Why don't any Star Wars games let me just project myself to another planet instead of going there?

Why don't any Star Wars games let me just project myself to another planet instead of going there?

That scene was badass. I loved how they killed Luke. Hell, I loved how they portrayed Luke, in general.
The movie was a mess, but they did right by him. Brainlets will get angry and disagree, but it's the truth.

People throwing fits on the internet about TLJ are just like sjw, a minority group that's just too vocal about it.

>they did right "By" him (why do people say this?)
>by killing him pointlessly
>in a way that doesn't make any sense

15 year olds aren't allowd to have opinions

>>in a way that doesn't make any sense
As I said: Brainlets.

>destroys his entire character from the core ideals he holds to his attitude on life
>makes yoda into a crack addicted pyromaniac
>has a matrix rip off fight

Way to prove his point.

>watching Star Wars
>calling other people brainlets
okay, bug. lmao'ing @ your life

I like how they killed him too but the directing and dialogue in the whole movie is fucking cringe. The story is okay except for Finn's and the SJW admiral part.

whens this shit coming out on bluray, I ain't paying

>I loved how they portrayed Luke

You mean made Luke into a pussy? I expected him to get in the Millennium Falcon with Rey like how he was supposed to but he didn't. If Han could get a ton of screentime while kicking ass, then why couldn't fucking Luke?

Because it will kill you.

I did not see it coming. Mark Hamill is retarded for allowing it to happen. His legacy as Luke Skywalker is ruined. Now he is only the Joker.

What, were you expecting him to pick up his laser sword and take on the whole First Order?

Yoda was crazy in his last year, batshit insane but still wise man(alien turtle).

Funny enough, with a few tweeks and maybe 3 days worth of reshot scenes, They could have easily fixed the movie AND made it make sense with OT's luke. Wouldnt even have to redo any fight scenes or major CG parts. Would have mostly been cheap.

>makes yoda into a crack addicted pyromaniac
I can tell how old you are, because your first experience with Yoda must've been seeing him flip around like a fucking monkey in Episode II. But had you actually ever watched ESB, you'd know that's how Yoda fucking acts.

>I didn't see the movie

>Hey sis, here's a memento of you recently deceased husband, my best friend Han Solo.
>Fuck you it was actually just a hologram lmao
>Also I didn't even have the decency to say goodbye to you in person lmao
>Also I know you entrusted your son to me so he could learn the ways of the Jedi but I never actually read the books lmao

The absolute madman.

>pulling a lightsaber on someone in anger is supposed to be a temptation of the Dark Side
>YAS SLAY QUEEN force goddess Rey can do it as much as she wants

Not him, but have you watched it. He acts like a retard in the beginning to test and annoy him. He then becomes more serious after he learns about Luke. Watch the film again. He's not a bumbling retard all the time like cuckson portrayed in TLJ.

You're thinking of Yoda trolling Luke to test him before he knew he was Yoda. You'll notice that he drops the act after the reveal and never acts like that again until he shows up to blow up a tree.

Mark hated it and said it's not his Luke


Why did the dice hologram stay around long after Luke died?
How could Leia and Kylo hold it?

>Hole at the bottom of the tree is supposed to represent the dark side
>Rey goes in and nothing bad happens, no temptation to the dark or shocking visions

Come to think of it, that scene actually accomplished nothing except looking cool.

You can tell they are trying to utterly destroy everything that came before Ep7. I expect R2 to die in Ep9

In what sense was Mark's character in TLJ Luke Skywalker other than name and appearance? Seriously, he shared nothing but superficial traits with the character in the OT. It's like he was replaced with a pod person or something.

Because this movie is messy piece of shit.

Most of that movie accomplished nothing and the stuff that did accomplish somthing utterly fucked everything else established in the universe

[Intro: Garnet]
Take a moment to think of just
Flexibility, love, and trust
Take a moment to think of just
Flexibility, love, and trust

[Verse 1: Garnet]
Here comes a thought that might alarm you
What someone said and how it harmed you
Something you did that failed to be charming
Things that you said are suddenly swarming

[Pre-Chorus: Garnet]
And, oh, you're losing sight, you're losing touch
All these little things seem to matter so much
That they confuse you
That I might lose you

[Chorus: Garnet]
Take a moment, remind yourself
To take a moment and find yourself
Take a moment and ask yourself
If this is how we fall apart
But it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay
You've got nothing, got nothing, got nothing, got nothing to fear
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here

Not him, but I prefer it when they treat the Force with a little more nuance and creativity. Not using it for an excuse to have DBZ fights to test their power levels.

Luke used the Force to both humiliate Kylo Ren and give him closure.

