the switch is good
The switch is good
It is. Very good.
soyboy xd
That is a sleek cat.
soysauce is good too, it just does things to you that makes you a queer
why is he angry....? is he giving the middle finger?
wow i have a cat almost exactly like him, except my cat is female... that looks like her brother, same everything but gender lol
soy unironically can make me die of suffucation lol
his owner put him on top of a piece of garbage, you'd be angry too if your parents dropped you off at a compost heap
seriously tho, do we have a Sup Forums infestation again?
anyway I'm sexually attracted by that pussy
How can you tell that's a male cat?
The penis.
There are no girl cats on the internet
i thought all cats were girls?
Nice pussy user
>3 hour battery life
>too big to be portable
>no gaems
>only Nintendo games in future
>all accessories cost more than gold
>10 year old cheap hardware
will the poo in the loo shills fuck off
every 5 minutes there's a new switch thread
cut it the fuck out, it's obvious you're on the clock
Not him but that looks like Russian Blue, and most Russian Blue females don't usually get that big.
Interesting, thanks.
>been putting off buying a switch for a while now
>get a nice money surge, decide to treat myself
>go on amazon
>the Red Mario edition one is out of stock
>the rest look like shit by comparison
>won't settle for anything less now
>but at the same time I'm not paying 30% more to some scalping fuck
looks like I'm never buying a switch
Don't like it go to another thread
yeah except it's clearly shills you fucking shoulder muncher
are nintendo fans so illiterate that have to make constant new threads discussing the same thing, or is it shills?
perhaps m8, you should stop fuckin shilling on this site
go earn your pajeet bucks like all the other poos by coding vb
it's incredible how 2 nice exclusives can secure so many sales of a mediocre system
Fastest selling console in US history. ;)
the system is great, playing console quality videogames in bed is a magical experience
It really is.
It's mostly autists spamming Nintendo hate threads, but okay
This is why you shouldn't drink during pregnancy.
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___!
>>too big to be portable
ITT things soyboys say
most soyboys carry around that giant purse thing, they don't have a problem with portability
regular little boys with baggy paints, Nintendo's actual target audience, can't fit the thing on their pockets
portable != pocketable you dumb soyboy
never in my 27 years of life I heard the term 'pocketable'
Let's fuckin see shall we
This isn't counting the direct threads either, there are a good 3 or 4 of those. Plus a good 3 or 4 BotW threads.
enough with the fuckin nintendo shilling
Sup Forums is a-social losers and a-social losers are drawn to video games.
now you have
buy a switch or fuck off dweeb
>27 years old
>argues with kids on the internet over their toys
>a cati sf inet oo__ ___!
what did he mean with this?
fuck off rajeesh
i'm not buying into your nippon jew poo in the loo payment scheme
let's be honest here, switch is targeted at twentysomething manchilds, not kids
this isn't exactly a place for people who succeed at life
Or just go to another thread you assblasted faggot, you can even hide them if it triggers your autism that much
fuck off normie
perhaps poo in the loos can fuck off instead???
that includes you rahbir
You're right. It's a place where 15-21 year olds who live at home with mommy and poppy shitpost out of boredom and haven't hit the "get kicked out of home" phase yet.
Shame it doesn't have any games.
It's a damn shame, really.
You wouldn't mind deleting this image? Thank you.
i agree
some of us are lucky and can extend it
only indians are desperate enough but computer literate enough to shill on a chinese basket weaving forum
i don't hate indians, but you need to fuck off raj
Filter switch threads if they make you this buttblasted. You are literally seething right now.
I'm willing to bet you're >56% and own all three versions of the PS4
That cat looks like a good bro
can we call it Nintardo now ?
Thats one big pile of shit you got there user
>strawman to avoid fessing up to being pajeet the shill
fuck off, take your shilling back to the rotten meat market
>calling out others for strawmanning
>keeps bringing up pajeets
Fucking Americans
There are fire emblem games on the switch?
Waaah people are talking about the most popular gaming console we've seen in decades with a massive library of amazing games
This is how stupid you sound
>steve from tech support gets called out for shilling
>tries to defend the shilling
>tries to claim the blame is on the person calling out the shilling
>strawmans the sonnygger boogaloo like the word doc says
>screaming at his crt about currybucks
>furiously hitting ctrl c ctrl v
>purposely fattened up wife starts screaming at him
>he goes out to drive his car and run over some more children to vent the frustration
>he steps out of the currymobile and heads back in to see the thread still open
>shouts at his wife
>tries to smuggle cigarettes into the UK
>gets deported back to the curryhole to shitpost eternally, wrought with bitterness and hatred as he makes another shitty fucking nintendo shill thread
>gets called out for shilling
>poo in the loo arrested for mass currycide
off you go steve, you've work to do
a FEW, yes
Hey, Jose, I'll be at your taco ship in like 5 minutes, ready up a hard shell taco.
sleek grey cats are best cats.
>tfw rupees is the currency in LoZ games
>tfw Jose isn't readying up my tacos
So are you pol too?
yessing please sir thank you for my 6 cents in bank ecound soon i will many happy
know your pooloo lore
No, but I am an a-social loser drawn to video games
>no games
False, the Switch library is wonderful for only 1 year in. Still way more games than Xbox and way more WORKING indie games than PC (shovelware machine)
>B-but PORTS!
As much as I love Nintendo, I hated and never bought Wii U. So these ports are a blessing because 2014-15 Wii U titles were some godlike shit
Online shopping favors scummier tactics, just buy from a real store.
>I can only buy shit on Amazon
Your fault for living in some third world country you massive faggot.