Stop denying it already Sup Forums

Stop denying it already Sup Forums.

Splinter Cell is better than Metal Gear Solid. The games actually have gameplay. MGS is about watching movies.

MGS is insanely overrated. Splinter Cell has always been better.

Other urls found in this thread:

MGS is for Sony fanboys and casuals

original SC and pandora tomorrow can shit all over MGS1 and 2 because they're well optimized to PCs (controls, graphics) and aren't full of backtracking shit.

MGS 3 is fan-fucking-tastic, just like chaos theory

GZ is a fucking master piece, i wish it had a full story and wasn't just a demo, otherwise it'd be better than blacklist, but i believe right now they're equal.

can't judge TPP and guns of the patriots, i've never played them.

i have the best opinion, everybody else back the fuck off.

The Kojima dick riders will never admit this.

>it's another "MGS ARE VIDEOS XD" episode
Oh I've seen this one already, is it a re-run?

Seriously, I like Splinter Cell (up until the newer games but let's not get into that) but I am rather tired of hearing this fucking lazy arguement. It's not even a real arguement, it's a Sup Forums meme if nothing else. 1/10, made me reply.

You do realise that most MGS has always been multiplatform and splinter cell is on PlayStation too right?

I've always been so fond of these two songs from the first game. They are the most memorable for me.

>Splinter Cell is better than Metal Gear Solid.
>The games actually have gameplay.
Splinter Cell is a generic hallway shooter with the ability to become completely invisible in all of the convenient pitch black shadows.
Metal Gear up until MGS2 was Pac-Man tier "stealth" but with MGS3 and on, Metal Gear became the top fucking stealth series.
>MGS is about watching movies.
Each MGS has a hell of a lot more gameplay, both in variety and length, than any Splinter Cell which is the same shit from beginning to end.

Nobody remembers Splinter Cell.

I haven't even played splinter cell. I play mgs for the wacky japanese plot and humor.

See this video? SEE IT!? This is unacceptable. No """""game""""" should ever be this way. This is beyond absurd.

>Splinter Cell is a generic hallway shooter
name one shooter that only gives the player 20 fucking bullets, smelly weebshitter.

>A movie compilation proves my point

Try harder.

Holy shit are you so wrong on almost everything here. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is widely regarded by many as the greatest stealth game ever made with only Thief really being comparable in greatness. On its release CT got tons of praise for its greatness. Meanwhile the original MGS3 was so busted up they needed to do a special edition to fix their shit camera since their game also had no more radar for said camera.

>in all of the convenient pitch black shadows.
You realize that "convenient pitch black shadows" exist all over the fucking place you shutin derelict?

The idea of someone like Sam Fisher rocking it is entirely realistic when you take into account that a 23 year old kid can evade capture on a fucking missile cruiser for a week with over 400 people actively hunting him down daily, using "convenient pitch black shadows"

Nearly 8 hours of cutscenes should never be in a game. We are talking about a game that would otherwise be very short. It reaches JRPG level tier with its cutscene and no gameplay segment crap. At least JRPG are dozens of hours long. MGS4 has zero excuse being that ridiculous with its movies.

did splinter cell have an online mode like mgs4? yeah didn't think so buddy.

It was supposed to be the finale to an entire series. Of course it would be filled with story you nimrod.

Also if you're only basing your MGS IS CUTSCENES on MGS4, you've clearly not played literally any other of the games.

Chaos Theory online mode shitted all over MGS4 you faggot.

I dunno man, MGO2 is pretty fucking top tier. But I enjoy both MGO2 and Spies vs Mercs.

oh i wouldn't know because I have no interest in splinter cell haha

MGSfags defending their shitty weeb game with a nonsensical plot that doesn't even connect right because Kojima has always been a hack that wished he was making movies instead.

MGS will never have shit on Chaos Theory.

Chaos Theory was so much better than MGS3 that it broke Kojima's brain forever, which explains MGS4 and 5.

I can't say I blame the guy, I'd go insane too if my best efforts were outdone by fucking Ubisoft.

then why are you replying?

This is actually a very solid point all bait aside and pun intended. He borrowed a lot from Splinter Cell after Chaos Theory wiped the floor with every single one of his best efforts.

just to see the splinter tards whine and present no arguments
also you guys remember starcraft: ghost? I'm still mad that it never got released.

