Why is Nintendo Switch soyboy console of choice?

Why is Nintendo Switch soyboy console of choice?

While you claim that, it's PS4 where most of the soyboy targeted games are.

Because Sony fanboys need it to be true in order to have an "argument" to fall back on and save face after the Switch sales numbers came out.

Immature games in both theme, plot, and gameplay.

BOTW is the most successful Switch game and it's plot is "white man must save helpless princess" like some age old story we've read a thousand times and does nothing to diversify itself.

On the other hand, the PS4 has Horizon: Zero Dawn which tackles issues like patriarchy, racism, islamophobia, etc while also elevating gameplay to a never before seen level, and graphics and game engineering that breaks convention.

Issues like patriarchy and racism? You talking as if they dont need a come back.

eternal childhood

They never left, just got painted over.
Now patriarchy is named "male alliance" and racism is named "social justice", generally in form of "quotas".

Nazi, opinion discarded.

Anyways we need more games that tackle issues like this. Nintendo won't due it due to their conservative (read: nazi) culture. If you want games that actually do revolutionize cultural values, look towards Gone Home and similar games.

>On the other hand, the PS4 has Horizon: Zero Dawn which tackles issues like patriarchy, racism, islamophobia, etc while also elevating gameplay to a never before seen level, and graphics and game engineering that breaks convention.

This is supposed to be an ironic post, right? That's confirmation that playstation is the soyboy console.

>First three replys are about Sony

Arrested development

islamophobia can suck my dick, what reasons haven't those savages given to fear them

So this entire meme is about people being happy? We mock this?

Because despite them being pathetic soyboys they still like to have fun.

Video games are the soyboy hobby of choice

deep down you know this to be true

>muh sony

The switch is a perfect console for eating greasy burgers off of.

>this thread

They literally invented math, you fucking bag of crabs. Without Islam you wouldn't have your video games. Now fuck off back to stormfront. You sicken me. I'm fucking seething from your ignorant comment.

it allows you to play from your cuckshed

>Xbots non existent
>PC and Nintendo apparently have some gay alliance

Now which fanbase does that leave us? One that communicates almost entirely through wojack memes?

Haha like those sandmonkeys have the capacity to do anything but inbreed oppress women.

>>PC and Nintendo apparently have some gay alliance

But i don’t understand, i can find loads of threads where anons said the switch is not competing with consoles at all. Has this changed now?

> Islam invented math



You can play it on the tablet on the couch while your wife's son plays xbox one one the main screen. It's a win win.

Also SOnYposters would be the guys you're looking for.

Whats even the appeal of these shitposting threads when everyone is baiting and shitposting?

soy of the wild

>They literally invented math,

the swich is the perfect system because you can call it a handheld when you lose, and a home console when you win.



Op cares about Nintendo baby games

>owning a Soytch
>owning a Soystation 4
>not owning an Xchad X

0 exclusives lol

is this the designated funposting thread here is some soydia games

Exclusoys for soyboys.
Chadplats for chads.

Don't you have a thread to be shitting in?

Fable 4

>Year 2018
>Still owning a console

That's fair. Enjoy your poor performing pc ports!

No thanks, Kingdom Hearts fills the rpg for kids market.

also on xbox one x in 4k

You can't spell "Sony" without "soy".

Thanks for proving my point. Who needs another toddler rpg

>the roaches
>the cat

because they have jobs and get out of the house.

nice b8 m8

fable is much better than your donald duck weebcancer


like the roaches

I bet you 90% of the people here who parrot the soy meme are fat, omega tier, beardlet fags who's test levels are even lower than the jerks from the Try Guys. And that's saying something.
