Monster Hunter World

Which weapon are you planning to use? I want to learn Lance or GS, but will probably end up with Longsword or SnS, like the filthy casual I am.

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After using Hammer, you kinda cannot go back. Its difficult to settle for complicated controls and lower damage output for sake of some gimmick.

Was going to use GS except it's generally pointless in any game to use GS until you farm the materials needed for quick charge.

So I just use LS instead to relieve my weeb fetish.

Probably shield and sword if my pc can run this game. Second place would be switchaxe since i think its sword might be a bit stronger otherwise if both sucks ill stick to lance vance dance otherwise what gives

If the whole "we're delaying the PC launch to optimize it" thing actually has any bearing on reality, I imagine your PC will run it unless you have a real toaster on your hands.

Isn’t your average modern desktop PC more powerful than the PS4?

Bow and lance. I have to use phallic weapons to prove my masculine dominance. Other weapons are for soyboys.

Yes but remember PC should run at double the FPS the PS4 has while slightly improving visuals.

750ti, 6gb ram and i5 2320 are showing their age. Shit like ni oh barely runs, resident evil 7 was sub 20 fps at times, prey ran stable 60fps as did dragons dogma. i dont know what to make out of this all but knowing how shitty ports got after ps4 pro i dont expect much.

If it's my first MH what weapon would be best for a beginner?


Gunlance as always.


Insect glaive is my jam. Not a frenchie.

Yr favorite weapon got nerfed quite a bit with that heat gauge

It's not in world.

GS and bow

Can't pick between my 3 niggas; The Lance, The Hammer and The Sword & Shield.

I'm gonna use a big fat rock and hit the monsters with it.

Charge Blade and either LBG or HBG or both.

There's no catch-them-all beginner weapon. You just have to struggle and try them all until you find something that clicks.

My weapons of choice are GS>Lance>SA in that order but I'm not feeling too keen on the sequential charges they added to the GS in world. If I can't get the hang of it I might got SA full time with Lance as backup.

When PC release? How's the "open world"? i've been blind about it since the announcement.

>Which weapon are you planning to use?

Gonna try everything, but i really would like to be more ranged. If that's not possible, something mobile.

there's no open world
>in b4 free hunts
is not open world

Think I'm going to go ranged for the first time, never really seemed appealing before with handheld controls. I liked HBG in the beta more than LBG and bow, so I'll probably go with that.

>barely maintains 30 fps

Did they at least removed the 10 loading screen to traverse a single location? I just wanna know what changed in that department.

>he didn't get a Pro
Point and laugh, everyone.

Every game I use a new weapon so low rank isn't mindnumbingly easy. My choices are DB, IG, Bow, HH and GL. I know I'll use the bow in addition to one of those other weapons since gunner armor is out.

No loading screens when you're on a hunt. Its all one zone.

Dual Blades have always been my thing but I think I'll also use the Charge Blade since being able to charge the sword for ko damage will be a lot of fun.

A lot of difficulty can arise from proprietary driver overhead, PC ports typically ran like shit from older generation consoles but most new console drivers' apu drivers aren't much different from PC hardware.

What's the difference between HBG, LBG, and bow? In the beta I tried all three, and it felt like HBG just did way more damage than the other two, so I assume there's some kind of tradeoff.

HBG is damage dealer
LBG is status/elemental
Bow is not needing to worry about ammo management.

It's tradeof. Basically they differ in damage, mobility and capacity to inflict status effects.

Normally I roll Hammer, but I might try something new this time.

>PC release
user...I'm so sorry.

