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If you really made that face when playing DS2 it's because you watched all sorts of youtube fags shit on the game before you played it.

dark souls 1 was a halfbaked pile of trash in comparrison to sotfs, that said 3's a bit better

all these games are incredibly overrated japjank anyway

I avoided everything DaS2 related before playing it except for watching a gamespot review which was positive. The game was bad.

Bloodborne is still the best one.


DeS is objectively the worst souls game

DS2 is still better than DS3


You made that face about 5-10 hours in when you realised how the leveldesign and gameplay philosphy has nothing to do with what you loved about the series, stop being a contrarian faggot.

Still a decent and fun game though

>stop being a contrarian faggot
Oh the ironing.

Everywhere else people admit that 2 is the weakest Souls game, but still good. It's only Sup Forums that pretends the game is bad.

Came into the game hyped af. Stopped playing about halfway through because it was boring and soulless.

>Tries to say Im being contrarian
>Says the mainstream opinion is exactly what I said in my post

Which one is it?

Sorry for triggering you, sweetie.

DeS is the weakest.

1 < 2 < 3

no u

reddit: the post

Shame DS2's level design is so bad that DS3's more linear design still manages to come out on top.

DS2 is not a bad game, just a very very flawed one. It's still quite fun and has some good ideas here and there.

the differences between the games are so ridiculously subtle that if you think one is awful and the other is great, you must have only really been into one tiny aspect of the game to begin with

Only if you care about graphics.

i personally made that face until i plugged in a controller to play.
they made a specific mouse and keyboard control scheme for ds2 but it was the shittiest shit possible, while it worked great in ds1.

Not really.
Demon's is full of garbage nu-bosses that have gimmks that one shot them or at least kill them super fast.

DS1 and DS2 are slow and need constant stamina management and have a non linear open world where you can complete any of the branches in any order.

DS3 gives you near infinite stamina for rolls and the world design is a tunnel where you only get to choose what boss you kill next once or twice for 90% of the game.


>the first game in the series
what the fuck are you talking about

>boss fights are easy in one game
>one game you can roll a lot and the world isn't as open

they're still the same god damn game.

DaS 1 is an overrated broken game

2 and 3 are underrated

DS3's level design is waaaay worse than DS2's

You mean world design.

>You're a contrarian because you think what most people think!

really activates my almonds

Wtf someone has A FUCKING BRAIN?

>A game's worth is defined solely by how many different paths you can take to get to different sections of the world


I can agree with that.
I went through the game at release completely unspoiled and it's definitely how I felt after finishing the game. It felt like bootleg-souls. DaS3 at least felt like a proper sequel to Dark Souls (not that it needed a sequel in the first place, much less two of them).

I don't see why you'd say that. 3's level design never gets as shit as the worst bits of 2 - Smouldering Lake, for example, is what I'd describe as the worst area in 3, but it's no way near as shit as The Gutter. Along with this the best parts of 3, as far as I'm concerned, are about on the same level as the best bits of 2.

No, but it was a core design element of DeS, DS1 and DS2 and the reason people replayed those game for 1000 hours.
Miyazaki even apologized for not making the world more interconnected in 3.

I didn't play either at release so that might be it, but
How do people shit on Shrine of Amana so bad for being hard and frustrating but the second half of ds1 from Anor Londo all the way to the end is fine?
I always found it to be the exact opposite while I played. Anything past Sens is unfun to play for me but I never felt like any level in ds2 was frustrating to the point I wanted to stop trying

The Gutter is a good level though. The actual bad levels are shit like Heide's Tower or Black Gulch.

level design, memorable moments/bosses
wow so many weapons :), but everything else sucks
it looks good

The Gutter is one of the best levels in the franchise, you fucking idiot.
If you want to shit on DS2's levels look at shit like Shaded Woods and Brightstone Cove Tseldora.

>I didn't play either at release so that might be it, but
That's literally it.

Pre-Patch Shrine of Amana was borderline impossible to get through on a melee only character because the mages were firing heat seeking missiles from about three times the range.