Well this was an unexpected autism.

Barely. Could have had way more closure other ways. All he got was one up on Kylo

>be shitty writer
>pick up franchise bigger than anything you've done
>kill characters because you don't like them
>act like you're so fucking good to dare killing important characters
>also killing characters obviously creates a strong moment so it's great to kill characters
>introduce your own shitty characters
>act like the franchise you've destroyed is now your creation
>open Firefox
>go to some fringe website that hates you
>get mad about it because you know they're right
>decide to defend yourself under the veil of anonymity
>"That scene was badass. I loved how they killed Luke. Hell, I loved how they portrayed Luke, in general."
>"The movie was a mess, but they did right by him. Brainlets will get angry and disagree, but it's the truth."

Such a great movie.

>just realized Leia is the only one not written of to die because she's a strong womyn who fits the narrative
>she's literally the only one dead irl
how are you still watching movies?

I would of been ok with it if they followed through properly wit it

Yeh it was good, probably MOTY.

Don't forget the parts it introduced and then careened back against itself like it was clever.

Remember it took being surrounded by two suicidal martyr last stands to let Rose try to suggest that martyring yourself isn't the right way to win. Otherwise being overtaken by the fleet or gunned down by the land assault battalion. This while the Poe plot ignores he saved the fleet by destroying the Dreadnought before the chase and teaches him to accept authority; then aborts the mission his superior gave him to defend their last possible refuge that already killed most of his men anyway.

Harrison wanted to be killed off.

Him agreeing and being okay with it doesn't change that the directors decided it first.

How do you know that they wrote the script before getting Harrison on?

I don't know if that's true but Harrison being outspoken about despising reprising the role for over three decades would've factored into JJ's draft notes.

>Not him, but I prefer it when they treat the Force with a little more nuance and creativity. Not using it for an excuse to have DBZ fights to test their power levels.

Not him either. I would agree with you in general, but I don't think the hologram thing really accomplished that. Knowing Kylo's actually swinging at nothing kind of deflates any tension upon rewatching, and I don't think the humiliation aspect is any less present if he had actually been there, à la Ben's "more powerful than you can possibly imagine" moment in ANH, especially considering he dies from the projection anyway. Tbh it seemed like the only reason he wasn't actually there was to make it superficially different from ANH (like how they made sure you knew it was salt and not snow to make it superficially different from Hoth) and to provide a twist. The problem with the twist aspect is it feels kind of cheap that the solution is something that we just learn about at the point of revelation, like finding out the murderer is some character we never met before.

This isn't quite related, but I don't like how they did the binary sunset for his death. While that scene in ANH has special significance for the audience, I don't think it does for Luke, given how he disliked Tatooine and never wanted to go back.

They killed him post- production. Poor guy never even knew it was his last appearance as Luke.


He literally lets himself get captured in 6 to fight motherfucking Vader and the Emperor by himself

Yeah, that didn't make any sense. Leia just did something no one's ever done before (to our knowledge) and I doubt anyone on the crew even knew she could use the Force, but nobody even says "oh, that's odd".

Mark is allowed to have his opinion, though I disagree with it. I like that he did a great acting job even if he personally disagreed with the way the character was going.

>last appearance as Luke
Dude, we all know he will be ghost Luke in next one, are you stupid or what?

Not that I like the usage but wasn't that the same force power Snoke was using to connect Rei and Kylo?

Luke SAW Kylo in the hut with her when things got violent.

What the fuck is the point of SW anymore? Rebels vs Empire forever?

>EU got nuked
>Snoke dead like the rest of Sith
>Kylo Ren will probably turn good

Even the prequels more more interesting and full of life.

>Luke says "where's Han?"
>Cut away to Kylo talking to Snoke

Bravo, Johnson. It's not like it might be an important character moment to see how Luke would react to the death of his best friend, his sister's husband. Nope, we gotta cut away to IMPORTANT stuff, like Snoke telling Kylo his helmet's dumb.

>Luke died a virgin
>Luke died without clashing lightsabers or doing cool dbz shit
>Luke died from holograms

I assumed that was more him "sensing" Kylo, as it was established earlier that only they could see each other during those moments.

Oh yeah because ghost Obi wan totally had just as much impact on the plot as he did when he was alive

>Don't agree with me? Fucking brainlets
>M-Mark's allowed his opinion
Backtracking fag


Nah, Snoke's not Sith. Even though he's functionally identical to a Sith in every way, he's totally not, so that way Anakin still fulfilled the prophecy to destroy the Sith :^)

The first scene where she shot him was cut short and I imagine that's why no one witnessed Kylo. I don't recall if the meeting at the falcon was witnessed.