Heavy bowgun has more firepower and is a long-range weapon. It is slow and makes you slow

Light bowgun and Bow are actually mid-range weapons, they require you to stay relatively close to hit for max damage. In return, you’re way faster with them drawn

The bowguns use various ammo and can have great versatility. The bow is stuck with only three types of shots, but you don’t have to worry about reloading

Lance and HBG have been the most fun for me in the betas.
I'd like to play others too, like GS, LS, CB, SA, etc. but in the beta all they boil down to is spamming the one highest damage move at all times because the monsters are so weak and stagger/trip/stun so often that there's never any risk going for them. Hopefully in the full game as we climb out of LR the monsters get challenging enough that the weapons with big damage "finisher" attacks have to start playing more carefully and only going for them during opportune moments. I know this is how it usually turns out, especially in LR demos, but I'm just concerned because the more fluid movement options we have now will undoubtedly make the game easier than other Monster Hunters so it's hard for me to tell how much of this is due to that and how much of it is due to monsters just being nerfed punching bags right now.

I've never given HH a fair shake, I always love the idea of supporting my team with buffs/debuffs in any game. It's just that I recall they generally do less damage than all the other weapons.

The beta makes it seem as if monsters generally have reduced stagger limits now, while the hunter staggers far less. It feels a bit like a beat em up game with equal opponents, rather than David vs Goliath

Hunting Horn can have reasonably high damage output, but in this game, it’s quite underwhelming for solo. You’re stuck with a poor mans’ hammer and the buffs don’t matter that much for one person

Longsword is now a skill weapon, if you want to do decent damage you gotta practice a lot. damn it might require more skill than bow/hammer if you want to be good at the weapon.
Honestly just use SW/GL/HBG if you want to have shitter fun.

I'll use duel blades if they put an event quest weapon with 70% affinity like that invisible thing in MHG, that shit was hilarious with crit eye 3. Bow seems to be the best to begin farming with, spamming that dragon pierce is kind of lame but kind of cool as your spacing and manipulation is so crucial. I don't think anything compares to the dps of the bow from all my testing in the beta.

I wouldn’t say it’s a skill weapon. Making combos connect isn’t really witchcraft, the unrealistic hit boxes make it quite easy

They do, but the buffs are really potent. Free team-wide buffs like wind res, stamina/attack boosts, earplugs, etc. can really make a big difference. Especially fun when playing with friends since you know they'll be able to capitalize on the buffs you give them. I also find the HH attack moveset itself to be a lot of fun, if somewhat lacking in damage. Feels very satisfying to swing around and hit dudes with.


If I were a Dual Blade user, I would be disappointed by this game. It gained short to nothing in terms of buffs and you have to stay in Demon mode all the time if you want to deal notable damage

In an ideal situation Bow does seem really strong, like here:
But in general CB spamming ultra AEDs was getting the fastest reliable kill times.

>just use SW/GL/HBG if you want to have shitter fun
You mentioned three "shitter fun" weapons and somehow missed the biggest one.

I have only really played MHG before and I will be picking this up. I would really like to try out GL, what are the things about it people dont like? I rarely see it mentioned and never in a positive way

Is it fully confirmed you don't need special gunner sets anymore? You can just use any weapon with any armor?

Hammer almost ruins you.

It's a good thing they've made it incredibly easy to do just that. Attacking in demon mode fills the archdemon gauge which gives you the buffs and moveset without consuming stamina with an increase of hits and damage on demon dance.

It's a damn decent weapon, but I don't like it in world since the pole vault button and the bug launch button are two different things now.

I never like the IG before but the fact that you can stay airborn 100% of the time now makes me want to try it. 100% non normal monster combat.

There are no special gunner sets anymore. Defense values change depending on whether you have a melee/ranged weapon equipped but the armor and skills themselves are the same.

>hating fun

user most player cant even pull off a JG+SAED, thus i won't call CB a shitter weapon.

The word "fun" is right there in the sentence, user. It's just predicated by the accurate descriptor "shitter."

Haven't played MHW but I always enjoy hammer and hunting horn. I feel like the average player is pretty shit, and being able to vastly improve their performance by stunning/exhausting the monster or buffing my allies has a tendency to both speed up runs more than any other weapon I'd use as well as make me feel good about myself.

I like being an untouchable lance user in solo play, but Monster Hunter isn't really about that for me.