>the gutter
>best levels in the franchise

the area is fine but it's not even remotely close to the peak of the series

>as shit as The Gutter.
You mean Brightstone Cove. The Gutter was actually fun somewhat with all the "platforming" and darkness gimmick, plus the statues.
Brightstone was trash from beginning to end in basically everything, especially presentation, it looks like dogshit

the gutter is one of the best areas in the series though

>the mages were firing heat seeking missiles from about three times the range.
They still do that though? Their spells track you and they fire from a long ass distance, I'm gonna assume they were stronger at release

Black Gulch was a pain in the ass but Heide's tower was cool.

>hurr durr BB isn't Souls because different world and lore
>yet you include DeS
Consider self-harm

what the fuck user, The Gutter is what Blighttown and Valley of Defilement should have been

Shrine is easy now even as pure melee, the spells are can be "dodged" by just doing a quick circle when they get next to you and they'll miss

They shot at you before the draw distance let you see them, back at release.

yeah the gutter was great, you're talking out your ass.

What part of heat seeking missiles from three times the range didn't you fucking get? I feel like you're deliberately misinterpreting plain english here my dude.

Heide looked cool but it was a slog to run around, it was full of damage sponges that did nothing but keep you busy to disguise the fact you could get through that area in less than a minute.
imagine Anor Londo in DS1 but all you met at every corner were those guardians

Wtf? Brightstone looked great, had cool enemies and cool bosses and an interesting layout.

I also found that DaS2 PvP is the one that sucked the least. Doesn't make up for all the other shortcomings however.

What makes you say that? Valley of Defilement in DeS did the whole "you don't know where you're going" gimmick a lot better IMO and it's a lot more memorable. The Gutter is like the first section of Blighttown except in the dark. It's definitely not a bad level (especially by DaS2 standards) but it doesn't strike me as particularly great. No Man's Wharf is a lot more interesting for instance, and is more inventive with its use of light.

damage sponges? you could kill most of the enemies in like 3-4 hits

>damage sponges
>die in 5 hits to a +1 longsword


Here's mine


only if you had an upgraded blunt-type weapon.
even the fire longsword was too weak against them. of course they will die faster if you go there only after getting through the forest
>die in 5 hits to a +1 longsword
time for a video then, go ahead

All the souls games are irredeemable shit made for low IQ dregs. This is why the games rely so heavily on forced memes.


But you should really play through SotFS! It fixes everything in the game. At least it's what the DaS2-tards believe.

literally me except after I had this reaction to Sunken King I then played through Iron King which was even worse and Ivory King which was GOAT and redeemed the whole game in my eyes.

I think you played borderland user. Common mistake.

>DS2 is bad

cool maymay. If other souls games didnt exist besides DS2 fags would praise it for being 10/10

the reason why it gets hate is because it doesnt have miyazaki name on it and it didnt meet you fags high expectations. Its a great game nonetheless compared to most games on the market

I played DeS back in the day and hated it because I'm a retard and went a caster which trivilised the game, so after demolishing half a dozen bosses never went back to it and skipped the entire series until last year.

Played Bloodborne, which I really liked, and Dark Souls, which I loved, last year. Just about done with DS2 now, just the DLCs left, and thought it was a massive step down by basically still good.

Should I go onto DS3 or go replay DeS as a real character next?

What's wrong with Crown of the Sunken King? Literally just went through it a couple hours ago and it was mostly pretty good. Only bad parts are that NPC trio boss and that one open area with those black monsters. Also there's arguably too many bonfires.

>Ivory King which was GOAT and redeemed the whole game in my eyes.
I assume this is with the caveat that you just ignore the blizzard section?

>At least it's what the DaS2-tards believe.

and they are wrong. Youtube footage shows that there are still issues

>What's wrong with Crown of the Sunken King?
has all the problems of the base game (I played it as a DLC add-on of DaS2, not the SotFS "fixed" version) but amplified.

Sorry, talking about Souls games here.

>tfw you'll never get the overwhelming wankery over Demon's Souls
I literally can't remember a single thing this game did better than all the others. I fact, I can't remember anything about it except the assmadness when fighting the FlameFucker

This'll be your last chance to play DeS with the online features since they're shutting down the servers soon, so I'd go with that.

