If something like this happens, its over for PUBG
What a battle royale game would look like if developed by a triple AAA game studio
>Oops! Looks like you died
>Respawn in a nearby area for only 50 RadCredz™!
it would be pay to win
who gives a fuck what it looks like
They've left it too late. Pubg will be king for the next 5 years until everyone just gets fed up of the genre and moves on.
Doesn't The Division already have some sort of battle royale style mode that is in a heavy blizzard and you have to also regulate your heat?
I'm sure this happened like a year ago.
Fortnite: BR is already creeping up on it.
It's called Survival mode and that's more or less what it is but PvE is also a main part of getting gear for extraction at the end. There's also a non-PvP version.
No it isn't, I hear/know no one playing it on pc. It's only popular on PS4, and that's only because of no pubg.
If any rip off is going to kill pubg it will be battlefield, fortnite has way too many issues.
>making an overly cluttered map
I remember when H1Z1 thought this would be a good idea
This. It's literally PUBG with CUTE graphics, free. And runs really great. On top of that you can build FORTS and shit. On top of this it's free and no Pay2win bullshit either only cosmetics and that's not even going to get released yet. They wil start slowly with the cosmetics with the gliders first and then they'll go on to the characters. So it's literally free right now. None of that normie PUBG shit either.
imagine a battle royal game in BoTW's map.
nintendo could make mad dough if they added battle royal to the next one
What about the cutting edge hero shooter/battle royale mashup, Paladins: Battlegrounds
>What a battle royale game would look like if developed by a triple AAA game studio
Single player campaign
I wish Fortnite had bicycles or some shit to move you slightly faster from place to place. I just hate running in games.
Good luck running that on any fucking computer ambiquaras
Just not set up right for the game mode imo
Except I just saw last night someone was streaming fortnite on pc with 20k viewers. Plenty of people play the game. It hasn’t surpassed pubg but I wouldnt be surprised if it did at some point
Computers can barely run PUBG, you think these kind of graphics with 100 people would be ok?
>if developed by a triple AAA game studio
that genuinely doesn't mean anything anymore
>It hasn’t surpassed pubg but I wouldnt be surprised if it did at some point
I would considering that pubg is one of the highest selling and most popular games of all time and fortnite is a sad aping that doesn't actually capture what pubg is about at all
people here who haven't played the game tend to thing fortnite reflects pubg, it doesn't. it's an extremely watered down version of the concept and the map is like 1/8 the size
Slightly related. Ubisoft devs were asked to do a battle royale game mode in the Division and said that it was impossible because of how they designed New York. They would need to effectively make a brand new map/world and it was entirely infeasible.
You either have 0 clue how the market works or are GROSSLY underestimating the power of F2P.
Yes it's popular with streamers, doesn't mean anyone's actually playing it. The evidence is overwhelming
> fortnite trailer comments overwhelming PS4 owners
>IRL with people I know it's overwhelmingly PS4 owners
>Threads on/v/ are overwhelmingly PS4 owners
>reviews for it on Xbox before pubg got ported are literally just "closest thing to pubg"
It's really only popular due to no pubg port
>Computers can barely run PUBG
>He hasn't played since the first month of Early Access.
Provided what you posted doesn't even look like that in the actual game, it's unlikely an AAA battle royale game would look like that.
yeah wrong on both counts
heres another fun one for you: fortnite is losing millions of dollars while pubg has made literally billions of dollars
heres another fun one: when battlefield BR comes out all normies will drop fortnite like the ugly sack of shit that it is. Nobody's going to spend money on cosmetic items for a fucking flat shaded cartoon game. LOL.
Does this retard realizes PUBG is made by a gauy that worked with the ArmA engine and was originally a PC only game?
