Original japanese dub

>Original japanese dub
>Same voice actress
>English dub
>Requires another VA, sounds nothing alike her normal counterpart
How can anyone say dub>sub with a straight face?

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In the anime version, the dub had the same voice actress, though.

You know, it's funny how the original jap audio is always good or great but no one never says it's just passable or okay. For example like Xenoblade chonicles 2 both the end audio and the jap audio are just fine with nothing that really makes neither great or horrible, they're just okay.
But enough of that, now it would just be okay if all you fucking faggot would die in a fucking tire fire because I fucking hate each and everyone of you faggots on this board.

Because sometimes people like me dont care about the original voices, and actually dislike them. Japanese voice acting has a certain style. They always scream, voices are almost always hysterical, high pitched squeams, no matter what is the situation or who is the character. The english dubbing usually tones that hysteria down.

because it doesn't mean shit when i can't understand them to begin with. if i have to read to understand what their saying, the whole argument behind sub having better voice acting gets pretty goddamn stupid.


Because sometimes it just really is "dub>sub". No elaborate mental gymnastics, no wall of text theories and name dropping of famous VAs, none of that shit.

If a dub is better than sub it just is. Its an extremely rare occurrence though, most of them, especially the anime ones are shit. Western VAs absolutely cant into anime.


kill yourself

>there are grown adults that think it's normal to listen to english dubs instead of the original audio

>I like reading subtitles

This. Japanese voice actors overract to death.

>> if i have to read to understand what their saying, the whole argument behind sub having better voice acting gets pretty goddamn stupid.

That's why I told them it's much better to learn the language because you will never appreciate it when you let a foreign language with the only understanding is through subtitles constrain you.

I like the dub. I don't hate subs. Fuck your constant pissing match.

Pyra and Poppis voice are pretty bad in the eng dub though

You know this endless retarded sub vs dub war would never have happened if japs just voiced the english loclization as well.

Most Japanese actors cannot speak English properly.
Example. youtube.com/watch?v=AyBaO8yO7Qc

Even dubfags have to admit that as soon as a character is required to show emotion, the illusion falls apart.

Auron in FFX, Hades in KI:U, they literally don't have the required education to emote.

>inb4 "name one"
Panty and Stocking
Ghost Stories

you take that back
Dub Poppi is precious. PRECIOUS!

You underestimate the amount of weebs who automatically disregard English dubs as shit for not being Japanese, then go on to praise the Jap dub despite not understanding the language. If you cannot speak Japanese your opinion on Japanese dubs is invalid simple as that.

t. Actually knows Japanese

My Hero Academia
Gurren Lagann
Soul Eater
Cowboy Bebop
Black Lagoon


why is DR art and character design so fucking bad

maybe some day you'll wake up and realize good dubs don't exist

Statistically speaking, at least 1 dub has to be good.

what are you implying?

it should be obvious what i'm implying.

Persona is shit no matter who its voiced by.

well it isn't.

Hellsing Ultimate
FMA Brotherhood

then you need to be more acute

Japanese voices usually sound fucking awful. Even in the cases where the English voice actors ate shit, it still sounds better. I can only stand so much shrieking from jap women for so long. Weebs are immune to this because of their autism

don't forget Space Dandy.

>Shimoneta got a dub and it's good
Well shit time for a rewatch

So is danganropa. Its fans have legit autism




Disgusting entry level shit. You only think those are better dubbed because that's what you heard as a kid.
Only Psycho Pass movie count here because nips speaking english is truly awful.

>play a game where 90% of the game is unvoiced text
>I play it in english cuz I don't like reading

any dub with JYB in it

I disagree and I dislike it

I literally gagged.

So Phantom Blood?

I said ANY dub with JYB in it user, so yes that includes Fantomu Buraddo

>JYB voices Brotag and Adachi in persona
>He does his only voice for Adachi since Brotag barely talks
>Years later all the spinoff happens and Brotag constantly talks and JYB now has to struggle to create a second voice he can use

>>You only think those are better dubbed because that's what you heard as a kid.

So does Baccano and Black Lagoon, that even the Japanese creators called it as the 'definitive version.'

They marketed opinion does not matter, the difference in quality between the 2 are obvious.

they should've just recast the protagonist.

Anyone else think the English version of Jump Up! Superstar was better than the Jap version?

>no space dandy
>that fucking list

I forgot to add it, user. Yeah, Space Dandy dub is great.

I want her to licc me.

>>They marketed opinion does not matter
>>implying Rei Hiroe praising the dub of Black Lagoon is marketed opinion

post thighs.
Both Dangans and Purse Owners are welcome.


Bobobo-bo bo-bobo