The Black Goo Of Japanese Unoriginality

These are screenshots from THREE different games

Other urls found in this thread:

What does this mean?

But what are you going to do with only three cherries, user? Shouldn't you pick a few more?

ITT: reductionism

it means OP made a shit thread to come off as smart with an observation he perceived as worth mentioning when it's really entirely insignificant much like this fucking thread

Black goo is stale and bland
Real men use Orange Glo

The Black goo of WESTERN unoriginality
spider-man symbiote black goo
x-files black goo
Prometheus black goo
THREE different franchises

that you're a newfag

cmon my man western devs use purple corruption goo the same fuckin way

>screenshots from three different games
>only two screenshots

Black goo is a popular element when creating an nerving atmosphere because it looks like blood but it's black.
There's a kind of primitive reaction people have when they see that because it's taking a substance we're familiar with and adjusting it slightly to make it alien.

Someone make an image that says the black goo of western unoriginality with compiled images of all the niggers from recent games like wolfenstein, uncharted, horizon, etc. I'm too lazy to do it right now.

I thought the same thing when I first looked at it.

Oh boy, it's THIS bait again

what's the top left?

Evil Within 2 has white goo. IT BROKE NEW GROUND!!!

It's derived from Shintoism, where pollution and literal filth is used to represent impurity of mind and misfortune.


dont forget aboot Gog

the black goo thread of shitposter unoriginality :^)

still better than gray muscled big monster without any intresting features that's been in videogames and movies for like 10 years

But OP's pic is of nondescript black muh so scary goo you retard, Gogmazios' is literally just oil.

This is a thread from LAST year.

its the same shit numbnuts, shiny black liquid

Probably influenced by squid ink.

Japan constantly faces natural disasters and their Shinto religion teaches them that it is punishment for their own polution of the environment. Oil spill is a form of polution that kills birds and fish, along with dirtying up beaches and shit.

It's their form of 'sin'.

God I fucking hate the generic monster design so many games/movies keep going for. The worst offender I think in recent memory was D44M's fucking cyberdemon. I hate how they went with the shitty overly muscled hunched over generic look for it when they had such a great menacing design to work with. It looks far more threatening when it stands upright like in the original design then the new shitty generic look. The fact that it does the stupid "scary" overdone roar at you before attacking thing only makes it worse.

Wasn't there evil black goo in kingdom hearts as well?

The black goo is meant to represent the evil parasitic population that can't be named.

Once it infects you it destroys you from the inside out, with the hero being the pure phenotype that is capable of killing it before it spreads.

I would go into further details but the ADL would censor my post.

But it wasn't done to be deep or scary in Gog's case you brainlet. Hell it's literally a fucking game mechanic, it wasn't made for the sole purpose of making something look scary and evil and had a reason to be there unlike all the other examples which don't even so much as mention what it is or what purpose it serves at all other than
>muh scary evil black goo

>Sup Forums NEETs claim that blacks are a parasitic and wasteful population that contributes nothing
>While they sit on their ass collecting autism bux and shitposting frogs all day

can this thread be the thread (or image) of Unoriginality?

It's been reposed over and over

Why is nobody talking about the red goo that plagues western vidya?

wheres prey?

He didn't mean black people. I think you have a little racist inside of yourself as well

separated by like 30 years lol shut up dickeahd

I didn't realize time was a goal post. Did you just make that one up all by yourself?

Shit thread of OP's unoriginality

>Posts an image with a menorah
>References the ADL

anonymous I think he meant jews

Also Dark souls 3

Best post in the thread

There is a reason for this, but yes, it is so odd, that the very free relegion and spiritual believe system is limiting them so much.

if I remember right black is something evil in asian spiritual believe. Like girls with long black hair are evil. Very stupid, like taking photos of ghosts to fight them...

In general you see alot of unoriginal content from asia. And there is a reason behind this. Last time I posted about this my post got removed, so I wont go into detail. But yes, stereotypes are strong in asia, tsundere...

This makes the japanese black goo even more unoriginal.

