>Resident Evil 7 is just like the old games, but the controls aren't shit
Is this what normal people actually think?
>Resident Evil 7 is just like the old games, but the controls aren't shit
Is this what normal people actually think?
You got trolled by the trollmaster. Get fucking owned, kid.
You have no bearing for what "normal" is and never will
The normals I know don't play videogames
The most autistic nerds I know only play sequels to games they played as a kid + Dota/Heartstone/OnlineFPS
He's an idiot that doesn't understand why those controls work in that genre but not in others.
>tank controls
Kill yourself.
>eceleb said something 100% honest
>fanboys who disagree with him
>"Hehe he was just being sarcastic, he is a big trole, what a joke video"
Every time
That doesn't mean the controls aren't shit. They don't feel good to play.
Could you be any more butthurt you underage faggot?
I'm laughing at you are dumb ass.
Dunkey's humour is just LOLWTFGUISExDD
Man you fucking suck.
has the bigger penis.
You can't get gets on Sup Forums you retarded newfag.
is this what redditfugees actually post?
How don't they work? They fulfill the risk and reward of handing zombies.
They only fuck up when the camera changes and you can't see the zombie.
but its the truth
It's mainly a way of dealing with fixed cameras but tank controls are VERY unresponsive/uncomfortable in an unintended way.
Granted, this adds to tension in moments when you need to be agile but that's just a contingency.
Devs have explored ways to make the player feel vulnerable without making the character control like he's disabled and they should keep at it. Going back to tank controls would just mean they give up.
t. someone who actually enjoys tank controls
>the controls are shit because fighting zombies should be hard
You can't be this fucking delusional.
Tank controls are very easy to use.
t. Someone who used to hate tank controls
The recent port of the remake added more modern controls and guess what? It completely breaks the game, you're able to easily 360 your way around zombies the tank controls server to make the game more challenging
I only find tank controls shit in games like Tomb Raider. Resident Evil 1 handled it fine.
Tank controls work perfectly fine in the RE seeies
get the fuck out
>Resident Evil 7 is just like the old games, but the controls aren't shit
Just checked his video and he doesn't say that.
He says it "revives the original style of the franchise but without the terrible controls" which isn't a lie.
Old RE just happens to still be way better but they did come back horror atmosphere and most are glad.
I actually like tank controls, I really don't get why people hate it so much.
>tfw trying to take on Nemesis with tank controls
>People on youtube do it with only a fucking knife
oy veeeey
These are two different concepts. It looks like you're having trouble understanding the difference. Sure, they WORK in the game as it's designed around them. BUT consequently, the game feels like SHIT to play.
Tank controls is easy as long as you keep your sense of direction and position.
Resident evil was never horror, it was always an action game with horror elements
You were never a weakling running around being spooked, that's some Superbunnyhop game analyst nonsense, you were shotgunning zombies in the face and rocket launching giant monsters
456 is closer to 123 than 7. 7 is like Outlast 2
I disagree. It feels fine and I never complained about them.
First game I played with them was Onimusha and it only took an hour to love the tank controls.
It's not about them being "difficult" or not. But it's a huge bottleneck on control over your character and limits your response to the environment drastically.
It doesn't matter how good you are using tank controls, the character still doesn't behaves in a natural way. Which is not intrinsecally bad depending on the game but
it would be good to know we can have good horror games without resorting to that.
tank controls were more of a necessity than a design choice. ever wonder why there are no games with design controls anymore? stop being nostalgic faggots, it was never comfortable to control that shit
Spoken like a true newfag, you can get 00s gets, faggot.
So what, you should just press a qte so the character does a cool dodge?
Or make it like Batman where he even kills the enemy for you?
Not even OP bit for that one, you must have brain problems.
>Resident evil was never horror, it was always an action game with horror elements
Well fuck me in the ass with those technicallities. If old RE is not survival horror, there's no survival horror games at all. Resources are limited, pace is slow and there's tension building before each corner. It doesn't need to be terrifying. Fuck, the main complaint about new horror games is that they became walking simulators with jumpscares and people what RE and SH did.
>merely pretending xD
Here you are, replying again. You do understand you can't win here, right?
Dunkey doesn't care about Resident Evil
Win what? (You)s are free anyway, have some more, faggot.
Why do you pretend that's the only alternative to tank controls? We could have games with a more direct control over the character without falling into that.
There's lots of parameters the devs can tune to make a responsive character feel vulnerable.
Keep them coming newbie. It's sad how people forgot how to lurk.
you are projecting
Is that how you feel, bub?
Dunkey has the worst taste in games. Watch his videos for funnies but don't give a shit about his opinion
He is wrong. RE7 controls are shit.
Fixed camera angles when used properly are perfect for highlighting where items and points of interest are without big flashing colours, and setting up your scares. 2D controls are murderous with fixed camera angles, thus tank controls are the optimal choice. They're not inherintly bad, but they can be poorly executed, look at RE1 vs. SH1 for an example of how much better the control scheme and mechanics can be done, and that's in the very same generation.
