If it wasn't for pic related, 0 wouldn't have even existed

if it wasn't for pic related, 0 wouldn't have even existed
hell, MOST of its heat actions are recycled from 5

Other urls found in this thread:


Fact, Yakuza games exist to be an alpha for following games.
Kenzan was alpha for 3 on new engine, which was alpha for 4.
5 was alpha for Ishin on new engine, which was alpha for Zero and Zero was made in mind with Kiwami (you can really feel it while playing Zero)
6 was alpha for Kiwami 2 on new engine, which is alpha for New Yakuza.


5 is still my favorite game in the series by far. Nothing beats five cities, five playable characters, dancing, taxi driving and hunting all in one game.

>taxi driving
>tfw Hokuto Ga Gotoku's buggy racing is using the base form from taxi driving

I've only played 4. Why did best boy shave his head bald? And who's that guy all the way on the right, that's not the Chinese parry cop after letting himself go or some shit is it?

he got replaced for this baseball guy

5 is my 3rd favorite and Kiryu's part is 10/10. Too bad the later parts squandered the momentum

If Majima is so very popular, why don't they just let him be playable in every game?

Is the remake of 1 as good as 0?

Kiryus chapter is probably my favorite individual chapter in any of the games. Rest of the game is still fine if you look at it as a very elaborate Japan tourism commercial.

what happens in kiryu's chapter that's so cool? sell me on buying the game

That’s pretty much what they are doing with Kiwami 2

1 vs 1000

that's pretty cool, better be some high stakes context though

taxi driving. interesting story concept. kiryu proving his worth.

It’s essentially about Kiryu trying to live as a taxi driver under a different name but getting dragged back into Yakuza shenanigans against his will. It adds a new side to Kiryus character and is very tightly written thanks to mostly revolving around new characters in a new location. The final fight is extremely memorable albeit a bit over the top.

Taxi driving is incredibly fun.
Good substories, especially when you meet Mack and Yuya while trying to lay low.
Kabuki Heat action.
Kiryu vs the Tojo Clan fight.

Kiryu's chapter and Shinada's chapter were great.

that all looks real good, I'll buy it soon as I get paid

>best boy shave his head bald
The shittiest character in the game got jailed again for 10 years or so for nothing and he was okay with it

I'm playing through one right now then planning on hacking my PS3 after 2, is there anything I should take note of in 1 and 2 before moving on?

Also, I'm emulating 1 and 2, does anybody have good configs for both games on pcsx2?

>is there anything I should take note of in 1 and 2 before moving on?
Savor the fixed camera angles while you can.

>is there anything I should take note of in 1 and 2 before moving on
Have you been following a guide? Because multiple substories are missable and you won't be able to fight Amon if you don't do them (He's the secret boss). Other than that there's nothing really noteworthy. It's recommended you start the Marietta substory in 2 ASAP just so that you don't have to fart around come endgame since it takes a couple hours to open up again.

>Also, I'm emulating 1 and 2, does anybody have good configs for both games on pcsx2?
Try this one. If it's not good I have another one a guy said worked fine for him.

Savor the fact that you won't flinch by gunshots and knife stabs

I'm used to tank-controlled games so it's not too bad

I'll take the other config too just in case I need it later, thanks user


>mfw that pic
This is what the "purists" are recommending people to start the series with?

Holy shit, no wonder this series wasn't popular until 0.

I'm on Chapter 4 right now, I've been bumping into npcs on purpose so I can get exp from fights. Is there anything wrong with this or anything I've missed? I've just been doing the objectives I'm told to.

Forgot to add this game has the best install screen out of all PS3 games

too bad we never saw this in the west, it really is the best one.

>5 is still my favorite game in the series by far.
Same. We seem to be in the vast minority though.

>tfw kiryu's final chapter fight
This is when it confirmed that 5 was gonna be my favorite in the series and also top 3 PS3 games.

>or anything I've missed
Price of an F Cup is the only thing I can think that you might have missed at this point. If you advanced too much in the main story and didn't visit Yuya when he told you to that's also missable. The underground casino can be missed if you drink the drink in that one substory or accept the money at all. Otherwise at the point you are I don't think you've missed anything just yet. All you should do is just find a guide that lists what missable substories there are and ignore everything else, and this is only if you want to fight the super boss, if you don't care it doesn't matter since you can only miss like eight substories in 1 and one in 2, the real problem is just messing up the choices so it's considered "Finished" instead of "Completed". Once you get past 3 missable substories aren't a thing anymore.

In 1 and 2 they'll eventually just stop spawning enemies for the rest of the game until you reach endgame if you beat enough of them. I think it's to prevent over leveling, but eventually you'll reach that point if you keep doing that.

you mean this

Thanks for the help user

That's how this series works. Newer titles only have so much content and come out so fast because they literally just reuse everything. And that why Y6 doesn't have as much, it's a new start and it will slowly grow from there just like the rest

No problem, I just want people to know about Amon if they're playing the earlier games because he's a fun part of the games and the first couple games have stuff that prevent you from seeing him. Managed to massively screw up the casino on my first playthrough so I've made sure to never have it happen again for anyone getting into the series with the older games.

Also, I meant to add that the game will eventually start spawning people infinitely once you reach a certain point, enemies don't disappear forever. In Yakuza 1 it's either chapter 11 or 12 where they start respawning permanently, and in 2 I think it's after your first visit to Shinseicho.

Ooof, that's a solid one.

>2 has more content than 1
>Kenzan has more content than 2
>3 has more content than Kenzan
>4 has more content than 3
>Dead Souls doesn't count
>5 has more content than 4
>Ishin has less content than 5
>0 has less content than Ishin
>6 has less content than 0

>And that why Y6 doesn't have as much, it's a new start and it will slowly grow from there just like the rest
What did he mean by this?