The east overuses black goo, the west overuses black women with afros. Who gives a fuck?

>Market the shit out of them in trailers
>Only relevant in one level and were never expanded upon
Miyazaki was a mistake.

>Last time I posted about this my post got removed
Post it again nigga, you want to leave us all ignorant?

Have you noticed how many western games have blood in them? I call it the Red Blood of Western Unimaginativeness.

it all comes down to the blacks

uhh okay?

user, you're retarded. The Classic Cyberdemon translated into DOOM 2016 would've just looked like they strapped some military hardware to a Baron of Hell.

X-Files did it 20 years ago.

Does anyone else have the the western games version of that has like 10 more examples?

As if black goo was a japanese original, even fucking orcs in Lord of the Rings bleed black. black is bad, and black goo is icky and spooky.

Why are americucks such sore losers?

what are the two games that aren't FFXV?

So between Radiance and the Wyrm:
Who was in the wrong?

You mean the other guy who abandoned his upright stance from the original to hunch over like a fucktard? This stupid fucking meme needs to die. I enjoyed the game for what it was but they could've followed the superior original designs more closely instead of giving us the generic ones we got.

Are these some epic bait threads or people discussing this shit are serious?

I see people constantly defend/attack arguments in these threads, over 3 pictures of "something black" (one is literally just a picture of oil)

this is not even like saying "everything that uses color blue with something that actually has connection with the color blue is unoriginal"

Are people seriously this fucking retarded to constantly discuss this shit or am I being le ebin trolled?

>You mean the other guy who abandoned his upright stance from the original to hunch over like a fucktard?
Something tells me you're an nostalgia retard who doesn't understand biomechanics. Their new poses are realistic given their stances. gaits and limbs.
> they could've followed the superior original designs more closely instead of giving us the generic ones we got.
user, DOOM 2016's designs kick the shit out of the old ones. You're just fixated.

It means Japan desperately wants a continuation of The Pirates of Dark Water and are trying to tell us.

There's no evidence to support the claim that Death Stranding is a game.

The Black Goo of Western Unoriginality

These are screenshots from THREE different games.

>What I learn from this thread
black is evil

Are you seriously trying to say that the west doesn't use 'dark' to represent evil?

If anything the Japanese are much more likely to use light/white to represent evil than the west. Something like pure looking angels or gods who are evil at heart are a common theme.

>dude, kill god and the church is evil, this game is so deep

one is literally just a pic of someone who got his hand dirty with oil

OP doesn't even put effort into making this pic, I wonder why he puts so much effort into spamming these threads since over a year.

Way to cherry pick to substantiate a flimsy argument.


>Something tells me you're an nostalgia retard
I never finished the old ones because I got massive motion sickness playing them, so no I have no nostalgia for them whatsoever. Hell I never even got as far as to where the two I mentioned were in the game, I'm only getting how they look from screenshots online.
>Their new stances are realistic given their stances. gaits and limbs.
So they're realistic given the changes that were made that didn't have to be made which ended up in them being more generic? Also who gives a fuck about realism, they're demons for fucks sake.
>DOOM 2016's designs kick the shit out of the old ones
I cannot understand how anyone can find the much more forgettable designs of the two I mentioned to be any good. I'm not even shitting on the game's designs as a whole, the mancubus and cacodemon designs for example are much better in the new one but the cyberdemon and baron just aren't.

Also good job double posting retard.

why are christcucks so butthurt about killing false gods in Japanese games but are okay with doing the same thing in something like God of War?


>ended up in them being more generic?
That's a thoroughly unfounded and completely subjective claim. You do realize the Cyberdemon is meant to look like a Demon wearing a knockoff Praetor suit right?
> Also who gives a fuck about realism, they're demons for fucks sake.
user, it would look like shit if these extremely detailed demons rendered in 4K didn't look believable as they ran around.
>Also good job double posting retard.
Not even what happened you fucking retard. At least I'm not dumb enough to reply to a deleted post.

I'm pretty sure fable 3 had black goo as well, you can add that to the list.