>buy chaos theory
>it's just a black screen that flickers until the process is killed in task manager
Thanks Sup Forums

I don't think you'll get a reaction if u have no interest

Ubisoft was different back in the day, no need to be ashamed.

Splinter Cell is easy mode in terms of MGS.

You truly are the greatest faggot, user. Great work.

MGS (up until 3)
>better story
>better characters
>better level design
>better TECHNOLOGY moments
>boss fights
>better directed

Splinter Cell (not counting Blacklist and Conviction):
>better stealth
>better controls

wow no one would ever notice a man perched in a hallway like this, 10/10 stealth. kojimbo btfo

Subsistence is the greatest action-adventure game on a console, but as a stealth game, it has nothing on Chaos Theory. I don't really compare them as such, seeing as MGS3 is extremely open to you playing it like a shooter, while CT gives you about 20 rounds, most of which will be aimed at lightbulbs.

Let's not kud ourselves. MGS has always been historically associated as a PlayStation-centric series, outside a few outliers like TTS on GameCube and the Xbox port of MGS2. Splinter Cell on the other hand started as an Xbox game and only got gimped ports on other platforms after the fact. That's MGS4 is still a PS3-exclusive and Splinter Cell Conviction is still a 360-exclusive.

get a used 360 for 40 bucks and buy the whole original trilogy. trust me, it's worth it. if not, just keep in mind that all of the games are backwards compatible with 360.


First of all Splinter Cell doesn't have bosses like MGS so you can't compare those things.

>better stealth by far
>better controls
>better directed
>more coherent throughout the series
>way better level design
>better duo in Sam and Lambert
>originally had better and more manuevers
>most important better gameplay

>better shooting by far
>better characters overall and more that are meaningful to
>more interesting story, not necessarily better just more interesting
>eventually more movement options became a thing at least
>better music for the most part although splinter cell has great music to
>better set pieces

MGS loses hands down to Splinter Cell.

>>better stealth by far
better fake stealth that doesn't actually make sense, see at least the stealth in metal gear solid makes way more sense since you're in the middle of a warzone and taking out soldiers in realistic combat situations.

Ubisoft was starting to become cancer even back in 2005, just look at the sorry state Rainbow 6 and Ghost Recon were in. It's a miracle that Chaos Theory was good.

You can't even hope to do anything like that in an MGS game. You couldn't even crouch and move until after MGS3 for fucks sake even though it would have objectively improved all previous games to allow it.

Splinter Cell is true espionage. MGS is more like a commando/recon type of thing, except maybe for Ground Zeroes. Now Syphon Filter's between those two, and I love all 3 franchises. MGS had a nice storyline, which continued to deliver in every game (except TPP, fuck you Gooknami). Splinter Cell's lack of plot continuity (except for Sam's story) doesn't mean it's a bad series, I like it cause it's more "realistic" than Metal Gear's. Then there's Syphon Filter's storyline, which is kinda confusing after The Omega Strain.

>First of all Splinter Cell doesn't have bosses like MGS so you can't compare those things.

What about that last fight with Sadiq at the end of Blacklist? Not on Metal Gear's level, but it's still a boss fight right?

That has to do with the controls and level design of both series. SC has more open levels and an actual camera behind the back. MGS is more linear but not level based like SC. MGS is more like a room simulator while SC had large detailed level design. A lot of the stealth in an MGS game is very focused on only a few possible scenarios and ways to get through. SC on the other hand is more free in its stealth gameplay. You can approach the levels in many different ways.

it's retarded. no military training teaches you how to perch in a hallway like a gymnast.

>MGS 1 - huge amount of gameplay and cutscenes takes around 15% of total time,
>MGS 2 - rinse and repeat first game with more content and closer to end longer cutscenes to make everything cohesive,
>MGS 3 - same as previous 2, more linear with longer and crazier cutscenes near the end,
>MGS 4 - focus more on linear and finishing whole story, longer cutscenes to finish Solid Snake story (pretty good, at least you could pasue during them),

Haven't played other titles yet, waiting for a chance, but as far as I can say... both series are too different to compare them together. Both games are fantastic anyway.

One game and one game that isn't looked at as being as great as previous games doesn't really amount to much. The core good games 1-3 and Double Agent do not have any bosses resembling things you would regard as a typical boss fight.