5 was bloated.
I like the game (and hate its story), but it felt really bloated.
I'd love Sega to keep 0's amount of content.

Also, 6 had WAY less content than 0.

0 clearly had more content than Ishin.

>0 clearly had more content than Ishin.
Did you even play Ishin?

Well how the fuck would you reuse a ot of the minigames and arcade shit in Ishin or Kenzan.
And 6 has a new engine, so they can't just reuse everything. I'm glad they finally switched. Everyone praises the old engine but it's absolute garbage and the PS4 just forces it to 60fps but still looks like shit and has screne tearing unless you have a Pro

6's engine is shit, though.
So shit, in fact, that they decided to use 0's engine for Fist of the North Star Game (their current flagship title).

3 and 5 had new engines as well.

Yakuza has always had a shit engine, I feel like we've already agreed on this. It's just a massive spaghetti code. Nagoshi and team don't care about performance. It's a mess, if it wasn't for the sony exclusivity and the celebrities this shit wouldn't have even been ported because of how terrible it is.

*Kenzan and 5

It’s one of my favorites in the series but large parts of the map are just copypasted walls.

6's combat wouldn't work with an anime like game like FoTNS. That's their reason. You can keep your narrative, though.

Mah nigga.

>And 6 has a new engine, so they can't just reuse everything.
How do you figure? They certainly had no problem reusing the literal PS2 animations for Kiwami.

6's combat doesn't even work properly in 6 and Kiwami 2, but sure, it's an "artistic decition".

>0 has less content than Ishin
How? Ishin has Scarecrow Training, Koi-Koi, Oicho-Kabu, Cee-lo, Chou-han, Poker, Mahjong, Shogi, the three short hostess minigames, Fan Dancing, and Karaoke, that's it for minigames. Half the substories are to simply start a friendship with a character and the friendship itself is usually just handing them one specific item or eating and leaving until the bar is full and it ends up being shorter than a substory in the end. Komaki, Ginryu, and William Bradley are the only trainers, there's the arena, there's the Another Life stuff which isn't really much more than just planting stuff and filling out orders, and then the only other thing left is the Battle Dungeon.

How does 0 have less content when it has more minigames, more substories that aren't simply ways to start friendships (Both games have equal the amount of substories), more trainers, etc? I'm very confused.

One could make an argument for Ishin at least having the most original content seeing how they had to make a lot from scratch.

Kenzan had more if we're going with that route. Scarecrow training was already in Kenzan just far worse, Kenzan had horse riding, kabuki, and Jiraiya training but didn't have karaoke or fan dancing, it had like eight or nine unique areas on top of multiple mission specific areas compared to Ishin's 5 main areas and four extra areas (Tosa, the one castle area which you revisit later in the game, the Battle Dungeon if you want to consider that unique, and that one place you fight Amon and meet with with not-Date), Kenzan had 10 geishas with their own stories whereas Ishin only had one and Kenzan's geishas had four minigames you could play with them compared to Ishin which only had three (Kenzan had bowling, hanafuda, fan throwing, and that rock Simon Says game whereas Ishin had the drinking, rock paper scissors, and the shmup). Kenzan also had the same if not more trainers than Ishin did. Both games had their own form of racing (Ishin had chickens, Kenzan had frogs but you could actually raise the frogs).

I was actually surprised how little content Ishin had by comparison.

I was having a blast with 5 until I got to Shimada's story and started rushing everything just to get it over with him and go back to the fun characters. Looking back that was a terrible idea as I ended up burning myself pretty easily and finished the game with no high regards. I really have to give this nother go. I remember enjoying everything until the fourth part too.

disco dancing is best minigame tho

>hating on best boy Shinada

He's shit.

Akiyama and Majima are best yakuza.

Fuck off

>thinks Shinada is shit
>thinks Majima is good
It's like pottery.

>Fact, Yakuza games exist to be an alpha for following games.
You've just described every vidya franchise ever made.

Even the chink cop is better than Shitnada

>He's shit.
In gameplay, sure, but as an actual character he's great.
>Mystery about the family is great.
>You want to find out who took his home run.
>The fight with Daigo
>That moment he gets his home run back.
>Good substories and he helps out people everywhere.
>Dicks around with his old massage man.
>His first fan is his best friend.
>That way he gets forced into fighting Amon.
Shinada was great, his and Kiryu's parts are the best part of 5.

Yakuza 0 got really boring in chapter 3 and 4, i dont really like this majima guy

I don't know how this series gets away with so much recycling but it just works.

Yo whats with the hate for Majima, he's fun

It's fun to see how the areas change with each new entry, and they're always experimenting with new mechanics and new areas so it always feels fresh. Plus it's cool to see how Kamurocho changes slowly with each entry.
>Galetaria is there for like five games.
>Finally reach Kamurocho in 5.
>It's been replaces by a beer stall.
>Naomi's location keeps changing because she's indecisive.
>Marietta and Adam are still in business even in 5 thanks to Kiryu's help.
>Kage keeps finding new ways to get people to enter Purgatory.
It's great.

Shinada has the 2nd best chapter, it's just that his moveset is bad. They wanted him to be a weapon master, grappler, and bum all at the same time. Also his red heat action was worthless. Akiyama's was too but that one was fun and the flip kick is an easy way to beat Amon

One neat detail I liked about him was he refused to use a baseball bat as weapon. He'd pick it up, look at it and gently put it back down.

I'm pretty bummed we'll probably never see him again

At least he had a conclusive ending so we don't need to see him again and that's good.

Is there are a yakuza game that isnt shit? and if so which one?

0 is casual friendly


>browsing reddit
>linking reddit

she reminds me of this girl
