Sup Forums still mad about this smexy man

>Sup Forums still mad about this smexy man

Other urls found in this thread: JMAA / JMAA /

If this thread gets deleted I'm gonna laugh into the heavens

Hey JMAA, why are you blacklisting "fat" "onion" and "cyclops" in your stream-chat?

Because you got baited

Mods, don´t delete this thread.
This is the first time it´s not ManlyTranny promoting himself. This guy is doing a good job of making both himself and the manlet look bad.

But you get baited every single time JMAA / JMAA /

reminder that OP is:
>morbidly obese
>a special ed student
>a tranny
>a furfag
>actually in love with Dominic Vanner aka ManlyTears
>pays the manlet to be his friend
>actually thinks making himself look like a total idiot is trolling
>streams to 0-2 people
When will you return to eating onions bro?


Quentin > ManlyTears

Hey OP, how is heart-disease treating you?

I thought this faggot was done with after his youtube account got shut down

Nah, he streams to a couple of people on the prestigious website.
Spends 90% of it complaining about how everyone hates him and how he is so much better than everyone else. Not even kidding.

Face it, Toady was the best tripfag.

Hahaha and people actually give him money for this, fucking hell

Not enough apparently, the little guy is really desperate for cash it seems.
He even accepts that OP draws Rule 63 fanart of him because OP donates him money out of his monthly tugboat all the time.
The guy in the OP actually thinks he is trolling Sup Forums, not even kidding.

Back at it again after deleting the last thread huh fat fuck




manlettears pretty much killed of all tripfaggery on Sup Forums, so I commend him for that and only that

His face looks like that dad Drake pic.

go away Dominic
get a job


He will never get a job.
On top of being a lazy cunt, he developed some really nastyy mental disorders lately, seriously.
He also admitted to being diagnosed with autism, to no one's suprise


There was one good thread. Honestly I had more fun seeing Lanced Jack make everyone including me mad compared to the shitposters of today.
the Sup Forums police was the real bottom barrel shitter tripfag.

Is this an actual size photo?


why do you keep posting here manlet-tears?

I'm pretty sure onsokumaru made this list.

Not ManletTears, it´s his actual RL boyfriend.

Hey OP, if you're the same person in this twitter picture Were you the one who used to go on Facepunch but had a massive breakdown after people were bullying you for your autistic patreon video and devientart?


>this is your brain on ManletTears content

Wait, Manlet is a gaybo?
When did they add this to the lore?

yet ironically people here are more interested in e-celebs than ever before
just look at this thread

They deleted it because everyone was laughing at this fat furfag edgy fuck. Shit was hilarious


sounds like a self-insert that want to ride manlet-tears infamy.


>surprised that Sup Forums is more interested in shitting on people than talking abotu vidya
You must be new.

Well, he knows about this picture
and didn´t ask OP to take it down yet, what kind of heterosexual would not demand that he took it down immediatly?

hahahah what the fuck

fuck off retard
it used to be just tripfags
now people unironically talk about pewdiepie and oneyplays

This stud right here and you´re pretty much spot on with that analysis. He is also legit gay and ants the midget's cock, not even kidding.

how fucking new can one user be?

Reminder that ManlyTears tells everyone in his streams that he BTFO all of Sup Forums and trolled the shit out of everyone...and mongoloid-redditors like OP actually believe this.

jesus fucking christ

I was not prepared, even with the description. Kill this thing.

literally who

>tripfag abandoned the thread


Oh man.. How does this happen?

The face of a master troll

that's a man? I only see half of one

no, manlet is irrelevant nowadays, no one even makes fun of him in filename threads anymore

I'm confused, looking into this guys social media profiles he seems to be your average Sup Forums user but he seems like the exact kind of person that most of that board would want shot.
Do you have zero self awareness OP?

Mental illness like all trannies

I've seen one or two gamecube disc jokes but they are kinda old hat now.

>My old Tripfag name isn't on that list
Ohh thank fuck for that.
God I was a faggot back then, glad that name is lost to time.

