What are some lesser known games that you would have never heard of if not for Sup Forums and see shilled on Sup Forums but turned out to be fantastic?
ITT: times Sup Forums was absolutely right
whats a go to starter class and whatnot for someone who sucks at vidya
Don't go as the ugly one or the crazy one on your first play cause it gives you really weird dialogue and makes the game much more complicated; play a vanilla run before tou do one of those
don't remember a lot about my first playthrough, but I got dominated by the dude in the art museum or whatever. Had to cheese and run and took 20 mins or so to beat him, felt like I was doing something wrong at that point and put it on the backburner
>lesser known games
what in the actual fuck
As for the question, none. I tend to frequent a lot of forums and read user reviews, so usually Sup Forums is the last place I visit for overlooked gems. Going to Codex or just googling "underrated games on XXX" gives plenty of suggestions to research further.
In addition, Sup Forums has a notoriously pleb mainstream console-oriented taste. Now /vr/, on the other hand, is a great place, if you do not lurk other forums.
Perhaps the one game which I've heard about here was Baten Kaitos for Gamecube. It wasn't exactly fantastic, but had some interesting ideas.
Have fun user
Thanks to Sup Forums shilling I got into Monster Hunter
I'd say Toreador. It's what I did, and unless you just go around killing civvies you won't really deplete your humanity points.
Tremere is quite easy
Fallout 2
fucking Sup Forums was right about all of them, next up i have dragon age origins, deus ex, and planescape: torment
>first big source game
>lesser known
>play gangrel
>think I'm a badass savage animal
>encounter werewolves
what's the point of clan gangrel even. they're like weak mutts compared to lycans
Add STALKER to the list even though it's big as fuck in Russia and Ukraine.
If not for the retarded Boris bandit shit (which admittedly Sup Forums may have played a part in kick-starting the whole thing in the first place) nobody would have knew about STALKER in recent years.
Thanks user but I've played the STALKER games for hundreds of hours since they released.
You can use blood buff and do a fair bit of damage to most bosses with just unarmed combat, at least the ones in Santa Monica. This game has a lot of social stuff and lockpicking/hacking, but you still need to put points into combat stats, especially defense.
Pathologic. God , I love this game, discovering it alone made visiting this cesspool of a board worth it. VtM:B as well.
I heard about Penumbra here a long time ago, like 2k8 or something, only game I've ever played on Sup Forums recommendation, absolutely fantastic game.
Most vampires are weak compared to werewolves, unless you're an Elder or exceptionally strong.
I know
but it's still silly to go into "bestial animal mode" then get bitchslapped by a regular werewolf
STALKER and VtMB. That's what comes to mind at the moment.
similar to learning magic and get bitchslapped by regular novice mage?
>but it's still silly to go into "superior human mode" then get bitchslapped by a regular guy jerking over a bible
I came here to post this. The Void is great too, but Pathologic is a masterpiece.
What would you add to this list?