>Almost all steeds are motorized now
>weaponry hasnt changed in 50 years
>the only vehicle for space is still in its beta phase
>climate keeps on changing
What would you guys want in a patch?
>Almost all steeds are motorized now
>weaponry hasnt changed in 50 years
>the only vehicle for space is still in its beta phase
>climate keeps on changing
What would you guys want in a patch?
An option to restart with a different character or at least respec with my current one
Patches can't save it. Just let it die already.
It's far too late to do anything now.
Log in to VR and enjoy the end times.
Fuck patching. I want access to the dev console.
More quality mini-games.
>finite resources
what's the point? only the top players get any decent loot, there won't be anything left in 50 years
What would outside.exe's world look like after cheats were enabled for everyone?
>clocked 25 years in the game
>still no gf achievement
Climate change was confirmed to be a fake rumour. Datamining found no trace of any changes to it. The devs aren't planning any major change to the climate mechanics in the future. Stop falling for the clickbait.
Better rewards for low level professions. It's almost impossible to buy proper dungeoning gear if you're INT is too low or you got a bad starting guild.
Anyone else play the minigames more than the actual game?
My copy is glitched in a way that female NPCs won't talk to my character and I can't access the main game so I'm stuck with the mingames.
Improvement to the the romance mechanics. At present the amount of resource and time put into even a low level social link is absurd and not worth the returns.
way to buy into the mod's propaganda, faggot
What is this "Feeling of accomplishment" buff shit?
Im climbing mountains to find loot and ingame secrets. Not to feel better about myself.
There arent any good dungeons anymore.
I would like to see a beerus mod for this game.
It would be hilarious to watch the world leaders scrambling to get him the best food earth can offer.
>tfw only 7 levels away from the wizard class upgrade
Can't fucking wait.
You fucking idiot. The fake climate mechanic rumours were put out to get people to invest more money into microtransactions to prepare for the patches. Then when the date of the patch comes, low and behold, no fucking patch. So they bring out a new rumour (oh, climate patch in 5 weeks get ready) and then time comes again and nothing.
Turning off global pvp was the worst patch
Yeah, just like the plague was a fake rumour, right? Stop taking everything the devs say at face value
The fuck is up with the new factions, by the way? Why did they patch out all the old guilds?
to reduce the spawn rate for the poo and nog classes
Dunno, I like this game. Sure, its mechanics aren't great, but it is somewhat comfy and you get to socialize if you want to. So many people dislike it yet keep playing anyway, without even changing their playstyle, I don't get it.
I'm the only one who wants the zombie mod?
> rolled a western middle class char
I really hate my guild. I tried to bring an armored steed into our territory. They told me I had to take the gun off and the public guild roads were off limits because the vehicle is tracked.
Whats the point then?
Why is it so detrimental to leave a guild too? Why wont any guild just let me enjoy my end game.
>wizard class upgrade
It's more of a sidegrade than an straight improvement. You get a massive +15 to WIS but are unable to interact with any female NPC or character, cutting the game's player count in half.
I heard that if you die you can respawn in an alternate world with different classes and factions.
Should I try it? Just to see?
Why delete your save now, when it happens automatically when you finish the game anyway?
> top level characters won’t stop guilt tripping players into hating white race
I'm really just excited for the +10 fem resistance, and they say it doubles every level. The feminist class has been made way too OP in the west realms, they really need to balance it. Kind of needs a buff in the east realm though, I've heard.
>level 25
>Still haven't choose a profession to level
Multiple save slots would be a start.
my server sucks ass
all my friends have been offline for years
i just idle in my shitty character home all day
>tfw no guild
>tfw already getting burned out and only level 24
tell me a good farm spot or something
also how do you get married?
This tbqh. Apocalypse update when? Stop teasing and just launch it already.
To be honest, i've come to accept my insignificantness in the grand scheme of things and if it werent for my family and gf i'd probably kill myself
nothing you and I will ever do will be of the slightest significane. so why even bother
>he didn't get the secret ending
I wish they would make the bosses scarier.
I ran into a giganigga boss last week and l just shot him.
It really sucks because he must have had 50+ STR and a Ive only leveled dex off of mini games controllers...
>getting married
You're literally going to lose half of what you own, don't be stupid.
Talk about the game you whiny fag.
I'm really disappointed with my class choice. It's really not living up to my expectations.
So why not re-roll? What's the worst that could happen?
>Level 26
>Chose a profession but not wisely
>Completed the (costly) tutorials
>Been a neet for 2 years
Take your time, make sure you pick something worthwhile to invest your Knowledge points into
>female class has become so OP that male players are actually starting to respec into the female class
Fuck this shitty game. Just fucking balance the classes you incompetent fucking developer morons.
Robot class when? Im tired of having to create a new character so often when they die of old age.
>So why not re-roll?
Because the re-roll rumor is a meme, this is a perma-death, one-shot hardcore game, plus when you die in the game you die in real life.
>encounter random boss mob in the middle of safe zone while fully armed
Go into the actual combat territories then tell me the boss mobs are easy.
When is the moon and mars dlc? Are there already other players there?
> post yfw the 9/11 expansion pack
Just change your IP and sign up with a new email. It's not that hard.
