Least Intelligent Comment of All Time Award

You have 10 seconds to post a video game related opinion worthy of this award.

Hard mode: It must be yours.

Dante must die mode: It must be yours and you must spend at least 2 hours per day arguing for it on Sup Forums.

love that pic bro

Morrowind was the high point of the series

Dark Souls 3 is the best SoulsBorne game

Easy mode.

Sup Forums is unfairly biased against Sony.

Bioshock Infinite is superior to both the previous bioshock games, and the systemshock ones.

Peoples don't like cash shops because they are too poor to afford what on it, if they had money they would see zero problems.

You actually win, but not because your ironic comment hit the mark. It's because your taste is bad enough for you to think Morrowind ISN'T the high-point of a mediocre series.

Fallout 4 is a good action game my a bad rpg.


Dude this thread is a joke. Why signal your switch like that and say what you would really do?

Why so serious? As my favorite character, the JOKER would say. It's my favorite character because he resembles me psychologically.

Learn to laugh. Learn to troll. Learn to play with your posts. This is Sup Forums bitch, it's not ducking rebbit.

Welcome to the madhouse. Nothing is what it seems around here.

i laughed

brawlhalla is better than super smash bros melee

Dark Souls 2 is the best game From Software has made and probably THE best game within the past 10 years

it is though

this is very true

>Botw is the best game of 2017 and only has minor flaws if any

Master rusemen are a diamond dozen.

Candy Crush is actually a great phone game to play on the go, or while taking a dump.

battlefront 2 (2017) was unfairly shit on

>we want the bloodborne audience

I have no horse in this race, I just picked the most divisive thing I could think of straight up.

fuck you you win

Oblivion is a good game.

it is

Oblivion is actually a really good game in hindsight.

Sonic 3D Blast (genesis) soundtrack is vastly superior to his saturn counterpart

Kingdom Hearts has an amazing and densely layered storyline that is packed with symbolism.

I paid for bright engrams in destiny 2 because I wanted the noodle dance

Persona 5 is THE best JRPG ever created in the history of video games

This is probably correct if you allow that symbolism doesn't have to be good and you are loose with the definition of "amazing"

Sports games like Madden and NBA 2k are so deeply layered with gameplay and mechanics that they're probably the most game rich experiences out there

Stop baiting, that is the actual intelligent opinion.

Tales of is the best jrpg series ever made.

In path of exile you have a stash that is shared between all your characters (in that league). I really fucking hate it. When I start a new character I want a blank page, not being able to get gear and currency from other chars.

>you can just not use it
When you have multiple characters it's hard to remember who had what and using different tab per char is annoying and wasteful.

I think an option not to share between characters would really improve the game.

Don't think this opinion is dumb but other players reacted really surprised to it.

>it isn't


There is nothing wrong with lootboxes in batllefront
Now, give me that award of yours

The only reason Bioshock Infinite gets so much shit is because of the hyperbolic media using it to fellate themselves and a few plot contrivances that would be excused in any other game.

>Having autism.
When I start a new game in MGS5, I don't want the same online profile from my last game. I had to go onto an alternate account just for a fresh start. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.

Gothic 2 is the best game ever made.

Bloodborne is good.

This. +1, friend request sent etc. It is so fucking bad, the only ones I know that likes this are also male feminists, wish I was kidding.

how is this least intelligent

Because Dark Souls 2 is the high point of the series.

I hate this meme.

nu gow is gunna suk cuz no bobbies lol

JRPGs are the best genre to come out of video games.

Peter Molyneux is a golden God and we were not worthy of his gifts.

I am serious and I would fight people in the streets telling me otherwise!

Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas

Korean MMOs will save the genre

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine is mediocre at best.

Anything involving entitled gamers. How dare we expect quality!

Post your fucking whirring the nintendo faggot into your ass or whatever the fuck that newfag reddit shit is. Then talk about how sony has the best exclusives while everyone else laughs at you.

Your opinions are all very valid and each individual piece of those opinions deserve their own threads using a stock photo of the cover of the game

Fallout 4 is better

But Bloodborne is the best

I despise the "Switch is a console/handheld hybrid" meme and hope that Nintendo is working on a proper handheld that has dual-screens.

> Least Intelligent Comment of All Time Award
You win!

breath of the wild is a good game

I guess you win

Mass effect andromeda isnt bad.I actually enjoy it more than the original trilogy.

Hitman: Absolution is underrated.

except it is

Video games are fun.

>in hindsight
you should play it again mate.

>high point of the series
if by high you mean they most have been high while designing this shit, sure.

It just is.

No one is pushing a political agenda in your video games.

The Persona Series is overrated and the same shit regurgitated for weeb fags.

SMT was way better, at least then it had entertaining edge not like now.


considering how the discussion about it is almost always negative, that's not hard to accomplish

Sup Forums was right about everything

If you think your opinion isn't an intelligent or even worthy one, why would you have that opinion in the first place?

'unpopular opinion' thread makes more sense.

I agree. That's why I posted

Reddit is actually a good place

OP asked for least intelligent comment you mong

TF2 is pinacle of videogames.

PUBG and Dark Souls are the most innovative and important video games in modern history

>dark souls

Dwarf fortress has incredibly deep gameplay.

Swimming being useless in Deus Ex means that the game fails at offering build variety.

the way PUBG utilize the battle royale formula and create a huge multiplayer game with 100 players to become immersive and intense is astonishing. The genius they did with crate drops and eye coming in gives so much layer to the game of staying behind or pressing forward with multiple threats of other players, getting bombed or even getting behind the the eye.

Not even the best in its own series.

Soul memory is an mostly irrelevant concept only autists get mad at. i understand that some thing dont work out as intended but listing it as a contra argument is cheap and childish

RNG in games is good

unironically this

Mobas require skill

>dark souls

I never played Dark Souls and I think nevertheless that it's a shit game.


GTA 3 is a better game than VC

I think so unironically

Cosmetics aren't content.

Loot boxes should be included in all games as it really serves as a point of pride to gamble and win all those excellent pieces of loot!

Whew, I think that might actually win.

Starcraft is a shitty RTS. Max Payne 3 has better gunplay than 2.

I don't like the dpad on this controller

Mafia is better than 3 and VC.