Hidden Gems

Post hidden gems and discuss them. I fucking loved pic related. The way it mixed your occult arsenal of spells and items with your firearms was cool as fuck.

Undying is badass. Too bad about Jericho.

Overlooked by many because of Bloodlines. It has a very nice time advancement mechanic, from medevil times to modern. I know ill sound like im wearing nostalgia goggles but they dont make games like they used to.

post a shooter with more satisfying dismemberment, i dare you. this shit was ahead of its time. fuck the sequels though

Amen, brother. I never did give Redemption a try but I've always been curious about it

man, you should. it's a completley different beast. plays a lot more like classic crpg, party and everything

ohshit nigger! i remember playing this as a kid. was at an intetnet caffe. every kid was on cs 1.4, but i saw this weird icon labeled 'Undying. i was not prepared. those howlers were spooky as fuck! i came back for days and played up to a point where you reach a monastery and found the Tibetan War Cannon. but then the only pc that had it installed broke down and i could not finish anymore. funny how im remembering all these details about it just now. like the mc being irish l, and called patrick. kek


le fune trole xD

>fuck the sequels though

fuck you buddy

>enjoyed undying
>enjoy a lot of Clive Barker's books
>buy Jericho on Steam back before steam showed reviews on the store page
>play for 90 minutes and never touch it again

What a fucking disappointment

>post a shooter with more satisfying dismemberment, i dare you.

No, fuck you my man. 2 was bareable, payback was cod tier bloodyscreensoreal cancer tier shit. do you disagree with this?

fuck jericho. such crass dissapointment. paranormal call of duty

fukken fine choices
I loved Undying so much... genuinely a good balance between action and spooks. Pretty hard to do nowadays.

Is that really considered *hidden*, though? It was pretty high-profile, I think. It's definitely a gem, though.

I wonder if any one else played this.

gunplay was better. dismemberment not

Speaking of Unreal Engine 1 games

I really can't.
I still enjoyed SoF2, the gore system was fucking perfect even if most of the stages were complete bullshit.

I have legitimatley never heard of this. Tell me more user. My gpu is in the service shop, and im looking for older titles to play on my shitty old gpu

oh god, how did i forget about this?

I meant in regards to SoF Payback

if you just google "play chasm the rift" you can find places to download it and run it through dos box.

It's basically like a Quake rip-off with a sort of wacky Egyptian theme instead of low-fantasy Gothic. It's pretty great.