Anyone in here who legitimately thinks tank controls are always shit and there's no other way about it, play SH3 start to finish then ask yourself if tank controls are flawed by nature or not, since that's the game I would say has perfection of the style.
Being delusional is saying re4 fixed the controls when they're exactly the same, just the camera was fixed
I sure hope none of you complaining about tank controls are in other threads pretending to be HXC gamers. My cousin was used to them when he was 10, and I later learned how to play RE2 at the age of 15 without any issues.
If you think the controls in RE1-CV are bad, you are just fucking trash at gaming, full stop.
I don't think they're inherently flawed. But they only make sense in games with fixed camera angles, and that had been explored to death by mid 00s.
The only way you should use shitty controls like that is to enforce through gameplay that a character has been drugged or whatever and can't move properly.
There now you created more tension
No, the controls in RE1 are actually bad, please don't defend them. I like tank controls, but SH1 is the first game that actually did them decently, RE1's are dogshit.
>"Just the camera was fixed"
user that's huge in what regards to tank controls. People has trouble with tank controls mainly because of the camera. And it is also because of the camera why old RE has tank controls, ironically enough.
Yep. Controls made obsolete by the advancement of technology and our understanding of it.
Dunkey has genuinely kind of bad, uninformed opinions a lot of the time.
He called 2016 a terrible disappointing year and 2017 an amazing redeeming year and then listed 2 games from 2016 in his best of 2017 list
It's relative, but i'm pretty good at defining normal since nothing about me would be normal if I coudn't, I'm just a lunatic who copies normal patterns to get by.
He does that every video, games in played in 2017 are on his year's best list. What even came out in 2016? Overwatch? Dark Souls 3? Weak, 2017 had a ton of great games.
Just because you got better at using tank controls doesn't mean they was ever good.
It's like comparing a unicycle to a bicycle. Yeah you could ride one through town after some practice, but whe do that when you already know how to ride the bike.
This. He completely flip-flopped on TLoU for absolutely no reason at all. It's genuinely mind boggling.
>no reason at all
Yeah in his Uncharted 4 video, coincidence?
>these people complaining about tank controls in RE
Try playing one of the alone in the dark games. That's true hell.
Aw fuck, caps was on.
>elite special forces soldier
>handles like a turtle running through molasses
Controls like this only make sense if you're supposed to be some regular untrained nobody, like in Dead Space.
Tank controls are 100% consistent regardless of the camera. Play the first Devil May Cry and see how frustrating it is that your character changes directions every fucking time the camera changes.
Tank controls makes sure that if you are running in one direction, you keep going, regarless of how many camera switches happen in between.
Being a scrub doesn't means the there's a problem with those controls, especially in a time when technology was so limited.
lmao you guys are so depaerate to hate this guy that you’ll defend anything he’s against
The fuck are tank controls? Isn't that what literally every first person game does? Or not? What's the alternative?
Back before RE4 l, RE and SHIT used a style of controls called tank controls.
Left and right turn the characters while forward and back move you. The reason its called tank is because you can't move diagonally in a traditional sense. So if you have to turn you would have to stop, adjust yourself, then move forward.
People claim tank controls were a good thing because they were put in place to really stress you out.
Others claim the are just a product of the time and did not age well.
Go play REmake.
RE4 also has tank controls
I had a friend actually say this exact thing to me. So it's true that casual shitters really feel this way.
Shit, you're right.
RE4 had tank controls but you always had the over the shoulder camera. Which meant you was never hindered by fixed camera angles.
You made up your mind when the game was announced, so what the fuck does your opinion matter? The only thing you care about is fitting in with 14-year olds on Sup Forums
Tim Schafer said the point of tank controls was that when the camera changed while walking you would keep going the same direction when you held down forward, and not go off in a different direction.
Tank controls are fine and 7 was boring.
Even Mario can do that though.
>hold stick to move in a direction
>camera angle changes
>keep moving in the same direction anyway until you steer somewhere else or stop and continue
You're telling me RE can't do what even Mario can?
Normal people don't play video games, so they wouldn't know.
>the only thing a game is allowed to do is feel good and comfortable to play
Tiny brain
>you was never hindered
Is this a nigger?
>I actually like tank controls
>I suck cocks and I love it!
Next you're going to say that the Ocarina Sequelitis was serious.
You don't need to have awful tank controls to keep the same mechanics in the game.
Simply having a low turn rate, but with modern controls would work the same, and be more easy for new players.
This literally confirms you didn't play games like Silent Hill 2/3 with 2D controls. They play exactly like Silent Hill 4, and it's fucking horrible. If a game has static camera angles that you can't control all the time, tank controls literally make the most sense from a design perspective, because it gives you the most control.