>Sup Forums actually plays shitty mobile phone game shovelware now unironically
Sup Forums actually plays shitty mobile phone game shovelware now unironically
Other urls found in this thread:
>someone got so assblasted that he made a thread about it
My friend plays fate go and spent about 10 grand on that shit. Fucking why? They're only 2d sprites. Also that webm is why people hate nigs.
The moonniggers have two different fate threads running on /vg/
>wybois too pussy to fight no matter how much nigs step on them
>someone got so rectally demolished they replied to it
Too buddy, sure. Smarter as well, just look at that smirk as he knows he caught that moment on camera. Nigs gonna finally meet his daddy
>coming from an actual tripfag
Why'd he hit him?
give me the worldstar link
He is white.
So he was being racist? Well deserved hit then.
>Wait, did you just hit me?
Das rite
I can't believe the biggest autist ever in the Dokkan threads is him. He has come in literally every single one the past six months to make a comment exactly like the OP, and early on he spammed the threads with walls of nonsense because he was so upset. On top of that he even admitted to playing Dokkan before.
That's a school shooting in the making right there. Fuck white people, you can see it in his face
>heh, i'll show you!
Fuck it pisses me off. Just learn how to fight you stupid faggots
>soyboy mad when the superior race uses guns instead of unga bunga fists
do you guys thing if he wrestled the nigger he would have been better off? He had a lot of self control, I respect that a lot
If it's ports of old games like Bard's Tale. It's fine. If it's shitty clicking game that yeah you are a retard
that guy's cool as a cucumber. gotta respect that.
>desk in the way
>black guy sucker attacked him (seen as a hero for it)
>it was caught on camera
Too many reasons not to fight back here. He made the right move.
As a jewish man that webm filled me with glee
Niggers suckerpunch what else is new? Just enslave these animals again, it's their rightful place as the white man's servant.
Yeah it seems like there are way too many people that don't seem to know what a suckerpunch is and how much of a pussy move it is
Yeh. Kno Ur place
We ain fraid of camra
And risk going to jail? Nah. You'll get yours one day, nigger.
>Nigger has to sucker punch
>White boy doesn't retaliate
>Knows the assault is caught on camera
Lol niggers only act with Violence, yet the white kid now has video proof of the other assaulting him without any provocation.
Nigger boy is getting in trouble, and will eventually end up in jail. Get out later, commit another crime, and finally get shot and killed.
Pretty good turn of events.
Literally anyone can sucker punch someone. It's not impressive. It doesn't make you look tough. Only the weak do it.
Damn white boi got his face slapped by a chick.
*only niggers do it
ftfy user
Nobody goes to jail over a school fight,no matter how hard the chimping. However that dumb black guy was caught in the act so he will probably get a raycis suspension
>nigger going to jail for hitting a white man
In what universe?
False. You don't know shit.
You obviously don't keep up with current events.
A nigger could be caught on camera walking up, hitting you with a car, getting out, beating you with a bat, stab you, then shoot you in the head, but if you somehow survived and defended yourself, it's automatically a hate crime against the "Dindu nuffin good boi"
It's a shame Niggers literally get away with so much shit if any other race does something to them.
As someone from 2007 who still lurks this shithole, I'd just like to say that those two losers were always pathetic and nothing has really changed.
This desu. Probably get suspended for being involved in a fight while the other kid gets expelled. Mom has to drive him every day to a new school that's out of district. Gets fired from her job from being late. Meanwhile the kid doesn't get into any of the colleges he applies for and has to work as a dish washer for the rest of his life.
incorrect. the right move is to cut his nigger throat
People have been jailed over school fight? That doesn't happen here at least, you must live in America or something.
Whiteboi BTFO
Yeah, I do. Where do you live? Brazil? UK? What are you doing on a American imageboard, soyboy?
What happened to your trip, faggot?
This. But if it was the other way around, it would be all over the news and the white kid would be labeled as racist and ve put in jail the next day.
What is the anime in that pic just out of curiousity?
Took it off white boy :)
How's your sister? The one you always spend Christmas with along with your mother, funny how quiet you always go when personal information comes up.
Why not just make NEET's, criminals and wagecucks like you slaves while the successful people are their masters? There is no logic in making educated blacks like me slaves while seething alt-right brainlets like you are our 'masters', just for being white.
who's that qt
holy shit what school, if any, did you go to?
Why did he relax around blacks?
Hey, rug. How does it feel knowing that your people make up like 9% of the population in America and that that number is dropping every 10 years?
Joke's on you, I'm a spic. You're not less of a faggot tho.
Are you actually the guy who had the massive sperg attack meltdown in the Dokkan threads a few months ago?
A coalburner nigger lover
o fuck u got Xposeddd niggaaaaa
>funny how quiet you always go when personal information comes up.
Wouldn't you? It's private for a reason. Not him btw.
fuck wipipo
I played Diamond Records on my phone.
Why is she a 'nigger lover', if she likes one black guy? Maybe he's just a charismatic and nice guy who doesn't browse an anime imageboars all day, complaining about minorities because he's insecure.
what general is this
Well, that's in an ideal world. I'm talking about playing within the artificial social system.
Why is it that I never see him post with his trip. yet he's got a billion posts with trips in the archives?
One drop rule, cuckfaggot
What makes American niggers so violent?
>t. nigger
/tf/ on foolz, hopefully it's gone for good now since it's a refugee for former tripfags.
The escepist
Monument valley
bridge portal game
i'm having fun OP
America was founded on violence and that's been the main aspect of their culture for its entire existence, niggers who live there are molded by it
Those are called skinner box shovelware
Because that archive is the sad shithole where these cunts go collectively cry about their shit life and talk about their latest shitposting spree as if it's some kind of an achievement. These retarded tripfags also post their dicks and personal infos in there.
Wrong archive, he's permabanned on Sup Forums for a reason.
Not an argument. Ironic how you guys always brag about 'muh IQ mufugga' but seem almost as dumb as hoodrats, just less violent.
I feel bad I used to bully Ruggadick years ago
it needs to escalate
lets make it a court case. the niggers are going to drag themselves to the chopping block
pen it in as the third amentment: right to kill any living nigger at any time
What are you talking about? Blacks are like this across the entire planet. Go ahead, name a peaceful African majority/African ruled nation. Even in European nations or even in Canada they represent an extremely disproportionate amount of violent crime offenders.
There is nothing exceptionally unique about the negro in the USA besides the fact the's been galvanized into hating whitey, convinced it is a righteous rage that drives his monkey business.
Years of white people feeling guilty for their ancestors actions so they let niggers walk all over them and they take advantage of that. Meanwhile the rest of the world moved on from that centuries ago.
>Thinks he actually bullied me
LMAO nigga you were just a fly in my way.
>Meanwhile the rest of the world moved on from that centuries ago.
I fucking wish bruh.
Whites don't actually feel guilty. If they do, then they deserve to be hit by a truck. Natural selection.
It's mostly bad parenting and Jewish brainwashing though.
it's easier to befriend them than fight them. for you see if you stomp a nigger into the ground you will win then but later you get jumped by him and his 543348438547347843784378 hoodrat friends then it gets ugly. they are cowardly and dishonorable
Growing up in getthos. I live in Germany, grew up in a white gettho and guess what, the majority of people were dumb, violent criminals.
Underage pls go and stay go
Lets be real he made you cry because of your pindick, dont try and hide it.
I cant image what its like to be black and have a small dick, you've got literally nothing.
How do they manage to talk to each other on the archive? Like, how do they find each other? How do they find new posts?
South American countries have more murder rates than African countries tho but yeah, nigs are still violent.