And no military training teaches you how to sneak while in a box. You point?

Atleast Spinter Cell is a REAL stealth game that allows you to be a ghost 100%

>play MGS
>have to fight bosses when I just wanna be a ghost

also grinko from the original game, soth from pandora, and shetland's bombs in chaos theory. don't remember much from double agent. in conviction, the third echelon goons who also had wallhacks were set up like boss fights, with special rooms clearly designed for the encounter.

There is also that stairs part in MGS1 where you are forced to get caught. I am reaching a bit with that one though to be fair. Funny how in all MGS games you canon get caught all the time. So much for being legendary stealth heroes.

>There are people who think Splinter Cell is realistic


the box is a meme, Sam on the other hand genuinely thinks his trick is useful

Yep that is the part.

What surprises me most about this thread is that there are genuine splinter cell fans out there. It's such a forgettable game series. I played CT maybe 10 years ago, and I dont remember a damn thing. Meanwhile, I played MGS1 more than 15 years ago and I still remember lots of details about it. Probably because I replayed it lots of times, but I remember having lots of fun each playthrough until I finally moved on to other games.

I played through the entire SC series after nabbing the few games i didn't have on sale, before becoming to a dead stop on double agent

i remember really liking double agent but i think i understand after all this time why people dislike it. The story (version 1) is nearly incomprehensible. I've noticed, while watching an LP of the PS2/xbox original, version 2, that the story is a bit more complete and the game play is overall more like chaos theory. Its pretty fucking jarring how different both games are, and the "day time stealth" gimmick really isn't interesting enough to build an entire game around, unless your selling visuals and nothing else.

double agent really tarnished the series, Ubi gave it to a studio that didn't produce any splinter cell games before then and just told them to make it for next gen consoles without any real guidance or passion put into the project it seems. Like, most of the entire leads of chaos theory crew were working on version 2, and it did turn out better to a degree but for whatever reason they threw the worse version on the flagship consoles at the time and went with that outline for the future trimming the fat that was the actual appeal of the series.

Ultimately, i'm just disappointed these games never got an interesting enough story that I think it deserved especially dealing with international politics and being within that same niche as MGS. I think it could be there, and by the time conviction rolled around ubisoft exects had long decided that whatever splinter cell was, wasn't selling anymore. I wouldn't be surprised to see the next entry to the series being a open world stealth game, if there's stealth at all.

I wish someone would take up the material of MGS/Splinter Cell and throw some real thought and heart into it in a fresh IP. Maybe with a lot less Kojima

you remember more about MGS1 because of it's cinematic presentation and characters. also it's a much more popular series and the video game community has been reminding you of its existence for years. CT is a masterclass in stealth game design and there's nothing you can do about it.

>better story
It's typical ridiculous weeb shit. After 3 they cranked it up to 11. A cyborg with a magic sword who can move faster than bullets is not believable or well written.

the difference between the box thing is that it would actually make sense in the context whereas being a 6'0 tall man in full gear straddling a hallway doesn't

Literally they wouldn't. People's vertical field of vision is not very wide. Unless they had an actual reason to look up, or if the hallway is extremely long, no one would notice sam there.

Also note that Sam's goggles don't actually glow in the game's canon. It's a gameplay flourish that makes it easier to see where your character is.

t fatass that has never got out of his mobile scooter or moved his neck because of his crippling obesity

Splinter Cell never had an identity to its characters really, it peaked out in Chaos Theory to an extent but no one aspect of it was interesting until the climax which suddenly came from nowhere.

The SC series didn't have a Kojima figure, it was headed by a rather large corporation with a faceless team, harnessing the branding of a one hit wonder novelist who never had a hand in the series outside of conceptual board meeting in all likelihood

Ironically, the only person who ever showed any sign of caring about the series is probably Ironside and that's why he left after they transformed the series into a Taken/Borne Identity fan game

>it's only good if people remember it
Guess Thief is trash then

>I played CT maybe 10 years ago, and I dont remember a damn thing
This. The only things I remember are the Japanese stage, the Korean stage and that bad guy is some Japanese Nationalist.

I'm just picturing your dumb ass walking around with your head pointed at the ceiling everywhere you go

I'm just picturing you scootering down a hallway

CT's mechanics are great but the levels are far too linear.

