How is it possible that out of all these billions of people on the planet there's only 1 good vidya journalist?

How is it possible that out of all these billions of people on the planet there's only 1 good vidya journalist?

I mean his top 10 of 2017 is objectively the best we've seen so far.

Other urls found in this thread:

Inb4 So(n)yboys will lose their fucking shit because Aloy is not on the list

>this is what Sup Forums has become

>there's only 1 good vidya journalist?
I also consider Yahtzee and Jim Sterling honest, tasteful and reliable. They and Donkey are definitely my trifecta.

I guess Angry Joe is also credible but I don't really watch him.

The only publications that are still worthwhile to the cultured person are Eurogamer and Edge by the way (Polygon does amazing features but their reviews are trash).

There are zero good """"""""gaming journalists""""""""

yes, i am triggered by the post above
no, you dont get (You)

desu senpai Furi should in the Top 10 lists for every
upcoming year

Dunkey is a casual that likes indie games. Complains that dark souls is too hard for him when dark souls isn’t even hard.

Really makes you think

>why is there only one person who reports on whether certain toys are fun????
is that seriously what you consider journalism?

>Dunkey is a casual that likes indie games.
You are everything wrong with this board.

When the fuck has he ever said Dark Souls was too hard?

6. Hollow Knight
5. Doom
4. Cuphead
3. Sonic Mania
2. BotW
1. SMO

Holy shit is he the first one to have the balls not to put
SJW shit; HZD
weeb shit; P5, Nier
Movie shit; Senua, Edith Finch
Audience catering shit; PUBG
Not on his list?

It looks like he is the only one who judges games purely on GAMEPLAY.
It's not perfect, I would personally put HK above Cuphead and Sonic. (Inb4 shill)

why is debating over whether or not a toy is fun considered journalism?

>weeb shit
kill yourself

I have nothing bad to say about Pretty Good Gaming (except that their videos are twice as long as they need to be)
I really like Mark Brown but he isn't a journalist per se.
I watch outside Xtra bc Ellen is cute as fuck, but it's more podcast than journalism.
Eurogamer has no focus or voice, writing on games (Hamish black?) Makes it more an exercise in lit-crit than I'd like and runs an idea into the ground (though I do respect his views on content creation in general)

Downward thrust is terrible. Cleanprincegaming is unwatchable.

........yep. I think you're right. Dunkey sells himself like a troll and an imbecile, but when he let's himself be a journalist he's insightful, incisive, and clear.

>You are everything wrong with this board
Yeah surely it's not the faggots that spam eceleb threads

You're on a board dedicated to discussion about video games. Stop acting as if this shit is below you you absolute homosexual queer, I hope tomorrow you wake up in place of one of those third world children who are raped every morning by there war generals

I said it before and I'll say it again: SMW should've been in the "Big Boyz" list


I mean, I like his videos, but it's impossible to respect someone that's still that asshurt about Nintendo. Pretty much all his "reviews" of Nintendo games are either majorly or entirely just directionless rants about the company, and it's usually pretty clear he only played the game for 1-2hrs max (eg Splatoon).

He apparently didn't even think Odyssey deserved to be on his top games list from 2017.


Troll opinions for clickbait.

I can think for myself? Like honestly what the fuck is the point of game journalism? Their ratings are inherently skewed, you practically never see 5/10 which is what you should see the most of being that it means average. On top of that most of them are bad at games or mediocre. Finally they can't possibly express the game with the level of resolution that experiencing it first hand can. They're probably by a large margin the reason that developers don't publish demos anymore, since it's a more effective sales method to paste bullshit hype reviews with overinflated ratings all over the internet than it is to curate and design a demo level.

>"Durr butt game 2deep4me"
Weeb garbage deserves no recognition

Yahtzee has been unironically starting every Nintendo review with the same rehashed 2 minute "Nintendo rehashes everything" rant. I have no idea how anyone can take him seriously.

>I also consider Yahtzee and Jim Sterling honest

>weeb shit; P5, Nier
It's a wonder how he likes P5 given that game has less gameplay than XC2 if he's so gameplay-centric.

I can't believe nu/v/ actually likes this garbage. Not even neo/v/ would stoop that low.

there used to be a handful but 1up media died

You dont deserve to be a gamer if you like casual games.

At least they'll have more fun than the dogshit year of games we had in 2017.

For the same reason debating if food is tasty is journalism you pretentious fuckwad.

>audience catering shit

you mean they made a game that people want to play?

>Jim "dead or alive makes me shit my diaper" Sterling
>honest, tasteful and reliable
To a fucking normalfag, maybe

>you don't deserve to be a gamer
great post, genuinely made me cringe

>Like honestly what the fuck is the point of game journalism?
You find a journalist that has similar taste as you, that way you can get reliable recommendations based on their reviews. It's that fucking simple. That's how journalism works, but for some reason people have mistaken it for 100% undeniable objective truth that applies to everyone, but that's fucking stupid because everyone has different tastes. People these days are just so goddamn stupid that apparently they think they need someone else to tell them what to like.

>Jim Sterling
someone post the pic

>You find a journalist that has similar taste as you, that way you can get reliable recommendations based on their reviews. It's that fucking simple.

who has taste this simple in games, or believes in themselves so little that they need other people to tell which games to play?

It's amazing, that you kids, with video, reviews, playthroughs, etc these days need someone to tell you what games to play


>died 8 times on Iudex Gundyr
You can infer it for yourself.