Not to mention no real injuries from the event. Or the other end of it, never uses her fucking powers again (she should have been able to lift thought rocks at the end. Hell even haveing her help lift them would have made more sense that just MaRey Sue do it all)

How bout the cut when Leia is just fucking lying in space? Way to kill all the tension. All the cuts were horrid

Why didn't Luke just slice off Ben's limbs to make him weaker like Vader?

And yet people still see it as a good send of for Luke. It's a fucking joke.

>Leia comes back from the dead in the COLD VACUUM OF SPACE and forces herself back to the ship like Superman
You cant recover from an asspull like that

>star wars games
About that...

>I was quoted as saying to Rian that I fundamentally disagree with everything you decided about Luke, and it was inartfully phrased. What I was, was surprised at how he saw Luke. And it took me a while to get around to his way of thinking, but once I was there it was a thrilling experience. I hope it will be for the audience too.

No he fucking didn't, he got caught to have a chat with them, and based sheev trolled him into sperging out. Luke has always been an over emotional dipshit, and TLJ only changed his character by making him smarter. The "fight" against Kylo was great.

Yes I too love Disney's cock in my mouth. TLJ is the best star movie to ever existed

this year.

nooo delet this!!!

>i hated but contract bound to say otherwise

>Hey your boss wants you to change your public statement.They feel as if your honest opinion is catastrophic to the other PR spin they're working.

They don't want to look like a hater.

It's okay to hate the prequels but not Disney's films for some reason.

Christ that sounds like somthing someone would say with a gun to thier back

>implying the Jews don't have him by the jugular if he spills the beans.

I don't get the uproar about that scene.
>Can use the force to pull an object to you
>Cannot use the force to pull yourself to an object
But it did look a little silly.

And being in the vacuum of space does not instantly kill you
>applying real world physics to Star Wars.

>and TLJ only changed his character by making him smarter.

Everyone bitches about Luke but honestly Rose is the worst thing to happen to Star Wars.

Its not even like it takes much effort to pull towards things that emit gravity in the first place :V People are acting like its some massive use of the force

>one more movie until they can start a fresh trilogy

I probably won't pay money for SW movies anymore. But I had hopes we'd see something non shit and the next step in the universe.

Yoda does it all the time. As do all the ghosts (who are already dead but it's not like they're dying again)

I wish we had another alien or something, but nope gotta represent ugly fat actors.

I think it was how easy it appeared to be for Leia after:
Being hit by a huge explosion
Being left out in space for a decent period
Not ever showing that power before (or again)
If it was Luke or Vader or some other big force user it would make more sense

I see people quoting this a lot, even though it's fucking retarded. As if there's nothing in between that and sitting around on an island.

Why are you under the impression that these stories need to be told in trilogies?

I'm with you. It seems like people are forgetting that she is Luke's sister. The same Luke who was able to close black holes in the EU and force projects himself across the fucking galaxy in nu-SW. It's not unlikely that she has just as much force powers as Luke - just that she isn't trained to use it properly.

It just looked stupid. Leia being force sensitive is neat, but the scene was just executed poorly.

Maybe because they have already announced the next trilogy director?

This trilogy is a waste due to Ep8.


Everything about the movie was garbage. The story, the characters, the fucking painfully bad "humor", you have to be retarded to like that movie.

i watched rogue one and the force awakens and i still don't know who the resistance or the first order are. is the first order an imperial remnant? why not call it that? and why is the resistance called the resistance. whom are they resisting? aren't the good guys in power? and how are they different from the republic? fuck this gay ass shit. i'm not watching the new one. niggers

>one more movie until they can start a fresh trilogy

The thing about that is that if it doesn't have to do with established characters (as they've stated) and doesn't share in the feel or values of Star Wars (because it's set to be helmed by Rian Johnson), in what sense will it be Star Wars?

Rose wasn't an alien?
The worst part with her was when she is the one explaining to Fin about child fucking slaves

>all the Jedi(s) (even Yoda) in Jedi council need hologram projection to communicate from afar
>suddenly Luke managed to project himself because why the fuck not

nah, fuck you Ryan

The new order/resistance origins is part of Battlefront 2. That game and story is terrible though.


LITERALLY no examples in that post, you fucking retard. Try actually explaining how his character was "butchered"

It's understood by children with a faint approximation of the concept of space that a near instantaneous death meets those that get sucked out into space.

Nevermind that she just strolls onto the ship's still pressurized hall through the blown out command deck, when the addition of a sound effect would've justified it.

>Star Wars

It's time to stop posting.

if you yourself can impregnate it then it's not an alien

just an ugly bitch