Because the gods you kill in God of War aren't >muh one true god while Japanese games often have their even church/god to resemble the abrahamic god quite a bit, which triggers the fuck out of them.

It's an environmental message suppose to turn people against the usage of oil. Just take a look at pictures of oil spills.

>black goo is a exclusive japanese thing

wrong video

> Japanese games often have their even church/god to resemble the abrahamic god quite a bit
could you name two games like this?

it's always just some evil dude who gets so strong he declares himself a god

Drakengard is the only game I remember where the "world's creator god" actually wanted to kill humanity, but to be fair, that's something the bible's god also did like 2 times

at least it actually made it into the game, unlike everything in DS2 trailers

>That's a thoroughly unfounded and completely subjective claim. You do realize the Cyberdemon is meant to look like a Demon wearing a knockoff Praetor suit right?
It looks like something you'd see out of WoW or any other run of the mill MMO/fantasy evil character. I'm not going to waste my time compiling a list of similar looking things to prove a point, if you haven't seen enough movies and games to know that the design is bland, then that's on you. And the whole knockoff praetor thing is yet another thing that feels like a justification to further detract from the original design.
>user, it would look like shit if these extremely detailed demons rendered in 4K didn't look believable as they ran around.
Shit you're right. Those cacodemons really got me with how realistic they were. Reminds me of the local fauna around my place.
>Not even what happened you fucking retard. At least I'm not dumb enough to reply to a deleted post.
>being this mad you were called out on being a tard

Shin Megami (can't remember which one)

Literally every SMT game

>there will never be an open world Pirates of Dark Water game that allows you to explore the entire world of Mer

Y-yes, black = evil is so stupid, haha

aren't you fighting satan, anti jesus dudes and fallen angels in SMT?

One is oil
One is necrotic flesh
One is crystalline

Can I fuck the goo?

>It looks like something you'd see out of WoW or any other run of the mill MMO/fantasy evil character.
Yeah but you aren't gonna prove your argument. All it would take is posting or naming a handful of monsters it looks the same as in order to prove your claim.
>Shit you're right. Those cacodemons really got me with how realistic they were
I can tell you've been BTFO because now you're deflecting with extremely flimsy defenses. Cacodemons don't have to be realistic. They aren't 4 limbed bipeds.

Sorry user. Your tastes are shit and you're biased as fuck. I've been a fan of sci-fi/horror/monsters since before I learned to read. I know from monster designs. You're dumb and wrong.


nanomachines son

It gets used over and over again. The "church is evil, god is the final boss, angels are evil" meme was fresh when I was 12, but now it's a stale, stupid cliche that people who don't play games think is clever.

The Greek gods getting killed wasn't nearly as common. It also didn't really take off until GoW 2.

>Like girls with long black hair are evil.
But all Asian girls have long black hair

This world has has gone through centuries upon centuries of "Satan is the worst, demons are evil", why do you have to throw a shitfit when a few obscure JRPGs switch it around for a change?

mighty beings pretending that they are some pure/ascended beings when they are evil/rotten to the core makes them feel more sinister than if they were some edgy demons

that's it. That's why Japan likes to use angelic themes for evil characters. It has none of your "nihilistic /antichristian, tryhard messages" or whatever you hate it for. They did this shit in Asura's Wrath/smt too with buthism.

it's also never the "church is evil", it's always corrupt priests disguising themselves as some holy beings and exploiting their power

Christcucks are insecure. That's all it is.

I remember the literal weeks of christians moaning about WebM Related and bitching like Castlevania had disrespected God and the Church.

Deep breaths user

>still this mad about his naruto masks
it's time to grow up

Nah you can fight God as the final boss in multiple games, even by his actual name of YeHoVaH in three games.

I broke your wifes new ground with my white goo

SMT is cheating because it wears its mythological themes on its sleeve. You can kill all sorts of gods and recruit/fuse them as well. YHVH is generally the most powerful one because it's a reflection of his popularity. SMT gods/demons are powered through human belief.

>y-yeah but what about all the games without black goo gaijins btfo
Sit the fuck down you filthy frank watching normgroid