Nah he's right, series is for children who think it's hardcore. It's repetitive garbage.

Exactly that yeah, honestly I forgot it existed until you just mentioned it. In my thousands of hours in the series I've completed that area 0 times and attempted it only once.

It's such a lazy abortion of an idea that I have no desire to play it at all.

How was it amplified exactly?

1 and 3 fags will never ever recover

>How was it amplified exactly?

I would list my reasons but the DaS2 fanboys would just go "lol, doesn't count"

>Nah he's right
>repetitive garbage

The parent post mentioned nothing of that, he mentioned "forced memes". What are the forced memes in the Souls games? Surely you can't be a child who judges a game based on its fanbase?

Just do it, faggot.

Not fair. DS2 the best

Accurate. Good job, OP

I only just recently played the SOTFS version of it but to me the level and boss design were (mostly) an upgrade from the base game.

why waste time listing complaints for shitposters to go "lol, no"

How can dark souls 3 apologists ever recover?

>91 for the unpatched vanilla PS3 version
the absolute state of video game journalism
I don't even think DS2 is that bad but that version rubbed on your face all the shit it had

You're not coming at it from the same perspective as us. I hate to appeal to this but you'll genuinely just never understand.

If that guy is like me then he played Sunken King immediately as it came out (so the other two hadn't even been released) in NG+ or NG++ which felt hellishly unbalanced and full of what seemed like very poorly implemented ideas that failed to remove the taint of the bottom up structural flaws (how combat feels for example) of the vanilla game.

Having come back to the game and played through it again since then I no longer have such a vehement hatred of Sunken/Iron King but I'll always have that first original experience in the back of my mind for the rest of time. This isn't necessarily a good thing either since I'll never undersrtand what all these fucking retards who spout opinions like "sinh is kalameet tier" and "fume knight is the best boss in the series" mean either.

Irreconcilable frame of reference basically.

>implying you aren't literally doing the same right now

really fucking good
liquid shit
dissapointed pile of trash
>every enemy is just a huge damage sponge xD
also dark souls 3 has the worst pvp


Because I'll listen intently, dear user.

Health of an Old Knight: 700 (darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Old Knight)
Damage of s Longsword at +0: 112 (darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Longsword)

Seven hits to kill a giant enemy with an unupgraded starting weapon is now considered "Damage sponge" teritory.
And I'm not counting the extra scaling damage, that probably takes it to 6 hits.
The fire longsword would do it in 3-4 hits as they're weak to fire.

Sunken/Iron King have skeletons that run fast and hit like a truck, so you're guaranteed to die if you ever get surrounded or cornered by two or more

replace 2 with 1 and that would be my reaction

I don't know about Sinh being Kalameet-level but he's definitely better than any boss in DaS2's base game. And frankly he's a thousand times better than Laurence in The Old Hunters. That is my personal low for Soulsborne DLC bosses.

>being bad at the game
No wonder you prefer roll souls 3

>merely subtracting the base attack value for the enemy's HP
>Most heavily armored enemies, such as the large sentinels in Heide's Tower of Flame and many bosses, are resistant to straight sword slashing damage but weak to strike (blunt) damage. Upgrade weapons with different damage types or you will struggle with some enemies.
this nigga tries to look smart but doesn't even read what he's posting

I don't mean to disparage people's personal experiences and frustrations with the original DaS2, but generally when people talk about SMT: Nocturne, they're referring to the maniax version and not the lackluster vanilla version (obviously, because only the former got an international release). And when people talk about Kingdom Hearts 2 they're usually referring to the Final Mix version. So likewise when people are comparing Souls games, the release version of DaS2 is an interesting historical footnote but it's not really relevant to practical discussion.

>hating shulva

Real talk for a second:

If you think that Shulva is a bad zone, but praise Dark Souls 1, you must either be willfully ignorant or literally retarded.

>>merely subtracting the base attack value for the enemy's HP

Correct, as non-NPC enemies don't have armor damage reduction since they don't the wear armor items the player can get.

Sunken King is the best Dark Souls area in the franchise.

This, Shulva is literally Oolacile Township but underground.