Oh sweet I can't wait to make some bowguns as secondary weapons for certain bosses. Wanted to do that before but couldn't justify making an entire new set of armor.

I ran nioh at like 40-60 fps depending on how much shit was on screen, so I really hope this will at least be playable.

It doesn't really need anything else at this point. Spin to win was a highly needed attack and now that we have it I can't really think of any way that we're lacking.

>Capcom be like: let’s buff the most user friendly weapons (LS, SnS) and nerf the more complicated weapons (Gunlance, Hunting Horn)
>that will balance them out!

Insect glaive for infinite air combos

Hahaha Upboated :D

I really liked dual blades. The fast gameplay makes the game much better than the slow and charging type of weapons. I just find the waiting for an opportunity and charge a weapon for 10 seconds incredibly boring.

In order to complete a Foresight Slash, you need to guard a monster attack after you are forced to move away from it, then actually hit the monster with the following strike, at the cost of ALL layers of your Spirit Gauge.
If you pulled off all of the above action, you will be reward with a buff and a Spirit Gauge refill.
Both Foresight Slash and Spirit Thrust cost Spirit Gauge but also rewarding if you can pull them off. without utilize these two skill longsword damage output just fallbehind other weapons.


By removing oils SnS got nerfed. The only real buff SnS got was the quick item radial screen.

Easy mounts, hella stun off air dunk. Oils were great, but also BS.

Those CB runs were incredibly dependent on luck and weren't consistent at all, size and weak spots make a big difference but I never failed to kill blos in under six minutes. CB was alright but you're basically just hoping you connect with the ultra and getting punished really hard if you don't.

LS is better defensively than lance in fights with really predictable damage like blos's dig, lance seems to do absolute shit damage all around. Even the counter is only like 45 on a weak point, I think I did 600+ with the bow spamming dragon pierce on one down cycle.

The jump attack is not optimal damage.

Foresight Slash costs your spirit bar, not spirit gauge levels. Your bar empties when you do the slash and refills if you land the follow up, and from the follow up you can immediately go into a spirit combo finisher to spend the meter and raise your spirit gauge level.
Spirit Thrust is what costs gauge level, and the reward for hitting it is meter regen.


Did we play the same demo? If something funlance is back.

>two attacks

Who gives two shits. SnS has never been about optimal damage. More stuns=more damage, plus it's mount damage for even more. SnS is fine. If you want optimal damage go shit around with the CB SAED, cause nothing else matters.

The arts were good too. Shoryugeki was fucking nuts if you could aim it well

Well now that everyone and there mom is going hbg... Lbg?

Not true. Fuck outta here.

On base PS4 it's absolutely, unarguably true.

>He's never slamhammered into a shotgun blast into a pilebunker into a wyvernsfire.


What’s your opinion on damage number being displayed?

It’s a godsend for understanding mechanics, but also kinda casualizes the game. They might even go a step further and display HP bars

LBG for life, I do hate that recoli tho.

>kinda casualizes
I fail to see how. Allowing people to learn about weaknesses and weakpoints in-game rather than having to search databases and fansites out of the game is certainly a lot more convenient but shit like that should have been expressed in-game years ago.

The most inconvenient element of the game is imo still that fights drag on for 30-50 minutes.

I played the beta on a regular PS4 and it has variable fps and doesn't dip below 30 gtfo.

>but also kinda casualizes the game
Not really. Just makes it easier to see how effective something is.

There's no point in arguing with you. The Digital Foundry video proves it without a doubt. Watch it if you want, I don't care.

please tell me that not true

So, what are the chances this will be playable on my shitty pc?



There are weapons other than Hammer? Why?

Wanna give IG a go but, knowing me, I'll probs end up going back to my trusty SnS or HH.

Again. How long does it take to get the whole rathalos set? Or just give me the fucking Droprate, I can calculate it myself.

Fuck off chargenigger, your weapon is braindead easy and everyone knows it. I'm not even a hammerfag.