Remember when Razer tried to make the Nintendo Switch and it cost like $1000 instead of $300?

Remember when Razer tried to make the Nintendo Switch and it cost like $1000 instead of $300?

Other urls found in this thread:

The technology wasn't there to make it cheaper and it didn't have the same marketing push that Nintendo Switch has had (a superbowl commercial among a slew of ads over the last 10 months).

>Only one hour of battery life
>Had to buy a 1-pound backup battery to add an extra hour.
>Still no real d-pad


Hey remember when um
Razer used a full mobile GPU and an x86 compliant Intel CPU
Not a bargain bin batch of Nvidia Tegra chips?????

It was shit, but they aren't comparable.

Arguably the GPD Win fills the same niche as the Razer Edge, but it's a much more practical device. Sadly it doesn't have a dedicated mobile GPU like the Edge though. The Edge's hardware was perhaps a bit more ambitious than the market was capable of supporting, not to mention the attrocious battery life it had.

You can only pick two.

Except Cheap & Powerful

ps3 is more powerful than switch and cost 20 bucks used.

GPD Win 2 has a pretty horrendous price so far


but it isn't at all
and you can't get for that price either

Like I said, Razer's thing was shit. I'm not defending it.

20 bucks? Come on m8 you're getting a bit silly

>ps3 is more powerful than switch

This guy is really comparing the PS3 to the Switch.

You might as well compare the Vita to the Switch too.

can someone explain how that keyboard is worth a shit when its tiny?

Those buttons and dpad are also in terrible spots. why would anyone waste money on that shit?

>remember when Razer embarrassed itself
When did they stop?

Sweetie, my phone is more powerful than a Switch, sweetie.

PS3 GPU is weaker
PS3 has less RAM
PS3 CPU is much better, but this doesn't matter too much when the RAM and GPU bottleneck it anyway

It also ran things at better settings than 360p/15FPS

>my phone

Can your phone run Skyrim? Yeah, I didn't think so, you fucking nerd

Razer are notorious jews. Their newest wireless mouse costs 300 dollarydoos

I'm still not convinced the Sh*tch can.




The PS3 CPU is better at floating point processing, but quite dreadful at everything else, which is the complete opposite all the other CPUs on the market back then and even now.
Everything not called Xbox 360 have issues with code optimized for the PS3, hurting the performance severely on PC, PS4,Xbone,switch, vita...
I bet it is the main reason why FFXV sucks in performance, and its probably the thing that murdered the switch DQ.


Why is the Gotham Police Department marketing a handheld gaming device?

Maybe when the PS3 had the cell it was worth anything. Sony backed the fuck away from that quick.

>The PS3 CPU is better at floating point processing, but quite dreadful at everything else, which is the complete opposite all the other CPUs on the market back then and even now.
Yeah, it's an odd one, but desu it's really good for video games. The types of games that wouldn't run well on the PS3 CPU don't really exist in the console space, shit like RTS games.

Regardless, it is without a doubt significantly more powerful than the Tegra CPU. Tegra CPUs aren't even good for mobile CPUs. They're very middle of the pack.

They just make the BATtery.

>nitpicked frame
>PS3 is running the game at 720p vs 1080p on the switch.


>looks like shit
>no mods
I guess it counts as 'running'...

I unironically want a controller attachment that's basically the pro controller split into 2. It would be great having a comfortable controller in portable mode. I mostly play in console mode so when I switch to portable the shape isn't very comfortable, especially when it's a shooter.

I think it was 900p or something. But anyway, it has a lot of graphical improvements and better textures, but the framerate is unfortunately more inconsistent.

The kind of load the PS3 CPU can handle the GPU can handle better with Open CL/Cuda etc.. which is actually how they did the physics in the zelda.
Now the kind of load that a true CPU can handle.. well the Cell can't into it.
I would say that for gaming, the biggest obstacle for the cell processor is data compression.
Huffman/rle etc is a complete bitch for CPUs that aren't very good at branching, ie cell.
Also running scripts etc is not a forte for the cell either.

>can someone explain how that keyboard is worth a shit when its tiny?
It's not for typing out entire novels. It's for basic shit like name entry, in-game chat, and web browsing.

Were you even born before the iphone was invented? Did you even have had a phone?
(Are you cute?)

>unironically buying Razer products

Where did OP say that? Point it out to me, please.

The biggest problem with Cell is RAMBUS.

Cell is fine for video games. It's mostly chunked data, nice and linear.

>remember when razer tried to sell overpriced garbage while the competition was better in price and quality?

gee user i really don't know but i somehow think that this was always the case


Nice and linear data is exactly what rambus and the caches are good at.

No it's full 1080

Do you not realize why bethesda was so anal about OpenMW being ported on android?

That was meant generally, you fucking retard.

I don't know enough about RAMBUS to go into its intricacies. Regardless, it is still more expensive to require specific memory chips, because when they stop printing them, you then have to find someone to print them and pay for that. No such hassle with DDR. It's pretty abundant.

Are you fucking dumb?
Switch literally has the shittiest L.A. Noire version, faggots

>i can’t spend hours dressing up my waifu in different outfits on the switch version

>Still using this meme

You're literally youtube commentor tier. Those phones are generally $600-700 and can't run games for shit, because they're not built to primarily play games.

Because you choose not to, console-warring faggot.

>IGG campaign Jan 15
I'm ready

Well, the whole point of the rambus memory is to save on PCB traces and CPU pins by clocking it very, very high.
For example on the N64, the rambus memory only have 9 bits of bus, but it runs at 500Mhz.
With regular ass Dram memory, you would have to use a 32bit bus so you can clock the memory at 130 Mhz or so.
But due all the kludges the memory must do internally to be able to deliver all this speed, non-linear accesses to the memory are very, very, VERY slow.
On your typical modern memory, including rambus, you generally send a command to the memory to change the address where you will read/write, and every subsequent access to the memory makes it increase the address automagically, and this is where they're fast, because you just keep reading,reading,reading etc.. but the command to change adress by itself is slow (or very fucking slow in the case of the rambus).

God that looks like fucking garbage.
Kill yourself, fangoy.

I'm seeing where the BUS comes from.

Regardless, the Xbox 360 did better performance wise in many cases because the GPU could use more memory. The split 512MB meant the GPU could use 300 while the CPU used 212, not specifically, but you get the idea. If the CPU only needed 212MB of RAM on the PS3, well you had 44MB of RAM not being used all that well.

Was a 256/256 split on the PS3, but later in the life sony came up with some pretty quick data copying routines that "allowed the GPU to use the whole memory".

>Rockstar port

I remember when Nvidia wasn't in a contract and was making one more powerful for $100 less

Hey that's exactly like Switch.

First it's bulky as fuck
And battery lasts like a hour top.

There is a ton of good cheap windows 10 tablet that lets you play indie games, they costs like $200-300. Modern windows tablet is also efficient just like android, iPad, or switch.

Who /razerphone/ here?