Is Steam cancer...

Is Steam cancer? So many "gamers" and "pcmasterrace" "gamers" seem to buy endless amounts of games for cheap when they don't even play them. Essentially they give money out for free. They could easily pirate the game or wait until they want to play it when it goes on sale for even cheaper. Its only natural most games go down in price over time. Not to mention all the Facebook degeneracy that happens on Steam profiles and people literally giving Valve free money for emoticons and what not. Is Steam made for the exploitation of retards?

Other urls found in this thread:!new-steam-account-with-sid-meiers-civilization-vi-/

tldr didn't read

>Not to mention all the Facebook degeneracy that happens on Steam profiles

yes OP it is

>Friends request
>Open up profile
>MLP roleplayer

How the fuck do I even attract such degenerates? I don't even have a description.

buying games even crappy ones is not cancer, it allows many developers to stay on poverty line while doing things they love, some eventually make good games

buying skins/lootboxes/virtual items is cancer, good games stop being made to make way for grinding mmo shit

This is why I went to the switch. So much more fun and I actually play my games because they are physical cartridges that I can look at and feel and own forever and I don't need to be online to play them.

Fuck off GOGcuck

>nintentoddler shill samefagging in the most obvious way
wew lad

What's the point of this?

What's the point of this?

Served me well for the past 12 years. I don't know what are you talking about.

Nintendo guys tall about how much fun they are having.

PC and ps4 fags just stay mad and angry. Really makes one think.

yea steam is cancer because your dumb friends buy steam games they dont play

>So many "gamers" and "pcmasterrace" "gamers" seem to buy endless amounts of games for cheap when they don't even play them
But that's Sup Forums

Digital game sales is the biggest scam of the century. They've managed to convince morons that a thing that used to be a physical property is now a consumable but still worth the same amount of money. The retro gaming trade is huge and steamfags will never be apart of it.

What a stupid fucking post

>is now a consumable
How the fuck is it a "consumable", you fucking mongoloid? You buy the game - you get to keep it forever (actually, longer, because Steam will most likely outlive this shit-tier planet at the rate it has been doing).

It's very cancer. So cancer that I closed all my steam accounts including my original from 2004 and went back to being a console only person.


>steam is a scam
>please buy my $50000 copy of earthbound ;_; it's totally not a scam!

Steam eternally fucked the PC gaming industry.

You don't get to keep it forever. There's no proof of that. You're going off of something that Gabe said years ago, and we all know how full of shit he is.

>buy game form store
>disc installs steam

>you get to keep it forever

You don't though.

>you get to keep it forever

What exactly do you get to keep forever? You literally just get permission to load a file from some propriety software. It's a consumable in that once it's sold it's now worth nothing to anyone. People actually pay real physical money for this. It's hilarious.

Back in the day you install the game and that's it. No steam no bullshit.

Uh, huh. More like it eternally fucked your collection of worthless plastic. All of the shit on your pic combined costs no more than 10 bux now thanks to Valve having no problems with key resellers, who sell Steam keys in 99% of cases. Games have NEVER been cheaper before and it's all thanks to Gaben not being a Jew.

>Gaben not being a Jew.

nice try faggot

>Games have NEVER been cheaper before
You can't buy games on Steam.

>worthless plastic

Why are stream kiddies so fucking dumb?

Steamfags are already apart from it.

>own pc
>pay for games
It's a level of retardation fascinating to behold

>You don't get to keep it forever.
I do, because Steam is going to outlive not only your worthless hides, but your entire bloodlines as well. The retarded shit you spout is based on ridiculous asspulls, Steam is too valuable for it to just die and even if Valve goes tits up at one point Steam will be simply bought out by a different corp, because it LITERALLY prints money.

Wow, a whole 40 bucks, 20 bucks less than you paid for it 20 years ago. Good job.

We all see your shitty posting but I'll let it slide and give you a (you).

Steam may and probably will outlive a lot of posters here but that in no way means the licenses you bought wont expire.

A physical preowned copy of one pc game is worth more than your entire stream library will ever be worth. You're a dumb fuck and you'll always be a dumb fuck

See what I mean? Angry. :)

Are there actually people who think copies of shitty current gen ps4 and xbox games in their boxes are going to sell for hundreds of dollars in the future when they are made in far greater numbers than older games which, except for extremely rare games or editions, sell in the bargain bin?


And if you bought it on steam its worth 0 anything

That's nice, sweetie. How does any of that benefit you? You're still paying for something that will eventually disappear. Meanwhile, I still have my Atari games from 30+ years ago and they still work.

You can't buy Warcraft on steam, so if you did buy it on steam, it would be worth millions.

Worth to you, and people who are like you. To me it's utterly worthless, because I wouldn't pay a cent for it.

See what? Preowned its more than $100. How is that worthless plastic? How much is your most expensive steam game worth?

Your post is degeneracy.

Worth millions to who? You can't sell steam games because they're not an actual thing. You're dumb bro

You can't buy games then period, shitstain, because you don't own the contents of your CD either.

>the licenses you bought wont expire.
Nice asspull.

>A physical preowned copy of one pc game is worth more than your entire stream library will ever be worth.
Nope. Your worthless plastic is worthless dogshit. I can buy the same game and play it forever for a fraction of the price.

Here's a single Steam account with ONE game that is worth more than your entire collection of worthless plastic:!new-steam-account-with-sid-meiers-civilization-vi-/

Deal with it, you genetic fucking trash.

It's worth 40 bucks to another seller. Have fun getting scammed.
You can sell steam accounts.

Steamworks DRM is pitifully easy to crack. The day Steam goes dark, it will be 12 hours until a tool is out that unlocks your library. And that's assuming Valve DOESN'T put it out themselves.

and where do u sell steam accounts jackass

valve will ban u

>You can sell steam accounts.

