thanks for this guys, seriously
Thanks for this guys, seriously
Best place for porn. Never used it for games though.
Really shit for 'communities' that just get infested by roleplaying, borderline catfishing attention seekers and fake personalities. I don't really have anything against 'roleplaying' or whatever though, besides the fact that it always becomes a part of so many needy cunts human-to-human interaction as they desperately chase to bloat their ego in a desperate pursuit of approval.
Discord is great for small groups of friends though.
You heard me, user.
I don't use it for video games.
What company is gonna end up buying it and how much you think they’re gonna pay for it
Too much drama and circlejerking
>ask for games in certain fighting game discord
>everyone shrugs it off like "playing game name in 2017 lmao" and goes back to circlejerking local celeb's e-dick
teach me your ways
Probably Microsoft, for several millions, then they'll run it into the ground.
The creators are massive fags but it's so good for games and for getting lonely girls to send nudes that i can't even be bothered by their faggotry.
Hello nu-male
I'm in a few Discord servers that have around 100 people in them. They seem pretty good and to stay on point with their subject.
Whenever it derails it's usually about similiar video games, which is still pretty good imo.
>Discord is great for small groups of friends though.
Pretty much. Small servers are the best.
Amazon, and it'll be fed in to the Twitch app like the Curse client was, and Prime will get you Nitro
Discord is __the__ solution for small communities (like raid groups, guilds, just friends communities, etc). The only thing it does worse than ts3 is the "keyboard click" detection in voice chat. You can have blue switches 5cm away from your mic and still use "voice activation" on ts3 and nobody would ever hear you type, but on discord it's a nightmare.
This. Lodes of dumb and lonely teen girls.
Where do you find these people?
Revitalized many fighting game communities, so I like it.
what servers are you guys going on to pick up lonely teen girls?
asking for a friend
Yeah same. I want a cute lonely gf.
Where's the DOAX discord?
>Oh baby! I'm coming... over to play DOAX!
I've never even been on a community server. Just servers to play games with friends. Still the best way to do it desu
Thank you for this amazing voice chat, my fellow gaymers ;)
Needs more moderation tools. You can't even move posts from one section to another. Decent for image dumps though.
all these IM programs only remind me how lonely I am.
These people complain about always being bugged by people and I can't even get one person to message me.
This but change lonely teen girls to lonely teens girls (male)
This. You can already link them and use prime emotes on discord. Hopefully they just add twitch functionality to discord and not the other way around. I used curse for years and recently switched to discord. I felt like a refugee seeing what a developed country was like for the first time.
>These people complain about always being bugged by people and I can't even get one person to message me.
>tfw only have a few people across the internet
>thankfully none of them use Discord
>they only message me if i message them
>sometimes I feel like they only talk to me because they pity me
I've never used discord, how does it work? Do you just go to a website or what? Is there an app or something?
It's an IM client like any other. It works on your browser, your phone, your desktop.
create account
browser: no downloads, less reliable with voice chat/hardware detection
client: lets you use betterdiscord, game overlays
Both. The app doesn't have much over the website but you need to download it if you want working push to talk. The servers are pretty much the same as any VOIP program, just with the addition of text channels.
They're all shit unless they adhere to the community they're based on.
Sup Forums discords are all shit there are always attention seeking faggots who think that because anons joined "Their" discord that "they" have the right to tell them how to behave.
I own a discord of roughly a thousand people based on the NW expansion to Mount and Blade: Warband, and it basically acts as an extension of the server we run. People just shitpost and chatter in it, whether they're actually in game or not.
It's godly for community building but elitist or power-hungry faggots always try and ruin it.
There's a NW discord?
Do you guys organize line battles or anything?
hey user, i'm lonely and desperate
It's probably going to be none. The venture capital investment into Discord cemented the ownership in the hands of the few (e.g: Tencent). I'd ideally like to see it out of the hands of the Chinese.
Where you live?
Inv to discord pls
I don't understand this program , I looked online and saw I was not the only one. How do people find this stuff that's not even easy to understand and use it in big numbers? I would say using it often would change that but I saw a post from some guy that said he does use it all the time and still didn't really understand it. I believe him.
It's just Skype. Skype 2.0.
What's not to get? IM chat programs have been pretty mainstream for a few decades now.
>not client based
but why?
this but specify that the lonely teen girls need to have sexy feet.
>Discord is great for small groups of friends though.
Pretty much this, for closed groups it's a great app but stuff like massive communities or even worse game development just turns into a circlejerk where arguments have no weight but only how much of a bootlicker people are, discord will never be a substitute for forums and actual discussion.
Jewbook, obviously.
>tfw have a small comfy discord channel with a few selected friends to share dragon pics and books
I'm pretty sure Tencent has a major hold on Discord.
Yeah? Like you know, actual discussion about balance and other stuff where every topic is subject to both criticism or support by the community? Instead of the vapid meme shit that discord is?
My post count is higher than yours so me and my assclowns are going to dismiss what you say now.
>Discord is great for small groups of friends though.
this, 100%. like small art groups.
it's also pretty decent for small fighting game communities.
>shit service for normies that sells all of your personal data and conversations to the highest bidder
just use mumble
Hi, it's me, guy who's joined longer than you, has a larger postcount than you, and since I'm not a fucking bellend I haven't been ostracized.
Your opinions are wrong. Now watch as literally everyone automatically takes my side because of some sort of perceived popularity is popularity acheived.
I was normally on the giving end on this.
wrong. tumblr is the best place for porn
Umm, you're welcome? Geesh...
I doubt small postcount is the reason why people like you gets ignored, you probably thing Sup Forums standards should be acceptable anywhere else and can't form a solid argument without trash talking like a manchild.
Wow, that's a lot of projecting son.
Was about start using Discord after my Mumble server was about to run out of sub. But then I read the TOS... Who the fuck is so stupid to agree terms like that.
nah, i'm just judging you by your first reply.
>hurr look at how annoying, abrassive little shit i can be by replying with some reaction image instead of a solid argument.
gtfo with that shit.
Post discords.
Because it's common knowledge forums are garbage.
What's got you so worked up faggot? Let it all out.
>hurr look at how annoying, abrassive little shit i can be by replying with some reaction image instead of a solid argument.
Sounds like every forum I've ever been on. The only difference is that a mod will give out bans/warns afterwards.
>Because it's common knowledge forums are garbage.
Maybe the ones you were in, pretty retarded to generalize.
>What's got you so worked up faggot? Let it all out.
Because retards like you talk crap without being well informed and think they can talk for us all people who were using internet while mommy was still changing your diapers, fuck off to reddit or w/e.
Closed community. No randos.
>Stop talking about forums in a negative light reeeeeeeeeeeee
Were you not here to shit on larger discord servers friendo? Maybe get that tumor in your brain checked out.
How high was your post count? What was the name of the mod who deleted all your posts?