Have you been to every planet in the vanilla solar system?

Have you been to every planet in the vanilla solar system?

We don't welcome your kind

One of these days I'll figure out a good heavy lifter design that allows me the Delta v freedom to fiddle fuck around in orbit before I decide on a final orbital path for a space station.

But not today my man.

My pirated version of the game keeps crashing

Maybe you should have bought the game

I got to the Mun and was happy with that.

Should go back and try again.

I remember building a giant swatstika and crashed it into the moon

I haven't played it since before they implemented reentry.
Tried a long time ago and my spaceship exploded mid flight.


Good one

I don't think I ever went farther than the asteroid belt planet

I haven't even been to Earth.

Been to the mun, eve, it's moon, duna and most of the gas planets moons.

Goin in too dry, gotta lube it up nigga

Shallow re-entry over steep, also maintain a standard re-entry profile if in space plane. Or just a large enough heatshield/sink will do just fine.

My problem is I wanna build a self refueling warp capable space plane that can take off and land.

It's a bit of a PITA.

Not every, but most. Got tedious after that.
Any good mods for realistic solar systeM?

Getting to other planets is rarely an issue for me, it's getting back that I can't seem to figure out. I've gone to the Mun and back a few times, but the furthest I've managed to get is Duna.

>arrive in orbit around Duna
>begin descent
>realize fuel is extremely low
>crash land on planet
>all modules destroyed except reentry module
>4 Kerbals stranded on hostile world in tiny space capsule
>they spend 23 hours a day trapped in a claustrophobic nightmare capsule with their knees and elbows bumping each other
>all rescue attempts have failed
>15 Kerbals have died trying to rescue these 4
>one rescue team of 3 ran out of fuel and is now orbiting the sun in empty space between planets
>mfw my space program is barely more advanced than that of Mexico

I imagine what it will be like when contact is finally made with the marooned crew someday...
>arrive on Duna
>locate lost capsule
>open hatch
>lost crew has gone insane and feral after 5 years trapped in a capsule the size of a walk-in-closet
>one crew member was eaten
>feces smeared on the inside walls of the capsule
>close hatch
>oh well

I'm obviously a brainlet because I can't figure out the most basic shit but man have I had fun with it.

>be an engineering student studying offshore engineering
>play ksp for fun casually
>get skilled at the mechanics and become a skilled engineer through my studies
>graduate and still play religously
>get really autistic about the orbital mechanics and learning about space flight
>dislike my current job, long shifts on a construction ship installing equipment subsea
>play ksp as en escape
>full blown autism, writing custom plugins and doing all the math myself
>one day ask myself why I’m doing this for free
>get accepted into an aerospace masters program
>quit my job
>starting my second semester of grad school next week
>loving every minute of it
>job offers from Boeng and SpaceX
>implying video games aren't good for you

im happy for you

Yes by brute-forcing it. I don't know if I am just lucky or smart but I had no problem going into planets a few hours of playing the game. It was once when I try to be efficient as possible or single ships with multiple missions or making self-imposed restrictions or missions.

Only the mun and minmus. I don't count anything outside of career mode.

I'm stuck on an endless cycle of installing and uninstalling mods, and waiting for updates

I barely came back alive from the Moon.

I think so? Can't remember if I ever went to Eeloo.
Definitely landed on all the others, except Jool, obviously.
I don't think I've landed on all of Jool's moons, though. Pretty sure I've never been to Tylo.

I've managed to land and return from everywhere except Eve and Tylo