This is possibly the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Who the fuck buys steam accounts? Maybe Russians?

Wishful thinking. Why are M_ustards so pathetic?

That Steam game is free

It's worth nothing.

>local game stores offer bare minimum of games, old stuff never gets restocked
>meanwhile on steam one can snag some pretty good deals during sales at any point of day or night and play five minutes later

I don't have a steam profile, I don't look at steam profiles, I don't get DLC except free one, and I'm probably the only idiot here that just plays games. Steam is not the problem, idiots would still be idiots, they'd just throw money on something else.

Who the fuck bucks physical pc games? Maybe 3rd generation incest kids?

Unless you're stupid and try to sell it on the Steam forums they'll never know.

>You don't get to keep it forever
We have so far.
Also console games have the exact same terms, except our pc games will outlast your consoles.

>will eventually disappear
My digital library will outlive your decaying worthless plastic.

If Gaben is a Jew, then why does he allow key resellers to run amok completely unchecked. He gives exactly zero fuck about them and that is THE most pro-consumer thing one in his place can do for the industry, because any Steam game can be bought for -30-50% at launch and their prices drop by -70-99% eventually on key reseller markets.

nobody wants my cringey profile with cringey screenshots and shit games

What terms? You don't even know what you're talking about. You mean that whole making copies shit? Nobody cares about that. That's been a thing for longer than you've been alive.

My ps1 and GameCube collection has doubled in value
My SNES and NES collection probably quadrupled
My PS2 games are worth about what i bought them for. PS3 games starting to creep up as people buy up and hoarde them

My steam games are worth exactly nothing forever

>Nobody cares about that
Nobody cares about breaking the law? Lmao, go steal a bike and get shot, you nigger bitch.

Nice anal meltdown.

Damn you're retarded.

>Not to mention all the Facebook degeneracy that happens on Steam profiles and people literally giving Valve free money for emoticons
is the part where we forget both consoles are full of players with anime tiddies and furry profiles and pay for themes?

Nah, back in the day you would have to type in the CD key that would be in the game box or on the manual. Then came a time when you had to type in the CD key and have it authenticate on the publisher's servers before you can play. And then came Steam.

Your physical copies and your consoles are not worth more than what you paid for them whenever you got them unless they are brand new and unopened.

A game is a worthwhile purchase if it's fun. The resale value isn't important.

if you buy games just to resell them, then you arent a gamer

>you're retarded
But I'm not the one spouting nonsense about some boogeyman taking away my games simply because some sack of genetic waste thinks so, lmao.

Find a new hobby. Video games clearly aren't for you.

Nah, you're just a shitposter. Much worse.

Nobody is going to buy your used trash, dumbfuck. Your worthless garbage is worth nothing unless you find some mental midget to actually buy it from you and you won't.


>if you don't buy a game that's worthless to everyone else you're not a true gamer

>calling out retards on their lack of argumentation to support their baseless claims is "shitposting"

Are people really this dumb or is it just steamfag denial it underage ignorance?

>the only review aggregator in the entire vidya industry that forces you to provide proof that you've actually played the game before you can review it
Yes, user, I love Steam reviews as well and they are definitely the only reviews that matter.

Are people really this dumb or is it just physicuck denial it underage ignorance?

>endless amounts of games
do you mean endless numbers, perhaps?

Last week i sold 2 Pokemon Games for double what i bought them for? They were only DS ones too

>Last week i sold 2 Pokemon Games for double what i bought them for
And I'm the president of US. Nice to meet you.

Did your wifes son type that for you, that little retard? Tell him you came here to shill in the first place, and then go back to your cuckshed


>its another "consolecuck is mad about his privilege to pay for online" thread

>because you don't own the contents of your CD either.
you own a permanent, resealable right to play the game. This right is tied to the disk and than can be passed on to your kids after you die. This is the law.

Digital games have no such protection. You don't own shit. You paid for a digital service that can be terminated.

Nah, it's just gog drones shilling their worthless excuse of a service. I'm half tempted to start making anti-gog threads, especially since I have more than enough incriminating material from the based anti-Witcher shitposting autist.

>This right is tied to the disk
Yes, a decaying form of physical media. kys

t. Steamtoddler who doesn't remember PC gaming before Steam.

Console port used to be a derogatory term because the majority of PC games where PC exclusive. Today everything is a console port because good PC games don't sell in a world for $2.50 trash on Steam.
It's like the App Store: No matter how good your game, if it's not cheap, it's not selling.

When is Valve going to sell Steam branded sous vide steak?

>good PC games don't sell
And thus the physicuck has bTFOd himself eternally. The end.

good thing life isn't about owning things

seen this pointless shit said here so many times in 10+ years. it's pointless to say. life isn't about owning things.

BTW, playstation 1 cds are starting to degrade now.

Back then every PC game was either
>educational game for children
>no fun simulation
>port of a tabletop RPG
And they costed more than a used console game.

>t. actually played PC games before Steam

>forces you to register your phone to trade
>asks for your personal info for muh security
>vac bans you for being in the same team as a cheater
>locks your account permanently and lose all your games if you lost your phone
>ruins the world of gaming with his mtx bullshit
>gabe not being a jew

>NerdWallet Health Analysis
Say no more, sold

we used to have pc games that can be installed as many times as you want on any computers before dumbfuck.
You dont fucking own shit.

You still have the right to play the game even if the original disk isn't readable anymore.

do you even own a video game? at the end of the day it's just data stored on something, whether that's a hard drive, cd, or whatever. eventually that shit is going to wear down.

>asks for your personal info for muh security
just like any site that accepts credit card

>vac bans you for being in the same team as a cheater

>locks your account permanently and lose all your games if you lost your phone
if you are a retard who cant read and write down the master key, which you seem to be