Do you play videogames with your sister?

Do you play videogames with your sister?

I do play with my sister

>tfw no demon sister
why even live

Nope, don't have a sister.

my sister only plays sims and mobile shit


>play a lovecraftian horror game with Chiyo
>becomes a heartwarming tour of the homes of folks she hadn't seen in a long time

She's an Eldritch Abomination, not your sister.

I used to but she found other friends and abandoned me.

Yes, we've been playing the Cuphead co-op. Great game to bond over since we both love the art style.

>She's an Eldritch Abomination
So am I. Did you just assume my species?

>tfw only child
If I ever, through some black magic or weird fate, ever get kids, I will make sure to have atleast 2.

post more pochi

>not your sister.
future wife then

Yeah, our favorite game to play together is s___e___x

I am my sister.
It's a long story.

did you consume the little/older brother?

I wish I had a younger brother to play vidya with

I get the memes about incest, but 99.99% of the time siblings who grow up together don't feel sexual attraction for each other. I hate to break it to you guys.

>implying people here actually think otherwise
you got memed on, man

If they're "abominations", then why are they so sexy?

I read a study on how sexual activities between teenage sibling is more common than we think. It’s been years but I’ll try to find it.

If I had a sister I would have impregnated her long time ago.

>mplying that's a bad thing
That stupid cuck never even fucked his wife.

>stay hydrated

>No sister
>Had a brother instead
Rolled good. Well actually would of preferred to remain an only child but whatever.

>Star Wars waifu posting will never make a comeback.

Used to when we were kids. Though we mostly played co-op flash games on Miniclip back then since they were easy for her to understand

Little sister takes after me unfortunately right down to similar tastes in games and anime. Makes for fun Mario Kart sessions among other things.

Explain that to Alabama

My sister doesn't play games, but every so often when I'm visiting home she'll sit and watch if whatever I'm playing pique's her interest, or if we're hanging out with our little bro who does play video games. She really likes watching Bloodborne, Witcher 3 and a few others.

Yes, we play a lot of shit together actually. She's been watching me play Dark Souls recently. She occasionally fight bosses she thinks she can handle while sitting in my lap she says it helps her concentrate

As a matter of fact we're going to play dokapon kingdom with my gf over the weekend


There's a picture my parents took that is really precious to me where I'm playing banjo kazooie and my little sister is sitting next to me and we're both leaning as far as possible to the right trying to look around the corner in-game

No, she's a fucking casual and most co-op games suck. I might wind up playing that prison sim with her when it comes out, given it doesn't look like there's any gameplay involved.

I think it's cause that's how we did it when we were kids. I was like 10 and she was like 6 and she'd sit in my lap and I'd help her with controls and teaching her

I don't have a sister and I never had a girlfriend, I'm an attractive dude but I have a massive fetish for sisters so I guess I'll be lonely for ever; if I had a sister I would get her to marry me

How old is she?

>sister was cute when she was little
>became a bitch tumblurina when she hit teen and started spouting shit like "im gender neutral"

thank god it was a phase

someone post the Oral hygiene bro thread from Sup Forums.

My onee-chan usually plays rpg on ps4 or mobile games

I used to

>I was a big enough influence on my little sister that she's inherited my cynicism to a degree so she more or less bypassed the "SJW phase"
Not sure if I should be proud of this.

Bruh you'd be surprised. It's obviously not happening to every household but I'd wager something like 10% of siblings/cousins fool around at some point or another. It's nowhere near that mythical puritan .001% of families.

>hey... i said HEEEYY! pause that stupid game my idiot brother
>mom's out.


She turned 19 in October

And she still sits in your lap? You two really are close.

Delete this

*Bro-con intensifies*

Yeah, without getting too much into personal detail. Parents aren't the greatest so her and I are much closer to each other then to either of our parents.

ane naru mono is a fucking god send
based female author

Nyaruko's body is too perfect, she is pure eldritch sex.

This image is not alright.

She is 31, believe it or not.

I know that feeling.


She was much younger in that picture.

sexual attraction =/= having sex


fuck off racist potato nigger.

i have never been more erect

Every day.


I used to play with her when we were little, during the PS2 era. Not so much now. Last game we played together was either Overcooked or Until Dawn.


You em.. let em sit without no boner? Because sweet Alabama son.

Please don't
Why would I get a boner?

This story is faaaaaake

it is a well known fact that staying hydrated improves stamina and well-being and also makes better sex, which the image is probably implying
stay hydrated, user.


Keep your purity son. Hug your sister and watch movies together. Be comfy.

We do just that. It is pretty comfy