Everything sounds bad and unfunny when you say it like that.

Jim is fucking insane. He literally told everyone to go out and shoplift any Nintendo products simply because he thinks he is entitled to use any captured footage in any way he pleases.

i died a shitload of times to iudex gundyr because i didn't sit around playing souls games in pvp for 10,000 hours

if you make restrictions like that nobody will ever consider your opinion because you're trying waaaay too hard to be cool

What the fuck is aloy? Seriously not even heard about this game

Gotaa agree with , this is the most pretentious post I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Take a good long look at yourself, user.

>jim sterling
literally a bisexual communist cuckold

dunkey can be an alright entertainer, but if you take his opinions to heart you are genuinely retarded.

So you're a casual retard too, noted.

Games cost money, maybe I don't want to dump 49.99 into a game that I won't like.

If only there was a way to find someone with a perspective similar to mine who could help me decide whether or not I should buy the game.


>maybe I don't want to dump 49.99 into a game that I won't like.

how can you not know if you will like a game with the resources you are given today? I already asked and you didn't answer despite quoting me

>perspective similar to mine
so your tastes are simple

You know,some people dont want to waste their money and time on a game they aren't sure they will enjoy it.Thats why journalist help.

OP check out Nakey Jakey. Dunk level quality shit pham.

>tell me what things I enjoy!

Sounds like you're just lesser and not that intelligent so you have to be told what's good rather than discovering it

I dont understand the huge rush of unintelligent video game players lately

Are you telling me you've never taken the advice of someone you trust ever in your life?

Alright I admit it, you got me.

Yes there's actually a lot of resources to determine whether I'm going to like a game. One of them being game journalism.

The list is exactly what i expected of a fat and neckbearded nintenbro like him.

why would you put "trust" in a video game journalist? A class of people that have been shown time and time again, since the 90s, to be paid off? Every single one of them is paid off

good luck with that i guess

>unintelligent players
I think you need to lay off the fedora and realize life isn't all about video games.

no, life really is about constantly being shocked and awed at the stupidity and ineptness of those around me.

>2 Nintendo games


Cuphead = style
Hollow Knight = substance
Sonic Mania = balance

I personally prefer mania but HK is the true winner of the 20 dollars games.


>why would you put "trust" in a video game journalist? A class of people that have been shown time and time again, since the 90s, to be paid off? Every single one of them is paid off
You cannot possibly know that. There's definitely cases of corruption but you're the idiot here if you're going to base your entire claim off a statement that you can't even begin to back up. You're just making shit up so you can say you're right, how do you rationalize that behavior?

Is there porn of dunkey's fursona?

It was pretty fun to play cuphead actually. Why do prople give credit to it's style solely? Gameplay is good

cuck cuck cuck xD

Aloy is the potato of Horizon Zero Dawn

the butthurt about this game is entertaining to say the least

How’s middle school going bud

>"2017 was one of the best games in gaming history"
>half the list are games from 2015 and 2016

When did this soyboy meme start? And I don't get it aren't soyboys literally the same thing as what we were calling nu-males in like 2016?

>half the list are games from 2015 and 2016

>guy I like's top 10 games of doesn't matter
A wojack post has more merit.

Yeah he put Super Mario Sunshine in a few years ago

Kids like new stuff. So they make new stuff up.

>no one realises dunkey should probably never be taken seriously.

I this is man who's avatar is literally a jackass.

he is a communist, ofc he is insane

Dunkey is /ourguy/! I’ve been watching him since 2014 (old fag sorry not sorry) I’m happy to say we share a lot of opinions so he isn’t a cuck!

but that what jim is, yahtzee is a meme cuck, he is just a leftist but jim for real is a cuck, her wife is a slut and they have open relationship but ofc no one wants to fuck jim

>game is not on the list
>gets mentioned in thread

I will never understand this

>I this is man who's avatar

>weeb shit
>movie shit

Dunkey's preferences are very clear, he's said before multiple times he dislikes anime, RPGs, and slower games in general.

It's just that he prefers simple action oriented games, which is fine.

Fuck off cancerfag

>no one realises dunkey should probably never be taken seriously.

I this is man who's avatar is literally a jackass.

>[insert internet personality here] has the best taste ever because he also likes my Nintendo games!

Why do you use shitty sfm pictures for the DOA girls when they look so much better in the actual game?

is this ed, edd & eddy middle-east version?


>putting anything on your list that doesnt support at least 60 fps
lmaoing at youre lives plebs

We don't want to crush Aloy too hard kid, sometimes you need to be gentle

Why hasn't Dunkey addressed the fact that the actual levels and their designs are a step down from the Galaxy games?
"It plays just like 64 and Sunshine, therefore it's a masterpiece!"

I agree. Reviewing electronic toys is not journalism.

I was under the impression they were called food critics and not food journalists.

he's funny. and he's the only guy i can agree with about stuff consistently, aside from sonic mania and mario sunshine.

>western garbage.

I don't give two shits about consolewar shit and dispise the fatfuck, but for creative purposes and criticism you're allowed to use any media including video games.
Nintendo was just being a bitch for some reason when no company in and out of video games does that.

Unironically started on reddit, and yes, it's the exact same fucking thing, just more obnoxious.

Darkest dungeon version

>but for creative purposes and criticism you're allowed to use any media including video games
That's not even remotely how that works Jim.