shit like this is what happens when you let people that don't have VR play in VRchat
Shit like this is what happens when you let people that don't have VR play in VRchat
Other urls found in this thread:
Hahaha poopsies!
yeah, so...
I really don't even see why this has taken off like it has. I mean is it really that funny?
do you kno the wae
It was, but only the first 80 times I saw it
This shit got so overblown. I was watching a stream of this shit and so many fuckers were doing this stupid shit "yo no de wey"and it was so bad.
there is nothing wrong with the meme itself
what is wrong is people bringing out of its place of origin.
thats how you ruin fun for yourself
It isn't even that huge. The only people getting riled up by it are autistic SJW's that dislike it because it's racist, and a good portion of Sup Forums.
Naturally by Sup Forums nature, people post it here to get reactions out of its userbase, and it works with every single thread.
Besides watching mock trials in the Courtroom, there isn't much else, so yes.
I haven't seen anyone hate on this because it's racist. Stop building a false narrative faggot.
this. I about pissed myself when I first watched the video but now over half of my Siege matches are filled with DO YOU KNOW DE WEY? SPIT ON HIM BRUDDAS with no context at all and it's killed it for me
>everyone finds this shit hilarious for two days
>run into the ground in the span of like 72 hours
>Now if you mention it people will look at you like you strangled a child in front of them and put on a puppet show with the body
This is a true meme.
It's all over here, youtube and reddit. Wouldn't be surprised if it was also over "funny" pages on facebook too.
Thats basically as big as something like this can get.
check the nfl wiki rofl
Sup Forums only hates it because it didn't come from here.
its litteraly pools closed tier
Fuck you
>Sup Forums weirdos invade normie game with annoying memes
>normies invade Sup Forums anime ERP game with annoying memes
how the turn tables
While those bitches exist mostly on tumblr and twitter, they still exist and are some of the few outcriers for this dank maymay.
Know your facts before accusing others of "building a false narrative," faggot.
And here's what VRchat would look like if only people with VR headsets were allowed to play
>everywhere I am, I must also show them
>I hate this meme REEEEEEEEEEEEE
great vidya dread
>its not even that huge
The vid that started this has almost 5mil views
>tumblr and twitter
Theres your problem faggot. Plus we talking about Sup Forums.
I meant within the game. Falseflaggers that keep saying VRchat is filled to the brim with Ugandan Knuckles right now are wrong.
>implying this isn't what we want
it's certainly better than 90% of encounters being "CAN U SHO ME DE WEY" "DIS IS DE WEY OF DE DEVIL" "WHERE IS DE NOO KWEEEN"
>Plus we talking about Sup Forums.
No we're not, we're talking about in general. If this was a self-contained Sup Forums meme, nobody would hate it here.
>not knowing the way of the devil
Why are you running?
why are people obsessed with being on the moral highground?
its not like this guy has any ugandan friends
>a literal who that you had to google to prove your point
only an EXTREMELY small portion of people find it racist
face it, it's just honestly not fucking funny, this shit was spammed in Forsen chat for the past year or so and now the normies got a hold of it
>You can play this game without VR
I didn't know that. Guess I'm getting it.
That reminds me, the image that's used on that page used to be the one for /z/. I noticed its not up anymore
>Poe posting on twitter
top wew
Only people with bad humour laugh at this meme, literally shittier meme, good thing it's arleady evaporating.
Narcissists who love to be right
The High Ground is pretty powerful.
Fine forget Sup Forums then. The amount of people bitching about this for being racist is close to none. Why give those faggots any attention anyway. Your post is literally the first one I've seen.
is it racist to reference "who killed captain alex"?
I'm laughing at it and there's nothing you can do about it, nerd!
I could link a dozen more tweets and a clickbait Polygon article to prove my point that people are whining about it being racist, but I don't want to shit up my computer further with saved twitter screencaps. And it doesn't stop people from whining about it being racist, they still exist. You can say they're in the minority, but they're out there bitching and pushing their anti-fun agenda.
