saying is incorrect.

could have sworn it was a greentext story on here that was semi-credible

Something something posts are works of fiction

>May 2106

Soyboy patient zero discovered

who's it meant to be?
i've always hated him

I nightclubbed sydney with a hexed finger once.

shoulda stayed and slang her one

Wouldn't surprise me that you can fit a nightclub in her since everyone on here has fingered her at least once

haha made me giggle mate!

It might have been. It might have cropped up on the forums later, or I could be wrong about that altogether. Though I do remember a time when there would be more of a backstory about it in threads rather than just a handful of people saying they did it.

No it didnt. It hated radical leftists who happened to be women.

How do you figure that?


>be me
>see they're auditioning for new host
>Use camera
>buy camera tripod
>subscribe to adobe
>make video
>upload i with private link to watch views
>send private link along with resume
>''thanks for putting the effort in but you weren't what we were looking for''


The same ABC that shills for Islam and promotes sharia advocates who are also freinds with hizb ut-tahrir.
The same ABC that was trying to defend the safe schools marxist anti-science program.
The same ABC that tries to normalise concepts like white privileged, cultural appropriation and made up genders.

>literally a coalition mouthpiece.
seems legit.

>shit game with a manlet

that's ridiculous bullshit, ABC gives more airtime than any other station (except SBS) to shit like Last Leg and The Weekly with Charlie Pickering where they just shit on Trump and the Liberal Party nonstop for hours

no that's the cuck from kotaku america.

You people actually watch this shit? That's pretty fucking bad, even for you, Sup Forums.

why? You look like a worthless loser, they knew this, and didnt bother wasting their time on clear trash. Now fuck off and die you stupid naive faggot.

They wouldn't of known because they didn't click the link..

If the ABC is a Coalition mouthpiece, why do the Coalition attack it so much and why does Labor defend it so much?

Are they both acting against their own interests, or are you just wrong?

the fact you don't know the difference between "of" and "have" is a good sign that you're useless

You are really trying to troll on here you must be Hex's friend that by accident had let everyone know she got the job through dating Sid the producer at the time.

Caring about grammer on Sup Forums is pointless

You're right, the good game hosts are after someone well versed in grammar and highbrow entertainment.


I'd say shit bait but the stupidity of Labor voters shears surprises me.

Only if you're a degenerate.

Holy fuck

The best part about this is hex is the only one knows who the original poster was

What happened they stopped getting games to review before the release date and were 2 weeks behind review games that were out

Then they started reviewing mobile games

Nichboy got some airtime and wanted more

Samantha armytage got in hex ear while she was review tech on sunrise

The we got the gigantic turd that is screen play

ABC thought non-partisanship meant EVERYBODY IS EXACTLY THE SAME which resulted in this whole inclusivity push, which has ultimately only abandoned normal people and embraced Shariah, anti-Australian ranting, and belittling white people.

I watched that Screen Time show a couple of times, and it was just a white Aboriginal and a gay Paki ranting about how much they hate white people and how hard done by women are in Australia.

It comes from her old my space and irc

The whole purging after eating
And a bit slutty

Few pics of her in a nurses outfit kissing another girl

Can all be found on ausceleb hex

Heaps of bikini pics etc if you are prepaired to go through 80 pages of screencaps

Fuck I remember that

Who cares. She's proud of her Danish heritage and is dating a white guy. At least she's a positive role model for all the cunts out there who are craving Sudanese cock.

Settle down bajo you giant faggot

Clearly states where the info comes from and where to find pics

Dont worry next time she is up in katoomba and i am titty fucking her i will ask her to call me bajo so we can both laugh about how you live alone with your cats forever playing dark souls 2 and how the hyped up monkey replacement is more animated than you

And you wear more make up on set

And your twitch steam is below shit tier

A number of things.
First off, the ABC took advantage of Junglist's departure early into the show to hire a female co-host, perhaps to fill some diversity quota. They also diluted the show by making a "kids friendly" version that was on at a different time, meaning their "gameplay" teams had to work twice as hard, for evidence on why thats bad see cuphead journo fiasco. Then they loaded that kids show with far too many gimmicks like Darren the robot. It boosted ratings real quick so ABC focused on kids friendly and let the adult version die. Then they did live shows and crap that took the show away from its roots. It's hosts felt that their faces were being engraved into the show to the point where they couldn't do much work anywhere else (fortunately I know Bajo got a spot on Whovians and I think Hex has been doing the rounds of some ABC Me or ABC iview projects, but I think goose dropped into obscurity along with all the other people who were on camera there).

All in all they got fucked by ABC execs that thought video games were for kids only, had no idea what gaming culture was outside of "you shoot robots n shit and pown newbs or some shit?", flogged the shit out of their hosts, you get the drift. They expected like 3 games to be reviewed every week, and a few times they had to resort to mobile games which is about the time the show jumped the shark.

Go away bajo

Interesting angle. Sounds like something an insider would say.