Your Ubishit AAA console trash wouldnt even compare
Only way PUBG will get dethroned is if another PC only game with more than 200 niggers per server is made
PUBG will be dethroned in english speaking countries in 2018 by batttlefield BR
So what if it’s watered down. League of legends is a watered down Dota and that’s the most popular game around. You take a cost of entry, shit optimization, and a fucking retarded dev team and throw it all together and you get the fluke known as pubg because it was a one of a kind game that stuck. Now you have fortnite which is free, doesn’t run like dogshit, and is on more than one platform. If pubg doesn’t get its head out of its ass that player base will dwindle until something else takes over. I mean look at the reviews for god sake, it bares goes a month before something happens and it gets negative review bombed.
Most people agree there's a huge difference in quality, if there wasn't everyone would switch immediately.
People are willing to put up with the issues with the games in their current state
>still thinking league is the most popular
>still thinking league is even highly popular compared to other games right now
league isn't watered down the same way fortnite is watered down. it still provides effectively the same experience
>negative review bombed
who cares? you young kids have these vastly distorted ideas of the things that actually matter in the world
I wouldn't even be surprised if they tried something like this.
Lol no, Battlefield will be another console trash with 64 niggers
100 man death match where you scavenge to survive. Am I missing something here, it’s for all intents and purposes the same shit. And the negative review bomb wasn’t the point you dimwit, it’s the fact the player base is unhappy with the direction the game is going, which if you can’t connect the dots, means people stop playing and will continue to do so unless it changes. I’ve really wanted to get pubg, concept is extremely fun. But then I read things like players getting banned for bullshit reasons. Some loot box controversy early on. And now China dominates the player base because the creator wants to be “inclusive” instead of just having a region lock like every game ever has.
>reduce game down to nothing
yes, an argument. Mario Odyssey and Nier Automata are both games where you run around in 3d conquering obstacles
>negative review bomb means the playerbase is unhappy
yes that's why the game has sold 35 million copies and is now the highest selling pc game of all time, it's because those 1000 negative reviews from whining children are relevant.
>getting banned for bullshit!
still parroting made up shit that didnt happen from 6+ months ago lol fuck off conversation over
absolutely typical 2018 neo-nu-soy/v/ kid, hasnt played the game doesnt even know the first thing about it yet speaks
this behavior used to be universally derided here it was the one thing you didnt do here and now it epitomizes Sup Forums
Not him but just go to a friends house an play pubg yourself, the difference is night and day. If you can't do that they might have it running on xboxes at places like gamestop.
Main issues with fortnite are awful gun mechanics, no vehicles and small map.
>3d platformer doesn’t give the same experience as an action rpg
Nigger what the fuck are you doing. Congrats it sold a bunch of copies, Tetris has sold the most copies of a game ever yet i doubt its anywhere near the most played concurrently. You have to retain the player base to stay relevant. I’m sure there’s plenty other people who have seen the shit optimization and stayed away. And then see the stream sniping controversy or getting banned for honking your horn, or micro transaction controversy or no region lock controversy, or see the creator whine like a bitch about fortnite and how it should be shut down because it’s a copy of his game. Of course you’ll have players eat that shit up still, Call of duty is still one of the most popular and most played franchises but I don’t think you’re gonna argue call of duty is great because it sells a bunch of games right?
Here's my advice. Get an xbox/pc and stop trying to justify this trash.
Fpbp and /thread. AAA games are unfair and expensive as fuck. They sure do look pretty though but god damn they are pure shit on a fundamental level
This was what I thought the division was originally going to be, but then I looked into it deeper and was heavily disappointed
It never looked like that.
But its got that mode now anyway, its called Survival.
Here’s my advice, eat a dick. I have a pc and refuse to pay for trash and support a retarded manchild. You’ve got your head so far up pubgs ass you haven’t even realized I wasn’t arguing for fortnite. My original argument was I wouldn’t be surprised if it surpassed pubg because of their retarded decision making.
I kinda miss the division.
It's such a pretty world, too bad the gameplay in it is meh/not everyone's cup of tea.
Its not that, its that everyone figured out it was absolute fucking garbage, if you play this then you must have shit taste.