ITT: Franchise Peaks


But that's not FC1

Man, I wish AC got never cancelled. Would've loved to see AC3.

This game was overrated as fuck
These games are garbage and yet I’ve owned and played most of them

Um Persona 4


We know, first is worst

Don't you mean Far Cry 2?


My nigga.


Explain how its better than the other games, its the most linear one with the worst AI that shoots you though tents and mutant part makes the game 10x worse

For the entire Pokemon franchise

hol up

the only game in this series i could finish was far cry 2, it's a really immersive game, soyboys don't like it because you have to drive and kill enemies too much, in a game about driving and killing

go figure

the other games in the series are a chore

>soyboys don't like it
Games journalists love Far Cry 2, what the fuck are you on?

>proper level design is bad
>prefers typical ubishit sandbox

>AI that shoots you though tents
so can you

git gud

FC2 and FC4 were both better so ill wait for OP to start




what is good about it or mystery dungeon? never played any of those.


what makes it the best?

dont you mean persona Q?


I like the idea of that game but they must have run out of time or some shit cause the AI is godawful and the narrative is like a badly translated and incoherent version of Heart of Darkness.

I wish they'd give Africa a second shot.

>thinks far cry 1 has proper level design
>its just a bunch of trees with some outposts sprinkled around

>so can you
Except I can't see them though a tent but they can see me

git gud

Not him but the problem with the mutants and the aliens of Crysis is that they're way less fun to fight than the soldiers. Both games peak early and get progressively worse afterwards.

Far Cry 2 online was the best fucking shit ever.

And yes, Africa would make a great setting. I still replay 2 every so often.


Played Explorers of Darkness when I was, like, 10 years old, didn't know anything about what to expect

Game had an actual story unlike mainline, and characters to hate or love, with more depth than "evil team" or "rival" you find in the main games

Also the gameplay was so different and fun, and I cared for characters

Soundtrack blows any other Pokémon game out of the water too, there isn't any dungeon where I ended up annoyed by the music

Generally very good games, Explorers of Sky is definitely the best Pokémon game in general. Just don't go in expecting a masterpiece, just a fun adventure