Another quality thread as always Sup Forums.

They are two completely different approaches to the genre, lads, which is why you'll get no agreement.

MGS is a Saturday morning cartoon while SC is evening drama for adults. Both are entertaining but for wildly different demographics.

Splinter Cell is my favorite series and even I'll admit GZ is better than Blacklist. I don't understand why you haven't played TTP. Sure it's not the long version of Gz we were hoping for but it's better than Sup Forums says it is.

they have lots of shortcuts and you can backtrack at any time. i think people mistake small rooms for linearity.

I watched a YT video where the level designer for the CT bank level plays and does commentary. He says they were struggling to find a way to make silent combat harder, and wish they had stolen MGS' idea of having silencers that break. It's pretty interesting how devs look at others work

>blacklist is on par with GZ

lmao blacklist is 7/10 at best and GZ is 10/10

>Chaos Theory
Bit of a Feeudian slip here don't you think?

When ever someone talks about SC, they always talk about Chaos Theory rather than any other entry. The reason for this is because CT is the only good one, and even it suffers from being too easy and having forced action sections.

None of those are boss fights

Well it helps if you can actually read, user. People refer to CT as the pinnacle. The first 3 are all excellent.

Like Metal Gear Solid with GZ as an outlier of quality.

Like I said earlier:

MGS is saturday morning cartoons for children
SC is for adults when the kids are in bed.

Both have their place but ultimately not all that comparable.

Thief is for the intellectuals who game by candlelight when the world sleeps

GZ is fucking greatawaesomeium but it's nowhere near 10/10 because it's like 6 levels long
it's a demo

if kojimballs designed made like a bunch of very distinct and original (that means no copy pasting) camp omegas per two or three levels, making at least 30 missions and somehow rigged them to an coherent story, that'd be fucking great.

>The games actually have gameplay
Hiding in shadows is not gameplay, Manhunt > Splinter Cell

More like because CT had better graphics, better mechanics, more freedom, more backtracking, barely any forced combat sections, better level design etc. The original two are still fantastic though.

>too easy
Spot the babby who played on easy and spammed shockers/airfoils on enemies

>having forced action sections.
Kek, except of Bathhouse there aren't any.

I remember a scientist pissing himself and a robot ninja. It doesn't mean what I remember is good

>Chaos Theory was so much better than MGS3 that it broke Kojima's brain forever
Actually CT director got brain damage while working on the game. I'm not kidding.

MGS fans are annoying numale retards

they are not the ones that aways create threads about how my hiding game is better than your hidding game
Splinter cell fags DESERVE the shit that happened to their series

>posting Blacklist

neck yourself

they are encounters with special named characters that are specifically designed to be harder than normal encounters. what else would you call them?

>posting splinter cell games
How dare you

Reminder you can fully ghost this part of the game.

Blacklist is seen as a cheap disgrace by (actual) fans. Post some SC/PT/CT webms.

Even blacklist is not that bad, i'd argue not even CONVICTION is that bad

It literally is
Or, at least, used to be, new ones are bad, not sure if worse or better

The weeb shit's the best part though

>Nearly 8 hours of cutscenes should never be in a game.
Why? If the game length is huge it justifies cutscenes, plus you can skip them unlike FFX which also was a """"""""""""movie""""""""""" 7+hours long and the first time playing that game it didn't drag.

Both are good, but for different reasons.

Splinter Cell relies on light and darkness, making you invisible when standing in the middle of a corridor just because it's dark. MGS relies far too much on line of sight, and to balance that, enemies tend to be short-sighted.

Each took a different path to the top, but neither reached it. I'm still waiting for a game combining reasonable shadows and realistic line of sight.

>posting a scene that wasn't even in the game

I tought convition was a really good 24 hours game, and is kinda funny that to get the s ranks in TPP the best way is going conviction fast as possible since the thing that matters the most is time in that game, and the ai is retarted when you use decoys

fixed for you

Funny, I remember doing something similar in TPP.

>tactical hugging

>attack quickly from darkness so that the enemy doesn’t have time to react and warn anyone else
How is this not stealth?

probably, you can play MGS in any way you want

>is not believable
Because a bi-pedal tank capable to launch nukes from every corner on earth, is something believable and totally realistic, right?