>game is built around esports
Why do game developers like Blizzard do this?
>game is built around esports
Why do game developers like Blizzard do this?
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The fuck is coming out of her mouth?
Someone give me the quick rundown.
she is ugly as fuck
>women can build an entire career and make dosh around nothing more than looking somewhat similar to a 6/10 video game character
>somehow they want us to believe their lives are difficult
I'm pretty sure they shopped up that photo something fierce because it looks really off
She used to be cute.
Someone post the Overwatch professional league webms.
Forced Esports.
post more proofs because your pic is no better than op's
>long hair
A woman's opinion
how's life in the closet?
Life and time really messed her up.
Oh boy, can't wait to watch Mercy fly around at mach 5 speeds raising everyone on her team.
How stupid is blizzard to not realize they need to gut mercy before OWL starts.
did they model tracer based on her?
Soe was so cute and now she looks like a washed up whore...
Blizzard is one of the few devs left who actually have artists and animators working, so they don't need to base every fucking character on a real life model (or god forbid a famous actor) and mo-cap everything.
why do you think, smart guy? Money
Implying you’ll ever get a girlfriend yourself. Lower your standards, nerd
esports is just marketing now all games will have it going forward. They can also double dip by making a piss easy baby game and market it as a hardcore esport game.
What went wrong with Soe, she used to be cute
like milk
I still think Soe is very cute.
>game is built around esports
except overwatch isnt fucking build around esports, its build around casuals that want to play 1h per day, because everyone who plays more than that realizes how shit t hat game is
>half of the roster doesnt need to aim in an FPS
>maps are so terrible that flanking and having to split up is not possible, so it just boils down to go in as 6 all the time
>map control is also pointless since except for some medipacks theres nothing to find, the game is about staying as 6 all the time without any tactic and just poking till you have your ult ready and then go all in
why do you think overwatch esport already failed and most people gave up on it? LoL/Dota2/CS:GO are games that are made for esport, but overwatch fucking isnt, its a game for casuals (and i dont mean that in a negative, its just the game is like the mario kart version of FPS, fun for like 1 or 2 hours every often, but nothing more)
Well she isn't
>trying to be classy
>covered in tattoos
I don't think so.
Also is it a tranny? Those hips are very narrow and the shoulders are much wider.
the good ones must've left after they finished the base game.
looks fucking dried up as fuck now and now she has a sleeve arm too? lol
girls pussy is one of the .1% of pussies that actually acquired its roast beefy look by being beaten up for years rather than naturally
How do you even become so JUST in such a short time?
Was it Yames or the lack of Yames?
Easy money, easy excuses and publicity that builds itself.
he broke up with her in boxing day or something close to that. it was all downhill from there,dota 2 also died around the same time when Valve got his best friend to fire him.
Who says they can't? If people don't like it as a e-sport, the situation will resolve itself by no one watching the matches.
Has there ever been a more insincere smile in a picture?
that girl is broken inside
all she wanted in life was to be with James nad he dropped her like the hot mess she is. She drinks beer constantly, ever fucked a girl who drinks beer constantly? their pussies smell
make casual game
force esports into it (fitting square peg into a round hole)
balance game around casual redditors (bronze-league players)
provide source please
i dont doubt ya, just sounds interesting
ahh so it was actually Christmas. sorry it was about 5 years ago now. damn James.
>Yames is straight
This. They're the trashiest thing one can have on their body.
A straight guy wouldn't dump Soe.
>They're the trashiest thing one can have on their body.
But that's not penis?
wew she looks like shit, just look at that uncomfortable smile
who is that even and what happened? I constantly see her posted but never bothered looking up who she even is
They fucked up when they made tracer gay.
Now nobody likes Tracer and male fantasies are ruined.
She could be bisexual.
nah not SJW enough
She usually hangs out with guys so she is defiantly a huge slut.
Unironically this.
I wish her and 2gd would get back together.
Because league of legend prints money.
Problem : they don't understand that people first play LOL because they like it, not because the company is paying them a salary for tournaments that end up being basically "employees vs employees" that nobody like to watch, since nobody is even liking playing it.
This model is perfectly illustrated by SFV.
>they managed to make Soe look ugly
is there a single this Blizzard can get right?
the lore gook (chu) confirmed on twitter that she wasn't bi
comparing lol to OW
lol is shit but don't even go there.
>20 million dollar payment to participate in "competitive" overwatch
Maybe she was always ugly.
Get some critical thinking blizzbaby. "daddy paying your wow account until you were 18" != "blizzard games are good".
You were just sheltered from the actual world of gaming for all these years.
I don't get how they expect to run that scam on the long run if more than half the team that participate get bankrupt at each tournament. the chances of just getting your money back are too low.No sane investors are gonna sponge that blood more than once.
>the lore gook (chu) confirmed on twitter that she wasn't bi
Okay, I guess I was wrong then.
>why do millennials
I think it's a one time permanent deal
still completely retarded though
Looks like a milf who'd be insane in bed.
>people actually gave Blizzard this much money for a title
OW is full of kids and girls. Really strong indicator that your game is for dummies.
She's 29 who will never have kids.
Sounds like me.
Mike Morheim and Jeffrey Kaplan's cum.
Not mother material with that trash look.
Well done feminists.
Thank You Feminism
that's all on james being a HUGE faggot
more like Soy lmao
She could use more soy in her diet.
Inferior german waifu.
>dude buy these skins to pay the player's salary lmao
There's nothing more pathetic than a playerbase financing """"professional video games"""""
>There's nothing more pathetic than a playerbase financing """"professional video games"""""
But that's how every e-sport pretty much have started.
as someone that uninstalled this shit months ago and no longer cares, what the fuck did they do now?
as much as I hate pubg i hope that shit kills hero based trash
This is what killed Halo and MVC
why is everyone calling this woman ugly when she clearly is not
Wrong. That's gauges.
*definitely, you fucking brainlet
Maybe he actually meant defiantly user
soe is old and busted
stop im getting PTSD from remembering those bot threads
she needs someone to cum inside her while whispering in her ear he will make her a mother desu senpai.
Gaming company that passed up on DOTA uses its financial clout to force an e-sports scene.
>this many faggots in one thread
I know Sup Forums is the 'traps aren't gay' closet capital of the world but this is just ridiculous.
>Pro-players have to buy their own team skins
How shitty of a company you must be to do something like that
did blizz make her look like tracer or did she choose to do it as a *hint hint* to get a cushy esports job
which one do you think.