
>your party become villains at the end

Other urls found in this thread:

When mommy issues take over...

>Naeleria is hotter than any of above
Can't make this shit up.

what the fuck is happening to white males in america? are video games really that bad for you?

They are a bit different but they still the same souls. Cosmo didn't become darth vader relax. Also woah naegleria didn't know they did that. V needs to get over LGBT people they aren't going away

it's almost as if being trans is a mental illness

W O W fat tranny is the right guy on the couch? I actually liked him at the GDQ runs.

For that matter, I liked a lot of the trannies pre-illness in their GDQ runs and personal streams. Shit is so sad.

Explain the link between trannies and speedrunning


chopping off your dick has become a fashion trend in 'merica

Something else they can speed run considering how shitty their transitions were.

Less to do with speedrunning and more to do with mentally ill giving the mentally ill advice.

It's like why any kind of community surrounding other mental illnesses like depression for example, are fucking awful and toxic communities for your mental health.

Don't get me wrong, I do support trans people. I don't support people like cosmo ordering soybeans from websites like Amazon without getting the proper mental health screening. The guy is obviously ill, I think he should have went through legitimate resources instead of jumping straight to illegitimate and arguably actually toxic sources.

Why even bother if you end up looking that ugly as a tranny?

>all these literal autists become trans

why is transsexualism so popular among autists?

Why are they like this? Fuck, I can't get laid either but I would never do something like that. Does this have something to do with speedrunning?

That's not Naegleria

That's what happens when no vagina in sight wants you, nor will give you a pity fuck, you go to the other side, hard

Whats with white murricans and becoming trannis? Is this what years of Obama did to you?

The funny thing about the middle image is that you can't even tell that Miles is trying to look feminine. He made that twitter post about "realizing he's a girl," but what does that actually entail to him? Being referred to as "she" and "her"?

Some of those people actually got laid.

You're right. It's Claris now

well you see the logic goes, depression>no one likes me>I like girls> everyone likes girls> I'll become a girl> everyone will like me because I'm a girl

really I blame their friends for not pointing out the clear failure of their logic

both are mental illnesses

Well, they're not far off, since everyone in their social circles pretends to like trannies so as not to hurt their feelings and/or for brownie points.

All these trannies are going away via suicide don't worry


>Couch is actually having fun
oh they are SO banned

I love how not a single one of them put any effort into trying to pass, though. At best they grew hair and put on clown makeup.

Generation raised by single parents, usually mothers so there's no father figure to bring them in line. Can't wait to see what the lesbian generation will produce.

They just want attention.

if you'd seen one irl, it would painfully obvious that it's male with wig.

You don't really understand how far Chris-chan has deteriorated until you see these more recent videos. It's like a human simulacrum that can't get it right.

I think it's the smile. No homo, but that dude has a beautiful smile.

these people did not care about their appearance when they were males. why would that change?

This guy had a pretty fucking girly face to begin with to be fair.

>literally blaming everything but yourselves

Nah, white men are just naturally pathetic. Would rather play vidya and marry Asian whores than help the white race or improve themselves. Like boomers, you fucks have zero ability to have any introspection, only blaming everyone else but yourselves.

>the rouge in your party turns out to be the princess of the kingdom

You are your life experiences, user. You don't materialize out of nowhere.

Seriously, when the fuck did this plague hit Miles too? I swear I was following him closely enough but I stop paying attention for like one year and now this


You do realise that blaming everything except yourself means saying DA JOOZ and single moms aren't to blame either since you're saying they are the result of outside forces too, right?

Probably something in the food or water.


Reminder that you can claim getting trapped made you fear for your life.

They all raided grandmas wardrobe

>feel depressed because you're fat and have no friends
>take a body destroying course of hormones to morph yourself into a woman
>rather than just losing weight and joining a book club

introspection is a lost art

Whatever message you were trying to send is kinda undermined by making sweeping generalizations toward a culture and race because you're using one event for a speedrunning community as a representation of everything.

You can run faster with your dick cut off.

>Do I have some other sort of mental illness?
>No! I must actually be a woman!
>*lies to psychiatrist*
>*nukes body full of hormones*
>*keeps ignoring actual condition that's only getting worse*

no, the right guy on the couch is still male, it's just for the picture as far as I can tell

I can't believe 'dilating' is a thing. I can't believe sex-change surgery is a thing. Thinking that a healthy male can do that to themselves (and I'm willing to bet 100% regret it) makes me mad as fuck. Our society is severely fucked up if we let doctors devoid of empathy perform the operation instead of admitting that this person has an obvious mental problem.

I hope you get murdered in your lifetime.

It's a mental disorder.

Would you rather be a tranny or be schizophrenic?


seriously, all transfaggots are disgusting

Autism, mothers waiting till their 40 to have kids is just a breeding ground for autism then trans faggots activists taking advantage of these autismos. It's just that video games attracts autists

wtf is going on here

Both entail being insane. Might as well go with schizophrenic since that means less bodily mutilation.

Why does it seem like a high percentage of speedrunners are trannies?