ITT: The worst, most annoying enemies in videogame history

ITT: The worst, most annoying enemies in videogame history.


>not the chimera assualt

*randomly slices u*

Cliff racer are at the very top of that list


Are you special or just a lazy shit?

>inb4 80% of Dark Souls/Bloodborne posts

these guys are a joke, just claw them until they are naked and kill them

More infuriating DMC enemies.


Just..what the fuck

These fucks, but only in MM. That retarded spin is so annoying.

Alright you little shit

Here's a Demon's Souls enemy.

Really, any RPG random encounter that can act before you and inflict instant death.

Lippians aren't so bad, it's just that since Kiss of Death doesn't do anything most the time, when it does kill you, it's kind of annoying.


*one shots you*

These assholes, if only because they can lock your party into an infinite loop of being stuck as frogs/asleep. I guess this goes for any RPG that features monsters that, at any level, can still perma-lock your whole team.

DMC's annoying enemies are mostly annoying because they aren't fun to hit and most casuals haven't figured out a fun way to fight them.

Is there a reliable way to stop it from cutting your shit up? Like devil buster or guns?

These little shits on hard just fuck up all your health and armor

You've to actually play games user, not being shit on them

Fuck these fagets in bloody palace.
Can you find him at this screen?


Guns will make it temporarily stop being a jackass, but it will start up again after a bit.

False King was an incredibly fun fight, I don't know what you are talking about when you call him annoying, unless you are just a shitter.

not even the most annoying headcrab in the game

just block & counter
it's not hard

The things that look like these in Subnautica are awful.

>goes from being able to fuck up your entire team to being 1 shottable

fuck these dudes



Was really drunk last night and this fucker got me 2 times in the brain drain thing then killed me. No more drunk playing this game.

Want to take a look in this shipwreck? Well you better waddle back to the castle and deposit all of your tier 1-3 units and archers.

Literally harder than any boss in the game.

This fag and his sons are annoying as fuck at least before the plasma beam

>kill a few of these guys with no problem
>"gee I wonder why Sup Forums always says these guys are horrible"
>get to cathedral ward and lose like 10 insight as well as my life several times

Doing a bloodtinge build was such a sweet revenge against those fucks.

>Play DCSS
>Something hits you!


>Try to walk away
>Something hits you! *LOW HP*


>Pop a scroll of teleportation
>End up on the other side of the level
>Take 6 steps towards a staircase
>Something hits you! Ouch, that really hurts! You die...


>playing hard mode
>meta ridley goes down easy
> spend an hour trying to get past these chucklefucks

They are actually quite fun to fight though once you know how.

The floaty-from-the-ceiling enemies from Little Nemo

A lot of the enemies in Kingdom Hearts; any enemy that teleports/makes itself invincible while not doing anything

Nah dude I got like a thousand peasants, I got this shit

>Wow there sure are a lot of archers/The terrain doesn't allow for much movement/It's completely dark here
>*breathing noises*



>Cave of oh shit I just remembered being raped
>These fuckers coupled with cannons
>Can't guard a cannon shot
>Can't whale on the cannons because I'll get a tread in my stead
>Can't even cheese it with thunderspam or magneato

This one is just annoying when he flies into the ground/walls
The other DMC ones posted are small time after you get the hang of it.
This nigger cat however was a real pain in the ass


>*floats out of bounds and doesn't come back for 10 minutes*
Pshhh, nothin personnel Dante.



>1 Tengu
Difficult but manageable
>1 Tengu + any other enemy
[agonized wails]

These assholes made me furious in the maze on Pro difficulty.

is this a dlc enemy?

Late game and NG+

figures why I haven't seen one yet
umi bozos are my only problem right now
>dude what if water enemies were like weak to fire haha

The best way to deal with them is to let them attack, then strike when their core is exposed.

Sounds like your build sucks, m8.
Knockdown the wheelmonks.
Use your Living Weapon on Tengu.

*literally facefucks you to death*

>jumps mid attack
>my fuckhuge great sword connects
>right as he starts dry humping my face to death

not the user who posted the tengu but wheel monks are shit because the devs literally just copied souls wheel skellies whole relentless stamina drainage thing but it's way more annoying when you get staggered into ki recovery in nioh

use a scroll of fog to see it if you dont have any invis detection

>It gets even worse as the game goes on till you hit that point where your team becomes death incarnate