>this is your average wehraboo

Is that a pocket or a jacket trying to save some part of itself?

He is really, really weird.
The guy has a 11 year old YT account where he uploads new videos all the time, like 800 now.
The account has 2.5k subs(more than ManlyTears atleast) and gets 100 views per video. He also streams every other day, ripping off his idol in these streams and stealing his schtick. Those streams are mostly completly empty and get 1-4 views at most.
He also wrote a book about being a success on YT and sells merch.

didn't he recently cry about getting banned from twitch or something?

>the person on Sup Forums telling you to go back to neogaf for wanting Sup Forums to fuck off is an obese furry homosexual tranny with dyed hair
REALLY makes you think

Oh fuck I hope Sup Forums finds this

that's every Sup Forumstard actually, a direct opposite of what they post
if you ever see a Sup Forums meetup, you'll notice that most of them are mexican, black or mixed

also during /mlpol/ a ton of them admitted they fap to MLP porn

wait I thought Nazis hated the mentally retarded
shouldn't he kill himself to keep in line with his beliefs?

Man how quick does this thread derail into me when they salty

Thanks for the views by the way

Its irony user.
Just like how /k/ own shit meme guns and how everyone on /fit/ is under 6'0 tall and chubby.

Too delusional for that mate, look how he draws himself, he actually thinks he's a skinny man with huge tits.

You still haven't answered my question man

>being under 6'0 tall

Shit man, you're the only one who needs to lay off the salt. For a fag you sure have no self standards do you?

What views?
No one watches your stuff, the only time you got viewers was when you ate an onion on live on stream
Now you get triggered every time someone mentions onions.

>that lazy eye
>that stare

I will never understand the state of mind you have to be in to do that weird shit
I have autism myself and even I think that shit is abnormal

Irony disappears when delusions kick in and they start to drink their own kool-aid.

Dude I can tell you're fucking miserable, don't post this kind of shit and make a fool out of yourself. Distance yourself from that toxic cunt manlytears too. You'll only feel worse by being part of this circus act

You're a furry yeah? Post your sona I'm curious

His "sona" must be Robotnik

What the board hates they are.
So everyone on /fit/ is a manlet and they are not cut or ripped in any way.
Some people have weak egos and they really don't want to look in the mirror because they hate everything they are so they go online and pretend to be something they are not and people will buy it because they can't prove it otherwise.

That gave me a light chuckle

The only ripped one was Zyzz and he's dead now from too much roids


Please, no more.

>The only non manlet and non fat cunt on /fit/
Died when he was 22, so much for superior genetics.


>*heavy breathing* I was merely pretending! *wipes off sweat"



Too much roid juice

>It might just have been one of the most beautiful bodies ever laid out on a Bangkok mortuary slab. At least on the surface. Underneath the perma-tanned skin, stretched taut over bulging muscles, was a 22-year-old heart that exploded, or simply gave out, and a system most likely ravaged by a toxic cocktail of steroids, testosterone and growth hormones.


>turkey bacon
Instant trash.

Reminder that MT used to e-beg on Sup Forums by posting his paypal and calling anons poor.
This was after we already found out he was a scrawny manlet.
Someday he'll piss off the wrong autist who will go to the Isle of Man and break his skull with a tire iron. The address of MT's parents house is well-known.

holy shit

facebook dot com slash jarroyoalcon Don't tell me you actually post this shit for all your friends to see?

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian.

He has become a Chris-chan tier lolcow lately.
He´s also a cuck and doxxed the girl that cucked him, made fun of the fact that her father died, that she was raped and that she has mental issues. Great guy.
He acts like he has brass balls but has massive anxiety issues and is afraid to leave the house without his parents. He wore a beanie on stream during hot summer days because he as embarrassed by his hair and too afraid to leave the house to visit a hairdresser. He did that for months. He then cut his own hair and messed it up completly.
He doesn´t have friends, just like MT.

We are reaching autism levels that shouldn't even be possible