How Itoi created Mother and Mother 2
Story time
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*Smiles and Tears starts playing*
The end.
That was sweet, thanks.
Well, that was interesting.
Now we better make this thread die to make place for another off topic or VRchat memes thread.
I saw the comic translated few hours ago and I thought sharing it on Sup Forums was a good idea, that's how some videogames are made after all.
im eternally grateful to itoi and iwata for mother 2
Oh sweet. Thanks.
Yeah, it's always cool to see how certain things came out to be, not just video games. But it seems to me that vidya is a medium where consumers care the least about the creators.
That's true. But there are also instances of creators being hailed by players too much, I think about Tim Shafer or Kojima.
Wait where's the panel where they laugh at Europe and NA about never ever getting mother 3?
This is pretty damn nice, thanks. Now I'm just stuck wondering if Mother 3 came into existence while Itoi was staring at a noose.
Thanks for the story time, user.
I guess this is why Nintendo is looking for people that haven't played much vidya now, huh.
Sure, from one extreme to another, exactly because they're ignored so often, people latch onto the few ones who stand out for some reason.
I miss Iwata...
Sometimes I wonder if he would be still alive if he didn't become president and stayed a developer.
>I guess this is why Nintendo is looking for people that haven't played much vidya now, huh.
Nice observation, I didn't think about it.
That was very lovely OP. Thank you so much for sharing.
Mother 1 and 2 will always hold a special place in my heart.
I wish I could say the same about Mother 3 but I've never played it.
Maybe it's autism, but I can't bring myself to play a fan translation. At least Mother 1 had an official English script.
The fan translation is actually pretty good and it remains very faithful.
Go and play it. You won't regret it.
Any source? And is this a one-off thing? I don't read manga but I notice gaming related ones are being made like that manga based on retro gaming.
I guess I'll surrender and try it.
The hopes for a western digital release seem to be slimmer and slimmer every new year that passes.
This is tthe link I saved it from:
It seems a column of a periodic magazine.
>Osamu Tezuka somehow drew this comic from beyond the grave
I'm scared
Kek, yeah, the art style is very similar.
I was thinking the same thing
>more weebs idolizing japanese people they don't know anything about
Just remember:
No crying until the end
Mother sucked.
Earthbound and Mother 3 were okay though.
>they don't know anything about
Well, that comic seems to be done to make people know more about them.
the comic makes it sound like he was just some random guy whisked off to nintendo's chocolate factory but after googling him apparently he's a minor japanese celebrity and nintendo were looking for celebrity endorsed games at the time
it's kind of misleading
>but after googling him apparently he's a minor japanese celebrity
I mean, the comic says he was a copywriter and he also went on TV shows, so it's not that misleading.
Wow this was really cool. But damn, he just wrote down some ideas and by some miracle he wound up talking with the head of nintendo?
Thats fucked. We are unbelivably lucky to have these games. And he is beyond lucky to have made them at all. Shit.
Fucking hell
I'm over here shedding tears then this asshole comes in with the smiles
Leave luck to heaven, user.
Yamauchi was an asshole but he had a good eye for talented people.
I hate these stupid fanboy "creator stories" that focus much more on the work itself than the creator.
This is a full person and he spent a small fraction of his life developing the game. If you want to tell a story about this person, actually tell us the story of their lives in detail. If you're only going to talk about their existence as if it orbits around the thing they made that you like, you're not making something interesting or informative. You're just a shameless fanboy gushing about a thing you like.
It's a short comic about a small interview they had, which probably took a small space of a bigger gaming magazine.
Calm down, brother.
This is not that deep user.
>I miss you
I mean, tomato is a professional translator, so it's not like this is some shoddy hack job. Hell, he'd worked on gba game translation in the past so he knew all the weird details nintendo had (like saying "press the A button" instead of "press a" and stuff like that) so you can barely tell it isn't official. And honestly, there's quite a few things that wouldn't survive going through the modern memehouse localization wringer, so I think it's for the best that we got a fan translation instead of an official one.
>It's been nearly 3 Years since Iwata died and this played all over Sup Forums
Fuck me.
>When the mods put this on Sup Forums when Iwata's death was announced
Didn't felt so connected with this board since Robot unicorn attack
Mother is overrated and boring
This is a videogame thread user, we are not talking about your mother
Iwata spent his years making sure you could enjoy yours. We spent tears when he left.
Now we can smile.
Reddiiiiit, ooooooo Reddiiiiit
Yeah, I heard about Tomato being a very passionate translator. It's definitely just my personal autism but, I promise, I'll give it a chance.
I don't get it
i tried reading this both left to right and right to left and i still cant figure out the sequence, is this a comic at all or just random drawings together?
I think those black arrows on the top of the image should be a good hint to start with.
so its just a mess in general then?
literally me, except the part about getting interviewed on television, meeting shiggy, and getting a successful game developed
Yes, user, it really is.
Perhaps if you have brain-damage.
read it right-to-left dumbass
It's pretty hard for a lot of reasons. Video games are so big its hard to attribute any of your favorite part of said game to a single person.
Might be your single favorite quest in a certain game was made by some intern who never worked in the game industry ever again.
I think it's more about people not being obsessed with videogames and having the ability to look at them from a distance. It's completely understandable.
Good storytime, OP.
The irony.
>tfw just started chapter 5 of mother 3
I'm finding that tagline difficult to follow through with this game, jesus.
>useless ideas guy wants other people to make his game for him
>other people to make his game for him
And few pages later, you see him working his ass staying in the office most of his time to finish the game along with his team.
right, just coming up with ideas while everyone else actually had useful skills that made the game. he just named the weapons lol
He wrote the whole plot and probably come up with gameplay mechanics since Mother shares them with Dragon Quest (the game he was playing at the beginning of the comic).
He was an ideas guy who got lucky. He even admits he fucked up with 2 and 3 because he had no idea what he was doing
Well, without that idea guy, Mother wouldn't exist to begin with, so I'm ok with that.
Itoi is an idea guy.
>on the train back to Kyoto
>on the train back to Tokyo
Which is it?
and then undertale happened and ruined everything
It's the same city
That E3 was an insane wild ride.
This. I don't trust vidya companies to do translations right. They do "localizations" instead, making their own game instead of giving us the one we want to play.
Check a map.
>And then a good game happened
Inb4 "fanbase"
Another example of Mother (2) inspiring western fans:
>we're still trying our best
It's too early in the day for this
The incredible thing about Mother is that is probably the least japanese game made by a japanese game developer.
I hadn't really made the connection until this comic, but yeah, I see the Spielberg inspiration now.
See ya.
Well the guy *is* incredibly famous over in Japan for his writings, although he's also dabbled in television, songwriting, voice acting... Getting a celebrity heavily involved with your game is a marketer's wet dream.
I think it was actually a good idea to bring in someone who knew jackshit about games to work on one. MOTHER, if nothing else, certainly resonates with people because of its charm.