>confirmed bad humouros shittier poster.
Eyyy we're waddlin' 'ere > Da way
It was funny until it got ran into the ground and there's no OC to keep this from going stale unlike the Virgin vs Chad meme.
the man is killing us man
Spit on him bwodas
age: 8
>its okay to make a funny british, polish, german, american, russian, swedish, danish, austrialian, spainish accents
>but if you make a funny ugandian accent ur RACIST
>>everyone finds this shit hilarious for two days
>>run into the ground in the span of like 72 hours
So is this the new "Arrow to the knee"?
Fair enough, I guess
I think the meme is normie shit-tier, but you guys can have your fun just please keep it in one thread
It is kinda funny that it makes faggots angry over it being "racist" though
>getting this upset over literally this
I know, right? They don't know the way, even when it is shown right in front of them.
B-but, the SJWs!
>*goggles a single random dude saying it's raciss*
The internet is full of them, l swear!
>so socially inept he can't turn these encounters into something fun for everyone around
"REEEEE let me jack off to my japanese pedobait avatars in peace i'm not here to actually socialize or have fun REEEEE"
I've been here over 10 years and it's still fun to see people getting mad at stupid shit.
It wasn't really funny at all. Only thing that made me laugh in one of the videos was a can of baked beans running away. It's now my model in chat.
I guess it only took off because of endless reddit kid spamming.
no I'm laughing at you, not the meme, because it's literally funny.
How many replies informing him he does not know the way?
fuck off to [s4s]
Nobody types hehehe xcddddxdxdxd without being upset. And if you're being ironic you're as bad as them.
well I did, and you can't do anything about it.
As oposed to figuratively funny?
>It wasn't really funny at all.
>I guess it only took off because of endless reddit kid spamming.
forced meme isn't funny sadly.
>shit up a thread you don't like with your meme
>not forced
ded meme
Cool non-argument.
Can you at least try to be original with the whole raid idea? Shit like cat parade is cute and funny without resorting to being copycats of a mildly amusing video. Fucking up your game Ugandans. Being obnoxious is easy as hell. You can do better.
It will get better
>every other person applying a forced meme that has no humor to it
how do i do both user?
Sup Forums right now has become a place to complain about SJW or anything related to it, even when said SJW are nonexistent, l'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't even give a fuck.
You have to stop being autistic first, so you can understand human interaction.
it mocks the poor and the literal nigger
which in turn equals comedy
>old meme
>take something and modify it through the years
>take something and spam it
End it
name 10 memes that were modified through the years
an anti-social autist explaining to an anti-social autist to stop being anti-social and autistic
Why did I even buy VR? Clearly THIS is the future.
Here's the real plague of VRChat:
Almost 95% of Knuckles are steam users who can't ake their own models on unity
You're a big user.
Neva Freeze My Brudas
Is this why Sup Forums hates it? Because the 12 year olds are ruining their pony RP's?
At first for a bit but the novelty wore off really fast, there's just not a whole you can do with it as a meme
Ugandan Knuckles
We Are Number One
I could but have no time
Big guy
We are Number one
>3 panels
>simplistic artstyle
>the only thing that actually changes is the 4 peoples facial expressions
this laziness always annoys me more than it should
How fucking insightful
thank you wise sage faggotus
fucker said Modified
not spammed to death over the last 5 years
>big guy and we are number one is not modifyed
Pepe's the only one that counts
still needs 9 more
big guy is the same fucking material from CIA and Bane
>trying to prove me wrong
Whys it always people from the south
Raving Wendies are the chemo
Song memes fluctuate all over the place between crossovers, mashups, remixes, tuning the song to a specific note, alphabetical lyrics etc etc.
It's been modifyied 1000 trillion times
if you count pepe we can count wojak and every modifyed meme ever like sweating man etc
I'd rather they be there to ruin the day of weebs doing ERP garbage. I have no interest in wasting my time doing that shit, as I'm too old to waste my time trolling, but if I was still into that shit, I'd be doing it too.
Also thicc and succ.