Rumour has it that Mars DLC is going to add a new race with a starting area on Mars. Dunno how valid the rumor is, but there you go.
Why is it always the fucking weird roleplayers who get to blow shit up?
we need another expansion like that
is the north korea pack a meme or is it actually coming?
>Level 28
>My character is changing and getting more and more white hair
>Have to pay the cosmetic "black dye" DLC if I want to get it back to black
Fuck your forced microtransaction bullshit
>9/11 event week starts
>guildmate was in the dungeon when the raid took place
What a fucking noob.
I’ve heard one of the devs, Drumpf or whatever his name was, was working on it
Isnt he a dotard though? That minigame ruins many players.
> rolled a deprived class
One of the best events in somewhat recent history. There was enough raid content for YEARS with that expansion.
>mfw all the desert tank missions
>devs hire in a new director from outside the dev circle
>people can't stop complaining because hurr durr new things he's gonna ruin the game
>turns out new director is taking the helm for most of the bug fixing
>patched in thousands of new classes
>rebalanced the factions in the middle east realm
>the trade post has never functioned so well
>people still crying about it
Considering how badly the last director fucked the game up people should have been glad for new talent.
>technology is accelerating faster and faster every generation
>hurr please buy our new microboard and facebook app device its twice as small now!!!
yeah, whoever is in charge of these tech trees needs to fucking kill themselves.
tfw my birthday is 9 / 11
I've heard the NK devs really want to do an expansion, but they don't have the budget or the man hours to actually make it. And the China devs are too busy with their own bug fixes to help them.
Looks like we're not getting any new Korea instances. Kinda miss those, they were crazy back in the early days.
Buff gravity pls.
What happened last november? Did I miss it?
>weaponry hasnt changed in 50 years
Are you actually fucking retarded?
Vanilla server when?
Debuff gravity please.
Things will get better after the character creation process is revamped.
Guys I think I found an unknown bug. So I tried out the Sup Forums minigame, but I think it's glitched because it won't let me quit out of the minigame. I've been stuck in this for years.
AI bots when?
>haven't put a new point into my talent tree for several levels
Ackchyually dinosaurs in vanilla had feathers, but they removed them when they updated the models in later patches.
nukes are still king
Yeah, but the new DNA spec mechanics will only apply to character rolled AFTER they're implemented.
>has a gf and is fucking whining
Seriously fuck you dude
Some sort of passive income system would be great. It's total bullshit they only way to farm for gold is to quest but you have to APPLY and get ACCEPTED to even go questing. It creates a feedback loop where only those with the money to buy good gear get accepted on quests to earn more money for new gear.
I fucking hate that when they buff the lifespan mechanics it won't apply to me.
Permanent hardcore mod with no rerolls makes this game artificially difficult. Newfags ruining endgame content for old players.
High military proficiency is nearly useless without new big PvP realm. Also "female" class overpowered to the point when some "male" players transition to it paying high mental and physical cost.
Overall 8/10 game was better 10 years ago.
Will the lazy gold beggars just fucking delete their characters already?
B-but they will patch itt
Dude, just join a myth faction. It completely overwrites the permadeath mechanic.
Remove RNG on start up and let me customise my fucking character.
>don't even have a talent tree
The fuck are you on about? Global PvP had been on since the start -- it's just that everyone has become a pussy.
> Raid master just won't stop raiding the Middle East when there's already enough loot
Is this a glitch or something? If yes, fix it, please.
Introduce save points, and retroactively ad one for the anniversary of when you signed up to play
>game is first released and a handful of first rolled characters plow through the campaign and reach max level
>every character rolled afterwards is denyed the early game perks
>these few characters are so OP at this point that noobs don't even believe they exist
>getting to the point where new rolls are weaker and weaker every patch
>soon the entire game will be nothing but 3rd world specced players
Well designed game, guys.
Full character wipe when?
bogdanoffs are op
Came here just to say this.
guaranteed GF
The devs needs to remove a lot of bots. Especially in the African continent, the resources they consume is overwhelming and throwing better hardware to combat it is useless in the long run.
yeah admin powers are bullshit, shouldn't even be allowed in the same server with the plebs
They even patch the game to their character's benefit too.
>try out potions
>get dependency debuff
>now every time I log in I have to spend the entire play time grinding for more potions
Guys help I fucked up
>It completely overwrites the permadeath mechanic.
This game's pacing is the real issue. One moment you're playing casually, the next you can be in a hardcore, non-optional scenario. I've heard that some players will gank kids in the tutorial zone despite them not giving exp...
Datamining hasn't found any proof that the myth factions are lying.
>level 29 in 2 days
>still leveling solo
>my character will probably die in a quiet forest or mountain one day
>no faster than light travel mod
>stuck on one planet patch
>myth factions spout bullshit just to see if gullible noobs will permaban themselves
Do people honestly roll characters above 5'10"? Lanklets are unaesthetic as fuck
>want to play good karma character in beggining
>chose wrong talent tree in childhood thanks to my family to survive mental hell enviroment
>now have only evil perks like manipulation and emotion control
>haven't put any point to it after 20th level
>old perks became even more stronger
>can't even see good things in other players anymore. For every good reason they have true egoistic reason
Fuck this game i want to forget my knowleage. Give me my normal "good" path back.